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  Go to business events conferences,training days,exhibitions and any eventwhere business people are gathered.You won’t build a lasting network.from youroffice desk.A trade exhibitions web site is a good events listing source。  Be prepared when you go out to meet new people.Have your diary’businesscards and literature with you and know what questions you want to ask.Start byasking them what their business is but also remember to listen.It’s only whensomeone else is talking that you find out anything new.Ask for their business cardand then offer your card.  Be a resource for referrals yourself.Be armed with contacts and useful infor.marion to give to others.That will encourage a two.way flow.  Follow up quickly on new contacts either to give them the information or to ar.range to meet.  One goal of networking is to get referrals,so don’t be afraid to ask“Whoelse should I be talking to?”  Regularly stay in contact with your network partners and re.establish contact.with old relationships.A phone call will help to keep relationships going and in.elude them on your newsletter mailing.  Establish yourself as an expert your field,perhaps by writing articIes or bybeing available to talk to journalists.If you and your business are in the news,people will want to talk to you.


  我国加入世界贸易组织之后,国民经济的全球化、市场化进程进一步加快,对外商务往来也日趋频繁。经济的发展和社会的变革对高职高专教育经济类专业的英语教学提出了与时俱进、更加注重培养实际应用能力的要求。  为了更好地培养高职高专教育经济类学生在涉外商务活动中的业务沟通能力,使其熟练、准确地掌握涉外业务中的交际技能与业务知识,我们从高职高专教学的特点与培养目标出发,在总结多年商务英语教学经验的基础上编写了此教材。  本教材具有如下特点:  1.时效性。本教材选材新颖,体现了时代特征,有助于了解涉外商务活动中的新理念、新术语、新方法和最新发展动态。  2.真实性。本教材选材真实,与日常涉外商务活动和贸易业务密切吻合。注重强化对学生在真实情景中运用英语和商务知识解决实际问题能力的培养。  3.实用性。本教材简明扼要,通俗易懂,特别注重对学生实用能力的培养。  4.以学生为中心。本教材围绕以学生为中心而精心设计。编者站在高职高专学生的视角上编写出来的训练模块以任务为中心,易学、易懂、易做,从而容易激发学生的学习热情。  本教材共分10个单元,参考学时为40-50学时,教师在实际使用过程中可根据实际情况对教材內容作适当调整。  本教材由李其松担任主编,参加编写的有张文莲、昊婉君、卢雪良、杜秀峰、麦淑华、陈丽华、伍时燕、梁惠妍和龙芸。湖南师范大学外语学院黄振定教授审阅了书稿,并提出了宝贵意见,在此表示衷心的感谢。  由于编者水平有限,书中难免有不当和疏漏之处,恳请广大读者批评指正。


Unit One Establishment of Business Relations  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Two Offer and Acceptance  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Three Agency and Claim  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Four Marketing  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Five Money and Banking  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Six Negotiation  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Seven lnsurance  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Eight Transport  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Nine Partnership and Cooperation  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended ActivitiesUnit Ten Stock Exchange  Pre-reading Task  Text  After-reading Tasks  Extended Activities参考文献








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