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作者:金霞 编


  The camel made up her mind to become a ballet dancer. "To make every movement beautiful," said the camel, "is my one and only desire." Again and again she practiced her dancing. She repeated the five basic positions a hundred times each day. She worked for months under the hot desert sun. Her feet bled, and her body ached, but not once did she think of stopping.  At last the camel said, "Now I am a dancer." She invited a group of her camel friends over to her home and danced before them. When her dance was over, she made a deep bow. But, there was no applause.  "I must tell you frankly," said a member of the audience, "your dancing is terrible. You are, like the rest of us, simply a camel. You are not, and never will be, a ballet dancer!" The audience left, laughing all the way out.  "How very wrong they are!" said the camel. "I have worked hard. There can be no doubt that I am an excellent dancer. I will dance and dance only for myself." That is what she did, and it gave her many years or pleasure.  ……


Unit 1  Click Here for Language Learning  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Greetings and Farewells  Conversation Activity: Interview Bingo  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 2  Chilling Out with the Folks  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Introductions and Responses  Conversation Activity: Identity Cards  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 3  Give and Sacrifice  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Showing Gratitude and Making Apologies  Conversation Activity: Don't Hesitate to Say Sorry and Thanks  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 4  Making a Good Impression  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Regret and Sympathy  Situational Conversations: Facing Up  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 5  The Battle Against AIDS  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Offering Help and Expressing Good Wishes  Conversation Activity: Pass Love On  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 6  Consider Collar Colors Carefully!  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Congralulations and Invitations  Conversation Activity: Was to Go  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 7  Guns for Trouble?  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Intentions and Willingness  Conversation Activity: Are You Willing?  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 8  Rack Your Brain for Creativity  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Asking for Opinions and Responses  Conversation Activity: Make Our University a Better Place  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 9  School Days  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Making Decisions: Duties and Responsibilities  Situational Conversations: What to Do?  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkUnit 10  Stand Up for Honesty  Warming Up  Listening  Speaking  Useful Expressions: Asking Permission: Showing Agreement or Disagreement  Conversation Activity: Rules in the Room  Listening and Speaking  HomeworkAppendix  《新视野大学英语》在线教学系统使用指南


  《新视野大学英语1:听说教程(第2版)》教材编写充分考虑教学过程,注重教学内容、教学模式、教学方法及教学手段的创新,遵循分类指导和因材施教的原则,倡导课堂教学与自主学习相结合,提高语言能力,培养学习策略。  系列教材包含1-4级,每级有《读写教程》、《听说教程》、《泛读教程》、《快速阅读》和《综合训练》。各教程自成一体,又相互联系,在巩固和强化专项能力的同时提高学生的语言综合应用能力。  教材内容以主题为线索,涉及文化交流、道德情感、信息技术、科学教育、社会焦点等各个方面,选材注重信息性、趣味性、时代感和文化内涵,有助于开拓视野,培养人文素质和文化意识。  教材针对不同技能的培养需要设计了各类训练活动,充分体现输入与输出的有机结合以及从语言知识到交际能力的转化。活动形式多样,目标明确,鼓励学生积极思考和充分参与。  同步提供课本、光盘与网络课程,丰富和拓展教学内容,创造多元、立体、便捷的语言学习环境。帮助学生巩固知识,提高能力。同时为教师提供多种教学资源,支持教师的教学与科研工作。







精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     很不错很不错很不错很不错
  •     大一
  •     基本没怎么学
  •     打酱油╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
  •     英语课,我学得最不认真

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