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  A woman came out of her house and saw three wise men with long white hair sitting in her front garden. She did not recognize any of them . Out of sympathy, she said,  "I did not think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat. "  "Is the man of the house at home?" They asked.  "No," the woman said, "he is out. "  "Then we can not come in, " they replied.  In the evening, when her husband came home, the woman told him exactly what had hap-pened.  "Go and tell them I am home and invite them in! " said her husband.  The woman went out and invited the man in.  "We do not go into a house together, " they replied.  "Why is that?" she wanted to know.  One of the old man explained, " His name is Wealth, " pointing to one of his friends, and thenpointing to the next one, said, "He is Success, and I am love." Then he added, " Now go in anddiscuss with your husband which one of you want in your home. "  The woman went in and told her husband what the old men had said. Her husband was ex-tremely happy. "How nice! " he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him comein and fill our home wealth! "  His wife disagreed. "My dear, why do not we invite Success?" While they were arguing,their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of house. She jumped in her own sugges-tion, "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love! "  "Let us take our daughter-in-law's advice, " said the husband to his wife. "Go out and inviteLove to be our guest."  The woman went out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come inand be our guest."  Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followedhim. Amazed, the wife asked Wealth and Success, "I only invited Love. Why are you coming intoo?"  The man replied together, "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us wouldhave stayed out. But since you invited Love, where he goes, we go with him. Wherever there islove, there is also wealth and success! "   ……


  《新编基础英语教程》是按照国家教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,吸取国内外同类高职高专英语教材长处,并结合高职英语教学特点编写而成。本书分上、下两册,每册8个单元,供三年制高职高专公共英语教学第一、第二两个学期教学使用,达到实用英语B级要求。  本书在题材内容的选择上注重思想性、趣味性和实用性。本书材料新频,内容贴近学生生活实际,力求满足学生思想成长的需要,反映时代特点。每个单元围绕一个主题,主题包括人文、科技、未来以及东西方文化、风俗等多个方面。力求使英语学习更有趣味性和具有一定的思想性。本书从大量的当代报刊、杂志以及优秀的教学资源上吸收了语言的精华,既保证了文章的可读性,又体现了教材的规范性。  参加本教材编写的作者全部来自教学一线:辽宁省交通高等专科学校,他们有着丰富的课堂教学经验,了解学生、了解高职英语教学规律。编写中从题材内容的选择到课后练习的设计上都能够较好地把握“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,突出语言技能的培养和训练。  本书不仅是多年来外语教学工作者教学经验的升华,更是集体智慧的结晶。相信该教材会成为近年来高职高专英语教材百花园中的一朵奇葩,在提倡创新思维的今天发挥出特有的作用。  本书在编写过程中自始至终得到了张保全教授的指导和大力支持,以及东北大学出版社任彦斌同志、英文编辑孙锋同志的具体指导,在此一并表示衷心的感谢。  由于编者水平有限,加之时间紧迫,难免有不妥和疏漏之处,恳请同行、专家指正。


 Unit 1 Starting College
  Conversation: Getting to Know Each Other
  Phonetics: Vowels and Consonants
  Reading: My First Days at College
  8 Keys to College Life
  Grammar: Parts of Speech and Members of Sentence
  Practical Writing :English Diary
 Unit 2 Get an Idea of Study
  Conversation: How to Get High Marks All the Time
  Phonetics: Vowels and Consonants
  Reading: Why Go to School
  What's the Use of Books
  Grammar: Tenses( I )
  Practical Writing: Notice
 Unit 3 Wealth, Success and Love
  Conversation: Talking about Having a Party
  Reading: Whatever You Need
  Wealth, Success or Love
  Grammar: Tenses( I )
  Practical Writing: Fax
 Unit 4 How Computers Chanqed Our Life
  Conversation: What's the Problem
  Reading: How Computers Changed Our Life
  A Giantlnternet
  Grammar: Passive Voice
  Practical Writing: Cards
 Unit 5 Story of Transportation
  Conversation:Talking about Traffic
  Reading:New Actions to Reduce Traffic Jams in Beijing
  From Camel to Jet Plane
  Grammar: Coherence of Subject and Predicate
  Practical Writing: Notes
 Unit 6 Disasters
  Conversation: Water Is Being Wasted This Way
  Reading: The Sand is Back
  After the Tsunami
  Grammar: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
  Practical Writing: A Business (Name) Card
 Unit 7 Action for Environment
  Conversation: A Discussion about a Lecture
  Reading:Kids for Forests
  Why Are Some Batteries Harmful to the Environment
  Grammar: Infinitive
  Practical Writing Resume
 Unit 8 Healthy Life
  Conversation: Whole Population Fitness Movement in China
  Reading: Life Is Beautiful
  Healthy Eating
  Grammar: Inversion
  Practical Writing: Sales advertisement
 Unit 1 Job Huntina
  Text: How to Apply for a Job
  Gramrar: Attributive Clause
  Read More: How to Behave at a Job Interview
  What Employers Look for?
  Practical Writing: Letter of Application
 Unit 2 Science Exploration
  Text: Tomorrow' s Power
  Grammar: Participles
  Read more: Talking Lasers
  China to Conduct Spacewalk in 2007
  Practical Writing: Letter of Complaint
 Unit 3 Growincl Older
  Text: Enjoy Your Fantastic Life
  Grammar: Tag Questions
  Read More,How to be Somebody
  You Are What You Think
  Practical Writing,Invitation Letters
 Unit 4 GeoaraDhv and Nature
  Text: Will Seas Keep Getting Saltier?
  Grammar: Noun Clause( I )
  Read more: How to Stay Safe During and After a Hurricane
  The Rocks
  Practical Writing: Memo
 Unit 5 China and World
  Text: China's “Peaceful Rise”
  GrammarNoun Clause ( I )
  Read More: US President and Chinese Chopsticks
  China and EU Forge Temporary Coke Deal
  Practical Writing: Reservations
 Unit 6 Wisdom For Beincl Riqht
  Tezt: The Qualities of Leadership
  GrammarThe Usage of “it” ( I )
  Read More: Nice Way to Say NO
  You Are What You Give
  Practical Writing: Letter of Apology
 Unit 7 Voyaaes of Discovery
  Text: 7 Lessons for Your Life and Business from Wimbledon
  GrammarThe Usage of “it” ( I )
  Read More: If Only You'd Listen to Your Own Intuition
  Voyages of Discovery
  Practical Writing: Letter of Thanks
 Unit 8 The soirit of Sports
  Text: “Dancing Beijing”: Story Behind 2008 Games Logo
  Grammar Subjunctive Mood
  Read More: Go For It!
  The Truly Great Soccer Player
  Practical Writing: Letter of Recommendation
  Practical English Test for Colleges
  Keys and Explanations








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