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  Topic Sentence  A topic sentence is a statement that tells what the paragraph is about. A topic sentencehas two major parts: a topic and its characterization, Look at this topic sentence: Brownsis a good drugstore. Browns (drugstore) here is the topic and good the characterization.We learn from this statement that the paragraph is about the drugstore and that the writeris to describe how good the drugstore is or explain why the drugstore is good.  A topic sehtence should be precise and specific; should contain something new anddifferent to. say about the topic;should be broad enough to include everything the writerneeds to discuss in more detail as he writes his paragraph; and should help the topicsentence to lead off the paragraph. Compare the two topic sentences: Rude eats a beefsteak with fingers and Rude eats like a barbarian in a comic strip. The first example states afact that is much too common an occurrence in our everyday life, and it leaves the writeralmost no space to further develop his paragraph. This can only serve as one detail of hiseating habits to be included in a paragraph. The second, however, suggests his tablemanners as a whole, a broader area for further description.  A good topic sentence, therefore, is a good guide to both the writer and the reader. Acarefully-selected topic sentence helps the writer check if he has gone off the track as hemoves along with his writing, and helps him select proper and related information tosupport his explanation. In the same way, a well-formulated topic sentence makes it easierfor the reader to predict what he can expect to read in the paragraph.  A topic sentence may be positioned in any place in a paragraph: at the beginning, inthe middle, at the end, or at both the beginning and the end. It can even be implied orsuggested not written out. Here are examples.


  《新编英语教程》第五、六册自初版以来将近八年。我们认为这两册教材的一个不足之处是:它们虽是同教程预备级和第一至四册的继续,但内容远远不如后者完备。后者每册由学生用书、练习册、和教师用书共三本组成一套,而第五、六册仅各有学生用书和练习参考答案共两本。有鉴于此,我们对第五、六册作了较大幅度的补充、修订,以期与预备级和第一至四册取得一致,其修订版也各由学生用书、练习册、和教师用书等三本组成一套。修订重点如下:  一、学生用书  1.少数课文作了删换。  2.课文Ⅰ、Ⅱ的注释和课文Ⅰ的篇章结构部分作了较大的补充。课文Ⅰ的文体分析部分作了一定的调整。  3.新增段落写作部分。  4.新增听说练习部分。针对不同题材的听力材料提问并要求讨论。  二、新增练习册,由下列各部分组成。  1.针对课文Ⅰ内容和语言的练习。有内容提问、句子释意、单句汉译英和写作等四种练习。  2.课文Ⅱ新增各种形式的练习。  3.新增课文Ⅲ,是全新的内容。由一篇形式各样的课文和配套练习组成。第五册课文Ⅲ选自百科全书和杂志,内容大多数结合课文Ⅰ、Ⅱ的题材。第六册采用经贸书信、商业函电、合同契约等材料。


Unit One    TEXT 1 Hit the Nail on the Head   TEXT 2 The Maker's Eye:Revising Your Own ManuscriptsUnet Two   TEXT 1 Beware the Dirty Seas   TEXT 2 An Ugly New Footprint in the SandUnet Three    TEXT 1 My Friend,Albert Einstein   TEXT 2 The MonsterUnet Four   TEXT 1 The Invisible Poor   TEXT 2 ...Meanwhile,Humans Eat Pet FoodUnet Five   TEXT 1 The Plug-in Drug:TV and the American Family,Part 1   TEXT 2 The Plug-in Drug:TV and the American Family,Part 2Unet Six    TEXT 1 Preparing for College   TEXT 2 Letter to a B StudentUnet Seven   TEXT 1 Grouping the Gifted:Pro   TEXT 2 Grouping the Gifted:ConUnet Eight   TEXT 1 Why Nothing Works   TEXT 2 The Plot Against PeopleUnet NineUnet Ten Unet ElevenUnet TwelveUnet ThirteenUnet FourteenUnet FifteenReferences







精彩短评 (总计9条)

  •     不错,是正品好像
  •     本书是英语专业课本,也是考英语专业研究生的备考教材,认真学习对考试有很大帮助.
  •     内容不错 科学没好好学
  •     这本书等了好久,现在终于买下了,值得收藏~
  •     大三上课本,考试前翻了一下,其他时间没怎么用心看,B
  •     高级英语三个学期就TM围绕这一本书搞搞搞。。。搞得来哪个单词在第几页都TM背得出了。。。居然TM考试还考这个。。无语了/////
  •     注解非常好
  •     经典英专教程 当年想考上外时看过
  •     质量不错,物流速度也很快

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