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  Poynton 1985 outlines important realisation principles for both powerand solidarity, principles which unfortunately to date have not beenproperly explored. For power, she considers reciprocity of choice to be thecritical variable. Thus social subjects of equal status construe equality byhaving access to and taking up the same kinds of choices, whereas subjectsof unequal status take up choices of different kinds. Terms of address areone obvious exemplar in this area. It is easy to imagine an English-speaking academic addressing an Asian student by their first name, andthey in turn addressing the academic as Professor, just as it is easy to imagecolleagues addressing one another by their first names (as Peter and Jim).But for an Asian student to address their Professor as Jim would come as asurprise, whatever the expressed naming preferences of the academic inquestion. Ethnicity, generation and the student-teacher relationship allfacilitate non-reciprocal address. From this example we can see that it isnot just a question of reciprocity, but also of the different kinds of choicesthat might be available for interlocutors in dominant and deferential posi-tions. As far as appraisal is concerned, this principle affects who canexpress feelings and who cant, what kinds of feelings are expressed, howstrongly they are expressed, and how directly they are sourced. For solidarity Poynton suggests the realisation principles of prolifera-tion and contraction. Proliferation refers to the idea that the closeryou are to someone the more meanings you have available to exchange.One way of thinking about this is to imagine the process of getting toknow someone and what you can talk about when you dont knowthem (very few things) and what you can talk about when you knowthem very well (almost anything). In appraisal terms this might involveappreciation of the weather to begin, judgements of politicians, sportingheroes and media personalities as the relationship develops, moving onto emotional reactions to family, friends and lovers as intimacy develops.Social subjects differ about how much proliferation is appropriate when.Sitting with a group of British and Australian colleagues at a seafoodrestaurant in Seattle, Peter and Jim were once surprised to have theirwaiter sit down and describe his reactions to various items on the menuwithout being asked for his opinion about a specific item. His attempt toconstrue good friendly service was read as intrusive by the outsiders,and allowances had to be made on the part of the visiting social semi-oticians for cultural differences (happily furnished as they were with yetanother travel story from America which they would use to bond withfamily, friends and colleagues back home).


  The impetus for this book grew out of work on narrative genres,principally undertaken by Guenter Plum and Joan Rothery at theUniversity of Sydney through the 1980s. Their point was that interper-sonal meaning was critical both to the point of these genres


  本书由James R.Martin和Peter R.R.White师生合著。Martin 1950年出生在加拿大新不伦瑞克省圣斯蒂芬市,1968年考取多伦多的约克大学格伦顿学院。他从英语系主任Michael Gregory那里第一次接受了Halliday的语言学思想,同时,又从Henry Allen Gleason,的学生Waldemar Gutwinski那里接受了关于语篇结构的理论。大学毕业以后,他到多伦多大学师从Gleason进一步学习语篇分析。1975年,他获得硕士学位后,前往英国艾塞克斯跟随Halliday攻读博士学位。这期间他有一年半时间在加拿大跟Gleason做研究,然后随.Halliday到悉尼,在那里完成了学业。此后,他一直在悉尼大学语言学系任教。2000年晋升教授,并当选澳大利亚人文科学院院士。2003年因为在语言学和哲学领域的贡献荣获澳大利亚联邦建国百年特殊贡献奖。  White 1956年出生,曾在澳大利亚的报纸和电台担任过记者、编辑,并在澳大利亚特别节目广播事业局(SpeciM Broadcasting Service,SBS)担任过培训新闻工作者的教官。1998年他以论文((讲述媒体故事——作为修辞的新闻故事》(’Telling media tales:the news story as rhetoric)在悉尼大学获博士学位。此后,他在英国伯明翰大学讲授了7年语言学和英语课程,现在澳大利亚阿德莱德大学语言学系担任讲师。  两人的学术背景决定了他们的学术兴趣。他们对系统功能语法和语篇分析都有精辟、独到的研究,因此特别关注如何把这两者进行有机的结合。Martin从1979年开始在悉尼大学讲授自己对这个问题的认识,把这门课称为“语篇语义学”(discourse semantics)。1992年他把这门课程的讲稿整理出版,定名为《英语篇章——系统与结构》(English Text?System and跏ucture)。


List of FiguresList of TablesAcknowledgementsPreface1  Introduction 1.1  Modelling appraisal resources  1.2  Appraisal in a functional model of language 1.3  Situating appraisal in SFL 1.4  Appraisal-an overview 1.5  Appraisal and other traditions of evaluative language analysis   1.6  Outline of this book2  Attitude: Ways of Feeling   2.1  Kinds of feeling   2.2 Affect   2.3 Judgement   2.4  Appreciation   2.5  Borders   2.6  Indirect realisations   2.7  Beyond attitude   2.8  Analysing attitude3  Engagement and Graduation: Alignment, Solidarity and the Construed Reader   3.1  Introduction: a dialogic perspective   3.2  Value position, alignment and the putative reader   3.3  The resources of intersubjective stance: an overview of engagement   3.4  Engagement and the dialogistic status of bare assertions   3.5  Heteroglossia: dialogic contraction and expansion   3.6  Entertain: the dialogistic expansiveness of modality and evidentiality  3.7  Dialogistic expansion through the externalised proposition-attribution  3.8  The resources of dialogic contraction -overview: disclaim and proclaim  3.9   Disclaim: deny (negation)  3.10  Disclaim: counter  3.11  Proclaim: concur, pronounce and endorse  3.12  Proclaim: concur  3.13  Proclaim: endorsement  3.14  Proclaim: pronounce  3.15  Engagement, intertextuality and the grammar of reported speech  3.16  Graduation: an overview  3.17  Graduation: focus  3.18  Graduation: force - intensification and quantification  3.19  Force: intensification  3.20  Force: quantification  3.21  Force (intensification and quantification),attitude and writer-reader relationships  3.22  Analysing intersubjective positioning4  Evaluative Key: Taking a Stance  4.1   Introduction  4.2   Evaluative key in journalistic discourse-the 'voices' of news, analysis and commentary  4.3   Evaluative key and the discourses of secondary-school history  4.4   Stance  4.5   Signature  4.6   Evaluation and reaction  4.7   Coda ...5  Enacting Appraisal: Text Analysis  5.1   Appraising discourse  5.2   War or Peace: a rhetoric of grief and hatred  5.3   Mourning: an unfortunate case of keystone cops  5.4   EnvoiReferencesIndex






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  •     这本书很不错,学习和研究评价理论的朋友可以受益匪浅,但是建议读该书之前,要先阅读Martin的另外一本巨著《英语语篇——结构和系统》。
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  •     老板要求必读滴。。。
  •     毕业论文痛苦至极的罪魁祸首,终于毕业了,再见语言学。
  •     四天内收到书,速度还可以,书嘛还基本满意,不过纸张不大好,字有点小。基本还可以。还有一点,本书24.7,最后收我25块,虽然就三毛钱,不过要是每人都多收几毛,那还得了?
  •     马丁的理论算是对系统功能语法的最新发展,只是框架较复杂,互相的界限不是很清楚
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  •     是比较系统的,当然,整个评价系统是很新的,看你有没有兴趣了
  •     别的没什么,就是感觉书来得很快,快递很有效率!至于书中的理论还是挺新的!

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