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The state-run Shijiazhuang Paper Mill had come to the brink of bankruptcy in 1984 and planned to contract itself out to a capable per- son who could turn in 170,000 yuan in annual profits to the mill. At that time, China's reform gradually shifted its focus from the country- side to the cities and was taking place in all sectors, including industry, commerce, science and technology, and education.Earning 170,000 yuan in annual profits was by no means easy for a state-run mill in deficit. For some time, there was no response to the effort to recruit such an individual. The then sales director Ma Shengli finally stood up and said, "Isn't there anyone who dares to sign the 170,000 yuan contract? I do. Moreover, I will ensure 700,000 yuan in profits and double the pay of our workers in my first year of the contract. Should I fail to do so, I would have no complaints about any legal ramifications. "An annual turnover of 700,000 yuan to the state was an enormous figure. Some took it as a joke and most considered that Ma Shengli was simply bragging.After Ma eventually took on the contract with the Shijiazhuang Paper Mill, he erected a 1.5-meter-high board at the gate of the mill, inscribed with the words "Mill Manager Ma Shengli." Ma fulfilled his promise by earning 1.4 million yuan in profits in the first year of his contract. This created a media sensation in the early years of China's reform and opening-up. The Xinhua News Agency's report "Good Mill Manager Ma Shengli Always Bearing in Mind the Interests of the Coun- try and People" was carried in the major newspapers of the Communist Party of China.


Time really does fly—30 years have whizzed by since 1978. The few big events which occurred that long ago, namely the matriculation of the first group of university students after the restoration of the national college entrance examination, the great discussion on practice as the sole criterion for testing truth, the reversal of the verdict on the 1976 Tian'anmen Incident, the fixing of farm output quotas for each household at Xiaogang Village of Fengyang County, Anhui Province, and especially the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC's EIeventh Central Committee, all remain as fresh in my mind as if they had occurred only yesterday.This has been the most vibrant period of Chinese history, during which the Chinese people have gradually expanded their living space, development opportunities and all kinds of rights and benefits. Thanks to the country's opening and reform policies, we have eliminated poverty, begun living a relatively comfortable life and, after decades or even centuries of self-isolation, China has gradually re-merged into the world community.




Yuan Geng  At the Starting Point of the ReformCui Jian  The Idol of One GenerationWang Jiacong  A Teacher's 30 YearsGuan Geng  A Veteran Construction Engineer Who Helps Change BeijingJiang Ping  Shouting out for RightsZhang Yiqing  "Old Shanghainese "Gets Lost in PadongLi Huanying  "Crazy" about Lepers for the Rest of Her LifeKong Xiaoning  A Globetrotting Chinese JournalistKang Houming  From a "Migrant Worker" to an NPC DeputySonam Tenzin Qopei  Introducing Tibetan Culture to the InteriorLiang Congjie  I Have Seen a Green ChinaLi Ling  Once a Doctor, Always a DoctorWang Zhenghua  Dancing at the Intersection of Tourism and AviationSha Zhiming  A Life Devoted to the TeapotMa Shengli  From Successful Contracts to a Placid LifeTan Dun  Freely Travelling Between Eastern and Western MusicWang Jianwen  A Bus Rider's Six Moods over a 30-year PeriodWu Renbao  Finding a Village's Path to WealthWang Shuguang  Witnessing the Changes in ZhengzhouTan Chuanhua  Creating a Brand Name "Single-Handedly"Xie Changjin  "Life is Changing and Weddings are Changing"Yang Lan  Resuming Her Old Career as a PresenterWang Shengying  Teaching -- The Long March of a Disabled TeacherZhang Yimou  Since 1978Zhou Yucun  Reborn after the EarthquakeZhang Gnoxi  Turn Wood into GoldJia Guohua  Living Beside a Venue of the Olympic GamesLi Ning  From a Champion to a BillionaireLin Yonghao  Perseverance Has Brought What I Have TodayXu Yulin  From Metropolis to Border TownPostscript


《30年30人(英文版)》讲述了The ancients said: "Thirty years is one generation; predestined kings only succeed after thirty years through a benevolent reign." It is right to ex- pound the glorious course of China' s 30 years of reforms and opening-up. We believe that the best way to com- prehend a period of history is to pro- vide a record of the lives of various people in this period. To keep these memories alive, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the re- forms and opening-up, we have com- piled and published this book which truly and visually reflects the trans- formation of China' s society over the past 30 years.It is said that the profound changes to Chinese society resulting from China's economic development dur- ing the past 30 years have exceeded those throughout the previous several thousand years. This remark is very interesting. Maybe it is improper to oversimplify the differences between periods of history, but the experiences acquired and accomplishments made in our successful transformation from the socialist planned economic system to the market economic system are evidently unparalleled. In fact, it is a constituent part of history. So long as we continue to be blessed with a broad vision, an open mindset and the entre- preneurial sprit of the past 30 years, China will amaze the world by creat- ing even more miracles during the next 30 years. Despite hardships, we will remain true to our beliefs.


《30年30人(英文版)》作为迎接改革开放30周年的一个选题,将选取中国有代表性的30人,通过讲述他们在这30年中的生活经历,多角度展示30年中中国社会所发生的方方面面的变化。《30年30人(英文版)》是对重大题材的通俗化表现:(1)内容上,角度独特。通过人物真实的生活故事来重温历史,由30个人30年的生活轨迹折射出整个中国社会30年的发展轨迹,通过一个个细腻的个案汇总成整个中国社会30年生活的全貌。(2)形式上,纪实风格。《30年30人(英文版)》者将对人物进行深入采访,以新闻特写的风格成文,每篇文章皆以故事串接,这种记录方式真实、轻松、形象,在一定程度上更贴近人心。《30年30人(英文版)》的主题内容反映的是当代中国社会生活的变迁,以人物为主体的切入角度和以故事为主体的表现形式,客观上使《30年30人(英文版)》更贴近国外读者对中国的信息需求,以及他们的阅读习惯。本选题具体内容如下: 1、人物选择人物选择是该书的关键所在,在人物的选取上,我们主要着眼于人物所具有的这样几个特点:贴近性、代表性、故事性、丰富性、差异性。具体表现在:(1)立足于普通人。拉近与读者的距离,增强该书的可信度和亲和力。(2)不回避知名人士或成功人士。包括当年曾经活跃过但现在淡出公众视野的名人。这部分人物的选取着眼点在于他们的影响力大、故事性强。(3)生活轨迹有代表性。能够在一定程度上从个人经历折射出当时社会背景以及时代变化历程。(4)故事可读性强。人物经历各不相同,生活有独特亮点,个性鲜明,打动人心。(5)涵盖各行各业。其故事能够从侧面反映中国社会某个行业或领域的变化,包括物质领域和精神领域。(6)涵盖各个层面。他们不一定是成功的代表,但一定是变化和发展的代表。(7)年龄一般为45岁以上。在改革开放起步之时他们的思想已经成熟或正走向成熟,对30年的变化和发展有相当的感知和看法。 2、《30年30人(英文版)》结构全书以文字为主,每个人物配1-2张照片。《30年30人(英文版)》体例上不进行章节分类,人物按姓名音序排列。 3、文章结构文章以人物故事为依托,立足当时社会环境,挖掘人物命运的每一步变化,包括他们职业生活和个人生活中的点点滴滴,以此折射出改革开放后中国人和中国社会生活的变化。每篇文章3000字左右,主要包括四个方面内容:一是标题;二是照片;三是人物小档案(100字左右,包括人物过去的和现在的身份);四是正文。针对不同人物的不同经历和个性特点,每篇文章选取不同角度,形成不同的成文结构,但有两点是统一的:(1)体裁上为新闻特写风格,文字平实,字字言之有物,记述事实,《30年30人(英文版)》信息量大,立体地展现一个人物;(2)《30年30人(英文版)》在构成上形成情节感,通过真实的经历支撑文本,以故事串接,同时在必要之处简单、含蓄地点出当时社会背景,体现30年的历史时空感。






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