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There's a simple premise behind what Larry Myers does for a living:If you can smell it you can find it.Myers is the founder of Auburn University's Institute for Biological Detection Systems,the  main task of which is to chase the Ultimate in detection devices~an artiffcial nose.For now,the subject of their research is little more than a stack of gleaming chips tucked away in a laboratory drawer,but soon·such a tool could be hanging from the belts of police arsoll(纵火)investigators and food.safety inspectors.The technology that they are working on would suggest quite reasonably that,within three to tive years,we'11 have some workable sensors ready to use.Such devices might find wide use in places that attract terrorists.Police could detect drugs,bodies and bombs hidden in cars。while food mspectors could easily test food and water for contamination.The implications for revolutionary advances in public safety and the food industry are asto shing,but so,too are the possibilities for abuse:Such machines could determine whether a woman is ovulating(排卵)without a physical exam or even her knowledae.One of the traditional protectors of American liberty is that it has been impossible to search everyone.That's getting not to be the CaSe.Artificial biosensors created at Auburn work totally differently from anything ever seen be.Fore.Aroma-Scan,for example,is a desktop machine based on a bank of chips sensitive to she cifix chemicals that evaporate into the air.As air is sucked into the machine,chemicals Dass over the sensor surfaces and produce changes in the electrical current flowing through them.Those current changes are logged into a computer that sorts out odors based on their electrical signatures.Myers says they expect to load a single fingernail size chip with thousands of odor rerplors (感受器)·enough to create a sensor that's nearly as sensitive as dog's nose.86.Which of the following is within the capacity of the artificial nose being doveloped?A.Performing physical cxalninations.B.Locating places which attract terrorists.C.Detecting drugs and wetter contamination.D.Monitoring food processing.87.A potential probleln which might be caused by the use of an artificial nose isA.neghgence of public safety B.an abuse of personal freedomC.a hazard to physical healthD.a threat to individual privacv88.The word"logged"(Line 5.Para.7)most probably means"________".A·presetB.enteredC.processed D.simulated89.To produce artificial Hoses for practical use,it is essential________ .A.to develop microchips with thousands of odor receptorsB.to invent chips sensitive to various chemicalsC.to design a computer program to sort out smellsD.to find chemicals that can alter the electrical current passing through90.The author's attitude towai'ds Larry Myers'work is_________.A.cautiousB.approvingC.suspicious D.overenthusiastic


Dr.Luo Li.Of the Tibetan ethnic group,was born in1965.As a professor oflaw majoring in ethnic economics,she teachesat the College of Eco-noml OS Of the Central University for Nationalities.Her major academic con.ce rns are economic development inethnic regions,the regional economicdevelopment of Qinghai and Tibet,andtemple economics.Her works includeTibetSO YearsmEconomy(Ethnic Pub-lishing House,2001),Tibet Economy(Bashu Book Press,2003),On the Bud-dhist Temple Economy——as Wellas the Taoist Temple, Mosque and CatholicChurch Economies(Religion and CulturePublishing House,2004)and EconomicPatterns ofChina"s Buddhistand Taoist Temples(Central University for Nationali-ties Press,2006).


Chapter Ⅰ A Survey (1) Nature and Resources (2) Traditional Highland Economy   (3) Rise and Growth of Modem IndustriesChapter Ⅱ Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (1) Unique Highland Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (2) Rise and Development of Modem Industry (3) Agricultural Development Projects and Modem Livestock Farming Chapter Ⅲ Handicraft Industry and Modern Industry (1) Ethnic Handicraft Industry   (2) Modem IndustryChapter Ⅳ Transportation (1) Beginning of Modem Transportation (2) Qinghai-Tibet Railway——the World’s Highest and Longest Railway (3) Oil Pipelines——an Achievement of Science and TechnologyChapter Ⅴ Post and Telecommunications on the Highland (1) Introduction of New Services (2) Building of an Advanced Communications InfrastructureChapter Ⅵ Tourism Industry on the Highland (1) The Origin and Growth of the Industry (2) Resources and Forms   (3) Tourism" Promoting Development and Generating Wealth   (4) Tourism Industry and Scientific DevelopmentChapter VII Modern Trading and Markets (1) Development of Commodity Markets   (2) Border Trade  ChapterⅧ The Lives of Tibetans and Their Consumption of Goods and Services (1) Modern Elements in Traditional Modes of Consumption (2) From Subsistence to Development (3) Moving from a Traditional to a Modem LifestyleChapter Ⅸ Tibetan Economy in the New Century (1) Support from all over the Country (2) New Opportunities in the New Century (3) Protection of the Ecosystem and Sustainable Development TipsThe Negotiation Process during the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet The Democratic Revolution and the Establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region Four Conferences on Tibet The Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996-2000) The Tenth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) The Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010)


《从传统走向现代的西藏经济(英文版)》由外文出版社出版。Before Tibet'S peacefulliberation in 1 951,the region’S economic development was minimal,being overwhelmingly based on agriculture and animal husbandry.After 1 951.the recOnstruction Of the Tibetan economy was initiated.But until the democratic reform and socialist construction began in 13bet in 1959,there was no industry 0r any kind of a modern economic structure.However,during the past 30 years of reform and opening-up,the betan economy has been gradually transformed from a traditional to a mod.ern one.In this process,modern industry has burgeoned in Tibet,while traditional industry has been rejuvenated.This book gives a brief introduction to this develop.ment process。


《从传统走向现代的西藏经济(英文版)》主要内容:The GDP of l Ibet In 2007 stood at 34.21 9 billion yuan.nearly three times the 1 1.75 billion yuan in 2000.Compared with the region'S GDP in 1 959 f1 74 million yuan).it had increased by some 59 times if calculated at comparable prices,with an annual g rowth rate of 8.9 percent.





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