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  When you practice your speech, make it a dress rehearsal. If you pratice in front of a mirror or videotape your rehearsal, you can detemine if you have made the right clothing choices and evaluate yoioverall appearance. In addition to wearing your speech outfit, you need to practkwith your props. Use your audio or visual aids during practice. Thwill allow you to see any difficulties you may have with them befoyou stand in front of your audience. Decide where you are going Iplace your visual aids and write any notes to yourself about the proton your note cards. If possible, rehearse in the room in which you will be presentinespecially if you have a lot of equipment for your presentation. Famiiarity with your surroundings before the speech will help to redu~~some anxiety. Decide where your materials will be stored, how yowill get them onstage, and practice approaching the podium wityour equipment.Although you have written your speech, when you begin to rehearseyour material orally, you may hear areas of weakness. Determine if youneed to make any adjustments to your speech. When practicing your speech, begin with one section at a time.Focus on your introduction first, making your way through the bodyof the speech, and finally, focus on your conclusion. As you practiceeach section, you may find segments of the speech that need refine-ment or revision, or you may discover that your transitions are tooabrupt. Adjust your note cards by including any changes you wantto make and continue practicing until each section is satisfactory. Once you have mastered each section, practice the speech in itsentirety several times. You will find that each time your presentationis a little bit different. It will probably be different on the day of yourpresentation because your speech is a living, fluid entity.


Chapter 1 Your Role as a Public Speaker
Section 1.1 Public Speaking in Everyday Living
Section 1.2 The Basics of Oral Communication
Section 1.3 The Message Takes Center Stage
Chapter 2 Doing Your Best
Section 2.1 Welcome to the Crowd
Section 2.2 Identifying Your Fears
Section 2.3 Managing Stage Fright:Strategies That Work
Chapter 3 Listening Effectively to Speeches
Section 3.1 Listening--The Counterpart to Speaking
Section 3.2 The Trouble With Listening
Section 3.3 The Responsible Listener
Section 3.4 When You Are Asked to Evaluate Speeches
Chapter 4 Choosing a Topic:Focusing Your Speech
Section 4.1 Selecting a Topic
Section 4.2 Selecting a Purpose
Section 4.3 Developing a Thesis Statement
Chapter 5 Patterns of Organization
Section 5.1 Organizing an Informative Speech
Section 5.2 The Art of Persuasion
Section 5.3 Entertaining Speeches:Speaking at Special
Chapter 6 Gathering Information
Section 6.1 Research Your Topic
Section 6.2 Effective Research
Section 6.3 Conducting an Interview
Chapter 7 Composing Your Speech
Section 7.1 Creating a Custom-Made Outline
Section 7.2 Supporting Your Main Idea
Section 7.3 Adding Your Unique Style
Chapter 8 Dazzling Your Audience
Section 8.1 Introductions and Attention Grabbers
Section 8.2 Memorable Conclusions
Section 8.3 Road Signs: Transitions in the Speech
Chapter 9 Delivering Your Speech
Section 9.1 Projecting Your Voice
Section 9.2 Gestures, Movement, and Eye Contact
Section 9.3 Conveying a Professional Image
Section 9.4 Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 10 Using Visual Aids
Section 10.1 Visual Aids as Support
Section 10.2 Types of Visual Aids
Section 10.3 Incorporating Visual Aids in Your Speech







精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     给儿子买的,还没用上,希望有用。
  •     浪费钱的东西甩家里了
  •     英语演讲课的课本~
  •     太基础了...但我知道,以后和做pre这玩意儿要难解难分了...
  •     great for public speech

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