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  The number system with which we are most familiar is the base 10,or decimal system.Recent technological developments have created the need for other number systems.The electronic computer.for example,required the development of systems that were easily adapted to electronic processes.These number systems were the binary(base 2),octal(base 8),and hexadecimal(base16).The binary system is the primary language of the computer and the octal and hexadecimal systems are usually used for communication with the computer and for storage of information within the computer.Since computers can only process binary numbers or numbers coded in other svstems such as octal and hexadecimal,the decimal system must be converted to one of these other systems before it can be processed by the computer.When the computer finishes its operations on the informarion.the output is printed or displayed in number system other than decimal,and this too must be converted,this time back to the decimal system.  Digital electronics is a”logical”science.Logic,generally speaking,is the science of formal principles of reasoning.Digital logic is the science of reasoning with numbers;a special circuit called a gate can perform nearly all-digital functions.If the logic operation is too complex for one gate,it can almost always be implemented through the use of a combination of gates.These extended logic circuits are called combinational logic.  8.1.2 Logical Gates  1.AND Gate and NAND Gate  Two 0f the most basic logic functions are the AND and NAND functions.The difference between these functions is that they are complements.This means they are opposite in function·  The AND gate provides a function in digital logic which gives a high output when all of its inputs are high.Fig 8.1(a)shows the symbol used to represent an AND gate.In this case,there are two inputs,A and B,and one output C.Gates with as many as eight inputs age available.


  专业英语的教学目的是指导学生阅读与自己专业相关的英语书刊和文选,使学生能以英语为工具,获取与专业相关的信息,本书的教学对象是高等工业专科学校和高等职业院校应用电子技术专业的学生,也可作为其他电类专业学生的参考书。  本书自第1版(2003年)、第2版(2006年)出版以来,承蒙广大老师、学生等读者的厚爱,被许多学校选为电类专业英语的教材,共计印刷了15次之多。  在此期间,编者不断得到读者从不同角度提出的鼓励、希望和建议。随着集成电路、计算机技术等的迅速发展,电子技术产品在原理、性能及适用范围等很多方面都在不断地发生变化,编者在教学实践和科研工作中也有一些新的体会,为此我们在第2版的基础上对教材进行了修订,这次修订的内容主要有:  1.增加了关于英文简历写作、电子技术仿真等阅读资料,以便教师、学生可以根据学习能力和需要进行选用。  2.图文并茂,且尽可能选用美观真实的照片,并制作与教材配套的电子教案,电子教案中彩色的图片可以加深学生对实际的电气元件等的感性认识。  3.更新了内容。电子技术是发展迅速的领域,在编写第3版时,尽可能选用最新的电子技术内容,对第2版中有些已落后的内容进行更新。  4.涉及的知识面广,选用了很多介绍实际的电子技术应用的内容,使教材具有较好的可读性,不仅可供专业英语的学习,还可以了解到一些常用电子电气设备的工作原理。  5.配有有声读物,由发音纯正的英语系国家人士朗读教材中单元课文,更利于教师的教学和学生的自学,也使学生可以锻炼口语,增加学习趣味。  本书由南京金陵科技学院朱一纶编著,吴岱曦参加了资料的整理、文字录入及电子教案的制作工作,南京金陵科技学院的吴彪老师也帮助做了校对等工作。  限于编者的学识水平与实践经验,书中不足之处在所难免,恳请读者和同行们批评指正。  编者的电子邮箱:zhuyilun2002@yahoo.com.cn




Unit 1  A Brief Introduction of Electronic Technology
 1.1 Text
  1.1.1 History about Electronics
  1.1.2 Introduce to Some Coues
 1.2 Reading Materials
  1.2.1 an Advertisement
  1.2.2 Do You Know These Electronic Systems?
  1.2.3 Domestic Power Plugs & Sockets
  1.2.4 More Coues
 1.3 Knowledge about Tralation(翻译知识1——科技英语的特点)
 1.4 Exercises
 1.5 课文译文
  1.5.1 电子技术历史
  1.5.2 一些课程介绍
 1.6 阅读材料参考译文
  1.6.1 招生广告
  1.6.2 你了解这些电子系统吗
  1.6.3 民用电源插座和插头
  1.6.4 更多课程介绍
Unit 2 Electrical Components
 2.1 Text
  2.1.1 Resisto
  2.1.2 Capacito
  2.1.3 Inducto
 2.2 Reading Materials
  2.2.1 Nonlinear Resisto
  2.2.2 Traforme
  2.2.3 Various Low Voltage Apparatus
 2.3 Knowledge about Tralation(翻译知识2——单词)
 2.4 Exercises
 2.5 课文译文
  2.5.1 电阻器
Unit 3 Itruments
Unit 4 Electronic Components
Unit 5 Power Supplies
Unit 6 Linear Circuit Analysis
Unit 7 Integrated Circuit
Unit 8 Digital Logic Circuits
Unit 9 Microcompute
Unit 10 Programming the Computer
Unit 11 Television
Unit 12 Digital Camera
Unit 13 Internet-based Communication
Unit 14 Electrical Appliances
Unit 15 I/O Devices
Unit 16 Multimedia Technology
Unit 17 User’s Manual
Appendix A Reference Awe
Appendix B Technical Vocabulary Index







精彩短评 (总计17条)

  •     專業方面看來,十分實用,待我進一步學習之
  •     元件,仪器,系统,数字的,模拟的内容都包括还算可以。
  •     帮男朋友买的,很喜欢,对他帮助很大的!
  •     实用,好用,不贵,个人觉得很有用
  •     内容很好,很适合电子专业的学生!
  •     一冲动就买了,没毅力学英语啊
  •     还没有看完,不过非常好。
  •     书的性价比挺高
  •     书还好,速度很慢,等了15天,汗
  •     书比较简单,但实用。
  •     覆盖了基本用到的专业英语
  •     英语不能放
  •     这本书真的很不错 对于我们计算机专业的人来说是一本很好的基础书
  •     单词很少
  •     还行吧,会了就觉得简单。
  •     别人推荐买的,应该不错,先赞一个。
  •     觉得单词缺少音标。文章介绍的内容有些老了,若是讲些新的知识会更好。

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