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插图:Marco Polo was a merchant who had traveled east to China. After seeing the greatwealth of China, Marco Polo returned to Europe and wrote about the wonders he hadseen. Some Europeans did not believe Polo's amazing stories. Others, however, wereeager to visit Asia and get some wealth for themselves.Christopher Columbus read and believed Marco Polo's story and devised a plan to sailto Asia. He wanted to visit the lands of China. Columbus thought that if he sailed westfrom Europe he would eventually come to Asia. Columbus landed on the island of SanSalvador on October 12, 1492. Because Columbus thought he had reached India, a part ofAsia, he referred to the people on the island as Indians. Even though Columbus wasthousands of miles away from India, the name he gave to the Native Americans remains tothis day, and the islands he reached are now called the West Indies.Columbus visited several islands in the West Indies as he continued his search forgold. On this first journey, Columbus never actually landed on the coast of North orSouth America. Columbus made three more journeys to America. On each one he showedhis superior talents as a navigator.Columbus was a great man because he showed others the way to do something thatwas supposedly impossible——sail across the unknown ocean. Soon after Columbus earlyvoyages, other men sailed west. Columbus led the way for the settlement of the NewWorld, part of which was to become the United States of America.After news of Columbus discovery spread, other sea captains lost their fear ofsaiing across the Atlantic Ocean. They were eager to make their own discoveries. Onesuch explorer, an Italian named Amerigo Vespucci, claimed that he had crossed theAtlantic Ocean four times between 1497 and 1500. He wrote a letter saying, "I havefound a new world. "Although Columbus really found the New World before Vespucci, Vespucci was thefirst person to call it the "New World. " In 1507, a German mapmaker did not know whatname to give the New World. After reading Vespucci's letters, the mapmaker decided toname the New World "America" in honor of the man he thought had discovered it——Amerigo Vespucci.




Unit 1 The Age of Exploration/1  Text A Early Exploration and Settlements/2  Text B Columbus's Discovery of America/3  Text C Spanish Discovery of the New World/7  Text D The Legacy of the Puritans/9  Text E The Thanksgiging Story/10Unit 2 The Colonial America/14  Text A The Original 13 Colonies/15  Text B Colonial Life of the Early Settlers/21  Text C Slavery in Colonial America/23Unit 3 The Road to Independence/27  Text A The War of Independence/28  Text B The American Revolution/33  Text C Causes of the American Revolution/34Unit 4 The Young Republic/39  Text A The Creation of a National Government/40  Text B Benjamin Franklin/45  Text C The Essence of the Constitution/47Unit 5 The Westward Movement/52  Text A The Frontier of the American West/53  Text B The Donner Party/59  Text C Louisiana Purchase/60Unit 6 The Civil War/64  Text A Causes of the Civil War/65  Text B The Gettysburg Address/70  Text C Eye Witness Accounts of the Assassination/71  Text D Cost of the War/72Unit 7 Reconstruction (1865 1877)/77  Text A Reconstruction after the Civil War/78  Text B Education after the Civil War/83  TextC TheKuKluxKlan/83  Text D A Shattered Fairy Tale/84Unit 8 The Gilded Age (1877——1917)/88  Text A The Gilded Age/89  Text B Industrialization/94  Text C The Gilded Age Society/95Unit 9 America in World War Ⅰ (1914——1918)/100  Text A TheU. S.A. and World War Ⅰ/101  Text B Wilson's Declaration of Neutrality/108  Text C U.S. Entry into World War Ⅰ/109Unit 10 The Roaring Twenties/113  Text A The Roaring Twenties/114  Text B Formation of Modern American Mass Culture/118  Text C The Lost Generation/120Unit 11 The Great Depression/125  Text A The Great Depression in America/126  Text B The Great Depression/131  Text C Iowa in the 1920s and the 1930s/132  Text D Franklin D. Roosevelt/134Unit 12 America in World War Ⅱ/136  Text A World War Ⅱ/137  Text B The Origins of World War Ⅱ/142  Text C War in Europe/145  Text D War in the Pacific/145  Text E American Domestic Situation During World War Ⅱ/146Unit 13 Postwar American Society/151  Text A American Society in the 1950s/152  Text B The Postwar Economy:1945——1960/157  Text C Desegregation/159Unit 14 America in Transition/164  Text A America in the 1960s/166  Text B America in the 1970s/167  Text C The Cuban Missile Crisis/171  Text D The Space Race/173Unit 15 Toward a New Century/177  Text A America Entering a New Century/178  Text B U.S.-Soviet Relations/182  Text C The Gulf War/183  Text D No Ordinary Day/184Appendixes  Appendix 1 States, Their Entry into Union & Their Settlement/190  Appendix 2 Presidents & Vice Presidents of the U.S./192  Appendix 3 U.S. History Timeline/195  Appendix 4 Keys to the Exercises/208重点参考书目和网站/216







精彩短评 (总计35条)

  •     这是一本好书,非常有用
  •     大一上学期上来就学这个真实难倒我们一票人……天天怨声载道的……
  •     本书适合英语专业学生,或者词汇量达到大学英语六级以上的其他学习者。对了解美国历史和文化很有帮助。
  •     书本质量没的说,很好,我们教材需要。发货很快,物流也很快。但是对于购物过程不满意,显示的是满29包邮,但当我点击两本书,超过29还是显示10.1元配送费,算了,就买了一本。不理解,希望加强网站管理。
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  •     书的内容难易适当,不是很难
  •     是我们需要的,很不错
  •     上课教材,老师推荐。
  •     一般般,没有想象的那么好。
  •     外教上课用的教材,挺不错的!
  •     不错 又能学习又有联系
  •     书本质量挺好,内容和习题都不错,对于学习美国历史有帮助
  •     很全面,但太教材化了
  •     内容有意思,不像普通课本枯燥~
  •     内容和体例都编排得不错,语言生动有趣。
  •     这套北大编的英语学习教材很适合加强英语水准
  •     文章难度不大

  •     第一次买的时候寄来有破损,但是给换了,换了之后不错
  •     但是每一单元的内容有点偏少
  •     封面很漂亮。内容勉强,算是个基本了解吧。
  •     内容很好,考研复习用的
  •     厦大英专的教材
  •     读起来很轻松,比一般此类教材有趣,老师推荐的
  •     after five years i've finally finished reading it.
  •     人家好歹235年的历史,书比一册高中历史的一半还薄,这梗概也太惊人了吧...美国老师普遍反映——terrible.
  •     ……
  •     书是正版的,很喜欢,卖家发货速度快
  •     是去蹭一位外教的课时去买的。外教推荐的书,总不会是错的吧。呵呵O(∩_∩)O~感觉还挺好的,就是贵了点。。。教材都是这样的,唉!
  •     简单的入门书,不过编辑的很泛泛,没有主线。
  •     还行。。已经上了很久了,,
  •     我买来当课外阅读,希望能够坚持
  •     非常好的一套教材

  •     一口气买了4本,内容不错
  •     纸张,内容都不错,题目有些多
  •     很不错,是我想要的书,难易适中的阅读材料。

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