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作者:【美】亨德里克·威廉·房龙(Hendrik Van Loon)


版权页:插图:Then came the glaciers and the many centuries of cold weather,and life on this planet became SO difficult that man was obliged to think three times as hard as ever before if he wished to survive.Since.however,that‘'wish to survive”was(and is)the mainspring which keeps every living being going full tilt to the last gasp of its breath,the brain of glacial man was set to work in all earnestness.Not only did these hardy people manage to exist through the long cold spells which killed many ferocious animals,but when the earth became warm and comfortable once more,prehiistoric man had learned a number of things which gave him such great advantages over his less intelligent neighbors that the danger of extinction fa very serious one during the first half million years of man’S residence upon this planet)became a very remote one.I told you how these earliest ancestors of ours were slowly plodding along when suddenly(and for reasons that are not well understood)the people who lived in the valley of the Nile rushed ahead and almost overnight.created the first centre of civilisation.Then I showed you Mesopotamia,“the land between the rivers。”which was the second great school ofthe human race.And I made you a map ofthe little island bridges of the Aegean Sea,which carried the knowledge and the science of the old east to the young west。where lived the Greeks.Next I told you of an Indo.European tribe,called the Hellenes.who thousands ofyears before had left the heart ofAsia and who had in the eleventh century before our era pushed their way into the rocky peninsula of Greece and who,since then,have been known to US as the Greeks.And I told you the story of the little Greek cities that were really states,where the civilisation of old Egypt and Asia was transfigured(that is a big word,but you can“figure out”what it means)into something quite new,something that was much nobler and freer than anything that had gone before.




1 人类舞台的形成
2 我们最早的祖先
3 史前人
4 象形文字
5 尼罗河流域
6 埃及的故事
7 .美索不达米亚
8 苏美尔人
9 摩西
10 腓尼基人
11 印欧人
12 爱琴海
13 希腊人
14 古希腊的城市
15 古希腊人的自治
16 古希腊人的生活
17 古希腊的戏剧
18 波斯人发动的历次战争
19 雅典与斯巴达之争
20 亚历山大大帝
21 梗概
22 罗马和迦太基
23 罗马帝国的兴起
24 罗马帝国
25 拿撒勒人约书亚
26 罗马帝国的倾覆
27 教会的兴起
28 穆罕默德
29 查理曼大帝
30 北欧人
31 封建制度
32 骑士制度
33 教皇与皇帝争权
34 十字军
35 中世纪的城市
36 中世纪的自治
37 中世纪的世界
38 中世纪的贸易
39 文艺复兴
40 表现的时代
41 伟大的发现
42 佛陀和孔夫子
43 宗教改革
44 宗教战争
45 英国革命
46 势力均衡
47 俄国的兴起
48 俄国与瑞典之战
49 普鲁士的兴起
50 重商主义
51 美国革命
52 法国革命
53 拿破仑
54 神圣同盟
55 强大的反动力
56 民族独立
57 机器时代
58 社会革命
59 奴隶解放
60 科学的时代
61 艺术
62 殖民地扩张与战争
63 一个新的世界
64 永远如此
· · · · · ·




一般人都是识得房龙先生的大名的,也都想看看他的代表作品,然而当他们看见那些厚厚的著作时,则不免有些为难。如果这种情况你正面临的话,你很幸运,因为你遇见了本书。本书的可读性、不偏专,有共性,能体现房龙写作特色为标准。 本书是房龙的成名作。它从人类的起源到每一个历史时期都有精辟凝练的论述,以深厚的人文关照和俏皮睿智的文笔,展示了人类历史的浩荡长卷。正如房龙他自己说的:“我写此书只有一条原则,哪个国家或个人产生了一种新思想,或完成了一项创新,没有了这些,整个人类的历史就会不同?这不是个人嗜好的问题,这是一个冷静得近似数学的判断问题”。





精彩短评 (总计2条)

  •     这一系列关于房龙的书,都是经典。印刷质量也不错
  •     the history of mankind consists of historical events, historic figures and historians and is always a mixture of subjectivity and objectiviy

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