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作者:白靖宇 编


  There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statisticalmethods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records ofgovernmental units (state and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and agentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing theodds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, isrepresented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking ofcensuses —— all of which led to modern descriptive statistics. From the influence of the fathercame modern inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.  Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data.These data may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or gradelevel- variables that are characterized by an underlying continuum —— or the data mayrepresent qualitative variables, such as sex, college major, or personality type.Largemasses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reducing tocomprehensibly form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.  Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class ofproblems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class ofproblems characteristically involves attempts to make predictions using a sample ofobservations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine the proportion ofchildren in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have beenvaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendentwould know that it is unnecessary and inefficiency to question each child; the proportion forthe entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics ofa population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population.


  国家教育部颁布施行的《非英语专业硕士研究生英语教学大纲》(简称《教学大纲》)明确规定:硕士研究生英语学位课程考试“目前各地区可试行统考,在条件成熟时,再逐步做到全国统考”。为了更好地贯彻落实《教学大纲》精神,促进研究生英语教学水平的提高和确保硕士学位的质量,北京、陕西、江苏等省市已开始地区性的非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程统一考试,并收到良好效果。国务院学位委员会主办的《学位与研究生教育》杂志曾发表文章,探讨全国非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程统一考试问题。根据全国和地区性统考的实际需要,我们编写了这本《硕士研究生学位课程考试英语统测试题集》。  我们的宗旨是,根据《教学大纲》规定的各项指标要求,向研究生提供更多的语言材料,使他们在训练的过程中巩固英语知识和提高语言综合运用能力,以适应21世纪对高层次人才外语水平的要求。同时,我们期望,研究生经过考前模拟强化,熟悉和掌握英语学位课程考试的内容和形式,提高应试能力和考试成绩,顺利通过该学位课程的统一考试。  本书是严格按照国家教育部颁布的《非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲》和样题编写的。全书共有10套模拟题。每套试题包括听力理解。词汇。完形填空。阅读理解。英译汉。汉译英和写作6个部分。为了便于学习者理解和掌握,我们对全部模拟题进行了注解。书中附有国家教育部《非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲》。考试样题及答案注解,供参考。  本书由西安交通大学。西北工业大学。空军工程大学。西北大学和陕西师范大学等高校的研究生英语教师合作编写,参编者长期从事研究生英语教学和测试工作,积累了丰富的教学和测试经验。因此,本书测试题的难度和效度与全真试题基本一致,具有较高的可靠性和权威性。


非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大纲Simulated Test One 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Two 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Three 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Four 参考答案及注解 Simulated Test Five 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Six 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Seven 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Eight 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Nine 参考答案及注解Simulated Test Ten 参考答案及注解附录Ⅰ 非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试样题附录Ⅱ 听力理解原文









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