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Li guishan,prefessor of English ,studied English and North American CUlture atMcill University Canada in the 1970s,Mr li won the Canadian Federal Enrichment Research Program in 1990,traveled to Canada several times ,and completed the book Understanding Canadian Culture in 1996.陈钰,四川大学心理学硕士,成都交大经济管理学院EMBA,曾任成都市知名幼稚园园长,成都市知名儿童英语学校校长,成都知名亲子园创始人,现任成都市童童童教育咨询公司总经理,童童童亲子园园长。从事婴、幼儿早期智力开发研究达16年。将美国杜曼博士的婴幼儿潜能开发教育法、爱尔丝博士的感觉统合教育法、日本七田真博士的右脑照相记忆法、意大利蒙特梭利博士的蒙氏教学法等世界上最先进的教育模式有机结合,并加以本土化,独创了适合中国孩子智商与情商全面开发的左右脑开发法、成功儿童孵化课程等教学模式。属全国首创。数年的教学实践,已经让许多孩子受益,得到了家长的一致好评。被誉为优秀的年轻早期教育专家!


Building Khotan Kingdom
The Treasure-granting Statue
A Beggar Turned into a Rich Man
Ananda Begged for Milk
Water-moon Avalokitesvara
King Bimbisara Prayed for a Son and
Incurred III Will
16 Self-contemplations
A Fight Between Raudrakasa and Sariputra
Two Sons Persuaded Their Father to Believe in Buddhism
Bodhisattva ManJusri Visited Sick Vimalakirti
King Udayana Made a Statue of Buddha
Why Did Buddha Point to the Ground
The Buddha with Two Heads
Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and
Putuo Mountain
A Flying Sculpture of Tathagata
Glowing Pagoda
The Mysterious Agni Water-fire Pool
Prince Kalyanakarin Sought Treasure from the Sea
East Maharaja and Queen Mother of the West
The Colossus, Asural Holding the Sun and the Moon
Fasting Wolf
Deer King Saved Posterities
The Hawk, the Dove and King Sivi
Nanda Tonsured
Deer of Nine Colors
Little Sramanera, the Devout Monk
Sumati Invited the Buddha
Vicious Dog and Its Predestined Relation
with Buddhism
The First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma at
Deer Park
Moonlight King Donated His Head King Vilenjeli Suffered a Thousand Nails in
His Body
Cousins Worshipped the Three Treasures
Evil Ox Turned to Be Good
How Five Hundred Bandits Became Buddhists
Prince Susambhava Cut Flesh to Save His Parents
The Sufferings of Patacara, the Bhiksuni
King Sudhira Gave His Eyes Away
Taming a Firedrake
Brahman Devoted His Body Zhang Qian Setting Offto the
Western Regions
Monk Fotucheng
Priest Tan Yan
The Auspicious Statue at Xiling Temple The God of Thunder and the Siblings of
The Eight Kings Who Fought for Buddhas Relics
Vaisravana Fought in the Sea
Ox Horn Hill
Bodhisattva Samantabhadra
Bodhisattva ManJusri
Lotus Boys
Buddha Preached Doctrine to His Mother
Sakra-devanam-indra and the Highest 33-level Heavens
Superior Flowing Water Saved the Fish
Jataka of Prince Sudana and the Tigers
Unicorn Immortal
Killed While Picking Flowers
The Flower Scattering Fairy
The Resurrection of Shanzi
Willow Avolakitesvara
Prince Sudana Was Ready to Give Aims to
the Poor
Covering Up the Sun and Building Pagodas
Releasing the Fish with 1 O0 Heads from Purgatory
The Stele of Asoka
The Derivation of Amitabha
Island of Treasures
Xuan Zangs Pilgrimage for Buddhi


Li guishan,prefessor of English ,studied English and North American CUlture atMcill University Canada in the 1970s,Mr li won the Canadian Federal Enrichment Research Program in 1990,traveled to Canada several times ,and completed the book Understanding Canadian Culture in 1996.





精彩短评 (总计3条)

  •     reading reading reading
  •     本书共收集136个敦煌石窟中壁画故事,是目前所能收集到的所有敦煌壁画故事大全,并配有精选的100幅壁画照片,是别人难已获得的第一手照片。。。。。。真的么???我买了就不怎么样
  •     友情提示。这两本书全英文,想看看敦煌壁画的买了也白看,反正看不懂。纸质也略奇怪,看完书要洗手的那种。另求个肯给我翻译的好心人。

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