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作者:Laura Wright


Preface by Halliday王宗炎序导读TextsHow to use this bookAcknowledgementsPermissionsAbbreviations1  The Noun Phrase1.1 lntroduction:the structure of the noun phrase1.2 Premodification1.3 Postmodification1.4 Articles1.5 Pronouns denoting the first-person singular1.6 Pronouns:the first-person singular1.7 Pronouns:the second person(1)1.8 Pronouns:the second person(2)2  The Verb Phrase2.1 Introduction:the structure of the verb phrase2.2 Narrative time,story time and tense……3  The Clause4  Text Structure5  Vocabulary


Using a wide range of twentieth-century literary prose, Laura Wright and Jonathan Hope provide an 'interactive' introduction to the techniques of stylistic analysis. Divided up into five sections; the noun phrase, the verb phrase, the clause, text structu.
Presumes no prior linguistic knowledge.
Provides a comprehensive glossary of terms
Adaptable:designed to be used in a variety of classroom contexts.
Introduces students to an enormous range of twentieth-century literature.
A practical coursebook rather than a survey account of stylistics as a discipline,the book provides over forty opportunities for hands-on stylistic analysis,For each linguistic feature under discussion the reader is offered a definition,a text for analysis,exercises and tasks,in addition to a suggested solution.


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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     |words i scribbled while reading|just for my future reference○前置定语强调点是adj.;后置定语强调n.○“the”有讽刺意味,把读者本来不知道的伪装成知道,从而表现刻板印象○one(之类)的使用显得更谦恭(但在小说里已经有一个character当挡箭牌时就不必要)○we可以把一部分人划出自己的群体,以示不同○you消除距离(总称时);又可以保持距离(描写心理时)○用现在时写过去事,拉近距离○pl.n.+be是我们熟知的aphoristic form(警句形式);长的成分是new info(new information comes in long structures)○主谓之外的部分长,目的是营造dense、difficult-to-follow的氛围,upset our expectations,从而吊胃口或者与主题相适○adverbial放在不寻常的位置时,是为了shift readers' focus

精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     终于看完了= = 开始写论文…… 不过谁能告诉我文体学到底是个什么
  •     读了文体学才发现文学原来也是科学|| 每节间有很多重复让我联想到电视剧开头一分钟重放╮(╯_╰)╭

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