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  每当人类历史跨进一个新时代时,人类总是禁不住要回首往事,反思自己走过的艰辛历程。其目的不是为了历数那些大大小小的事件,而是为了总结经验,超越历史,批判自身,为人类当下和未来的发展指明方向。这是哲学和史学独有的魅力,是人类形上致思本性和情结的体现。所以黑格尔说“密涅瓦的猫头鹰在黄昏时起飞”;但另一方面,这种回顾又不仅仅是为了了解人类的过去,其真正的目的在于人类的现在以及人类的未来,即通过对人类的过去的批判性反思,为人类的当下和未来发展指明方向,因此马克思又称这种哲学的反思为“高卢的雄鸡”。值此人类跃进新千年之际,对历史的哲学反思再一次受到人们的关注。马克思认为,整个所谓世界历史不外是人通过人的劳动而诞生的过程,是自然界对人说来的生成过程。本文力图通过对历史与人的生成的人学阐释,重新思考历史的内涵、动力、进程和人与历史的关系等问题,从而对马克思的历史理论提供新的理解和说明。  对于什么是历史、历史发展的动力以及历史发展的进程、人与历史的关系等诸多问题,虽然自西方历史哲学创立以来,无论是思辨的历史哲学,还是分析的批判的历史哲学以及后现代的叙事主义的历史哲学都曾经或多或少、或主或次、或详或细地研究过,但是人们并没有达成一致的认识。而马克思的历史理论思想则为我们理解上述问题提供了一个全新的视角,即从人的本质及其存在方式出发,去理解人类的历史。因此,首先必须对马克思的历史理论进行人学的阐释,才能展示出马克思历史哲学思想的深刻涵义,为解决上述问题奠定基础。  这种新的阐述之所以是必需的,主要是基于以下几方面的原因:  首先,我国自20世纪80年代初开始的关于实践是检验真理的惟一标准的大讨论以来,国内理论界通过异化、人道主义、主体性和实践哲学等问题的探讨,对马克思的哲学理论做了诸多的阐释,并基本上形成了实践唯物主义(或实践哲学)的理解框架。“但是,对历史理论这个特殊课题,却很少有著作以它需要的持续和系统的方式去阐述。”我们对马克思哲学的称呼由“辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义”变为“实践唯物主义”。这样,我们对马克思思想的理解就陷入一种矛盾之中,一方面,我们高扬人的主体性的实践本质,另一方面,却又以社会基本矛盾运动的规律来统摄人类的历史,规律成了超人的规律,历史成了无人的历史,这是对马克思的历史理论的一种扭曲。因此,无论是从理论本身的需要还是从现实的需要出发,都有必要来阐述马克思,重新从人学的视角来阐释马克思的历史理论。  其次,在西方社会陷入深刻的文化危机的背景下,人类社会发展日益全球化的趋势对广大的第三世界国家的发展提出了严峻的挑战。广大的第三世界国家究竟应选择一条什么样的发展道路呢?无论是国内还是国外,对这一问题的研究都是与马克思晚年的人类学笔记和东方社会理论的研究密切相关的。但是,在对马克思晚年哲学思想的研究过程中,都存在着不尽如人意之处。主要之点在于,不能把马克思晚年的思想放到马克思哲学体系之中去理解,而是立足于现实的需求把其中的某一观点、思想从其整体中孤立地抽出来,然后根据当代的需要,把它放到晚年马克思理论探索的相关的部分中进行分析和评价,因而对之做出了各种不同的解释,出现了各种各样的“晚年马克思”。从而继青年马克思与老年马克思的争论之后,又形成了晚年马克思的重大争论。而这一问题的解决也依赖于马克思的历史理论中对历史的理解,对人类历史进程的理解。  第三,入学及相关问题的研究已经成为当前中国及世界哲学理论界研究的一个重要的问题域。这既为我们理解马克思的哲学文本开拓了新的领域,又为我们对马克思哲学的研究,尤其是马克思的历史理论思想的研究提出了新课题,因为在马克思看来,历史就是人的历史,是人通过自身的活动现实地生成的过程。虽然我们一直是把马克思哲学放到西方哲学发展的进程中去理解,但是由于视角的局限,我们在理解马克思哲学时比较关注的是它的唯物主义性质、辩证法思想及其对资本主义社会的批判性分析,等等。但是,德国的古典哲学、英国的古典政治经济学和英、法的空想社会主义只是马克思哲学理论的直接来源,仅限于此并不能揭示马克思哲学的全部本质。实质上,就近代以来西方哲学的发展来看,其思想理论的核心就在于对人的本质及其存在方式的阐释。特别是在历史哲学领域,从维柯经法国启蒙思想家到德国古典哲学家的历史哲学思想的发展,向马克思展示了一个关于历史与人之生成的一致性的思想发展序列,马克思正是在批判地继承了近代以来西方历史哲学的这一传统的基础上,建构了自己的历史哲学理论的。因此,随着人学的兴起,对西方近代以来人学思想研究的日益深入,为我们重新解读马克思的文本提供了新的视角,从而使我们能够对马克思的历史理论进行人学的阐释。同时,人学研究的日益深入发展亦要求马克思主义哲学对此做出回应。但是,真正从马克思对人的本质及其存在方式出发去阐释马克思的历史理论,并对其各个不同的时期的历史哲学理论进行总体把握的研究尚未出现,这是写作本书重要原因之所在。  第四,这是对马克思历史理论研究本身的需要。对马克思的历史理论进行阐述,人们习惯于历时的方式,即通过分析马克思思想发展的线索,来阐述马克思在各个不同的历史时期的思想及它们的相互关系,提供一部关于马克思思想发展的历史。这是与马克思缺少一部系统而全面地阐述自己理论体系的著作密切相关的。但是,这种理解方式不可避免地使人们的目光更多地关注其成熟时期。但实际上,在马克思哲学思想发展的早期,就已孕育了其全部思想的萌芽,而中晚期的思想既是早期思想内在逻辑发展的必然结果,又是对其早期思想的进一步丰富和发展。因此不应囿于时间的限制,而是要追寻马克思思想发展的内在逻辑,对马克思的思想进行总体上的把握。  当前理论界对马克思思想研究的过程中,之所以存在着青年马克思、老年马克思和晚年马克思的争论,关键的问题就在于没能将马克思的思想视为一个完整的理论体系进行研究,而是执著于马克思各个不同时期的理论本身和马克思阐述自己理论所运用的不同的话语体系。解决问题的关键就在于揭示马克思思想发展的内在逻辑,这一内在逻辑的核心就是马克思对人的本质及其存在方式的阐释。实际上,马克思的哲学思想并不像传统所理解的那样,马克思首先继承了18世纪法国的唯物主义哲学家的思想,并在批判德国古典哲学的基础上拯救了黑格尔的辩证法,从而创立了辩证唯物主义,而历史唯物主义则是辩证唯物主义在社会历史领域的应用和发展。这种传统的理解模式并没有真正揭示出马克思哲学的本质。马克思哲学思想的核心是他的历史哲学理论。马克思通过对人的本质及其存在方式的分析,批判地继承了近代以来的西方历史哲学传统,建构自己独特的历史哲学理论。正是在这一历史哲学体系之中,马克思将自己各个不同时期的思想统一起来。也正是借助于这一体系,马克思不但终结了思辨的历史哲学传统,而且开创了分析的和批判的历史哲学的先河。  但是,在当前对马克思哲学思想的研究过程中,马克思的这一历史哲学体系始终没有受到应有的注意。首先,就国内的研究来看,对马克思哲学思想的研究主要集中于两个方面:其一,从马克思早期的思想出发,通过对马克思所阐述的人的实践本质及人的存在方式的理解出发,尝试建构新的马克思哲学体系。无论其名称如何,如实践唯物主义、实践哲学、类哲学、生存哲学等,其理论的基础都是马克思早期对人的形而上的哲思。其二,从马克思晚年的人类学笔记和对东方社会发展道路的思想出发,试图对传统所理解的历史唯物主义进行新的阐释,以解决老年马克思与晚年马克思的矛盾。其关注的焦点在于当前中国社会以及广大第三世界国家的发展道路的选择问题。这两种理解方式都没能将马克思的历史理论视为一个整体,前者过于强调青年马克思的思想,而后者则侧重于晚年马克思的现实历史意义。其次,就国外的研究状况来看,对马克思思想的研究亦存在着巨大的差异。人本主义的马克思主义主要是从青年马克思的思想出发,通过批判对马克思哲学的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的理解,力图以马克思早期的思想为基础建构人本主义的马克思哲学,并由此转向对当代资本主义的批判。其典型的代表是以霍克海默、阿多诺等人为代表的法兰克福学派的社会批判理论。而科学主义的马克思主义则关注老年马克思对资本主义社会的批判,认为青年马克思与老年马克思之间存在着一个思想上的断裂,马克思正是抛弃了其早期的不成熟的思想,才建构了批判资本主义的科学的理论体系。这一派以阿尔都塞为代表,其著名的命题是“马克思认识论的断裂”。同时,现代西方哲学中的一些学派亦期望以马克思的哲学来补充自己的体系,从而形成了对马克思哲学的诸多不同的理解。但是在这诸多的理解中,很少有人将马克思的哲学视为一个整体,而只是根据自己的需要截取其中的不同部分为己所用。因而没能形成一个对马克思哲学体系的一个总体的把握。但在国内外的研究中存在着一个共同点在于,它们大多都非常重视马克思对人的本质及其存在方式的论述,并以此为出发点,来重构马克思的哲学体系。这一倾向与当前日益深入的人学研究相结合,既为我们研究马克思的历史理论提供了一个新的视角,也为我们批判地分析对马克思哲学的传统理解提供了理论依据。  对马克思哲学的传统理解,其根本缺陷就在于其否定了人的存在及其价值。从本质上说,对马克思哲学的传统理解是建立在一种自然本体论的基础之上的,这种自然本体论根植于18世纪法国的唯物主义,经过恩斯特·海克尔、普列汉诺夫和列宁等人,形成了解释马克思哲学的理论基础。这一方面是由于恩格斯晚年为了批判杜林等人的唯心主义的需要,而对18世纪唯物主义思想进行了新的阐述,另一方面是由于马克思早期的诸多的哲学著作尚未发表所造成的。这种传统的理解通过一种无限还原的方式,将现实世界的一切都还原为自然的物质,从而形成了“世界的物质统一性”。将这种思维方式用于社会历史领域,就形成了列宁所说的,“从社会生活的各种领域中划分出经济领域来,从一切社会关系中划分出生产关系来,把它当作决定其余一切关系的基本的原始的关系,”并把它提高到生产力的高度,从而为研究社会的发展提供了一个客观的标准。但是这样,马克思在批判资本主义过程中对生产力与生产关系生动的阐述,就变成了僵死的教条,而人类历史的发展就变成了一个“自然的历史过程”,从而把人类的历史非人化了。这既曲解了马克思历史哲学的本意,又遮蔽了马克思对资本主义社会的批判性分析的深刻内涵。  马克思的哲学思想的核心是他的社会历史理论。马克思作为近代西方哲学的继承者和批判者,他的研究也是从对人的本质及其存在方式的分析出发的。但是,马克思与其先辈思想家不同,他没有停留在对人的本质的抽象理解上,而是通过对德国古典哲学和英国古典政治经济学的批判性分析,将人的本质与现实人的活动联系起来;对历史的理解也不是为历史而理解历史,而是通过对思辨的历史哲学的批判性继承,将历史看作是人的活动的历史,从而建立了全新的历史哲学体系。  首先,在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思通过对资本主义条件下人的劳动的异化的批判分析,对人的本质及其存在方式进行了全面的阐述。马克思指出,人的本质并不是抽象的存在物,而是在人与人的关系中通过人自身的实践活动不断创生的。正是借助于人的实践活动,才实现了人与自然的统一。因为人的活动是一个双向的过程,一方面,人通过对象性的活动将自身的本质赋予外在的自然界,从而使自然界具有了人的属性,成为人类世界的一部分;另一方面,由于在自然的人化过程中,人将自身的本质外化于自然界之中,因而这也是人自然化的过程。因此,自然史与人类史是统一的,二者统一于现实的人类实践活动过程之中。这是马克思历史哲学理论的基础。在以后的《关于费尔巴哈提纲》和《德意志意识形态》中,马克思从形而上的高度全面地阐述了历史的本质及其发展的内在机制,并初步地对人类历史的发展进行了分期,这些都是基于马克思对人的本质及其存在方式的认识。  其次,马克思并没有停留于对人类历史的这种抽象的理解,而是始终将其与现实的分析结合起来。在马克思看来,“一切生产阶段所共有的、被思维当作一般规定而确定下来的规定,是存在的,但是所谓一切生产的一般条件,不过是这些抽象要素,用这些要素不可能理解任何一个现实的历史的生产阶段。”因此,必须根据每一时代自身的特点进行具体地分析。因为历史作为人类自身活动的表现形式,是人自身活动的结果,是对人的本质力量的确证和展示,只能具体地分析每一时代人类社会的具体状况,才能真正认识并把握每一时代的历史。因此,在马克思的历史理论中始终存在着双重的逻辑:一方面是马克思在形而上的层面,从人的本质出发,通过阐述劳动、交往和分工的关系,所建立起来的人自身发展三阶段理论;另一方面是马克思将其对人类历史的形而上的分析用于批判资本主义,从而揭示了西欧资本主义发展的历史,即我们传统所理解的历史唯物主义。但是,由于马克思在那一时期所接触到的主要是西欧的历史材料,因此这种具体的分析是有局限性的,它只适用于西欧的历史。在马克思晚年接触到非欧社会的历史材料之后,这种现实的批判就转向了人类学的批判。表现为马克思晚年的人类学笔记及东方社会理论之中。但是,需要指出的是马克思在转向政治经济学的批判和人类学的批判的过程中,并没有放弃其对人类社会发展的形而上学的分析,而是始终以这种形而上学的分析为指导的。因此我们认为,青年马克思、老年马克思和晚年马克思之间并不存在逻辑上的断裂,而是密切联系的统一整体。正是在这一统一的理论体系之中,马克思展示了人类通过自身的创造性的活动来创造历史,并在历史中现实地生成的过程,从而超越了思辨的历史哲学传统,开创了分析的和批判的历史哲学的先河。  但是,在本书的阐述过程中,一方面为了区别于人们习惯的历时的研究方式,另一方面则是为了突现马克思在西方历史哲学发展过程中所实现的革命性的变革,本书将马克思历史哲学的内逻辑作为一个隐含的线索用于统驭全文,在叙述上则以主题的形式从历史的本质、历史的动力、历史的进程等几个不同的主题分别阐述西方历史哲学发展的进程,以揭示马克思对西方历史哲学的继承与发展。并在全书的结束时,以一章的内容对马克思历史哲学进行总结。本书认为,马克思对于历史哲学的最大贡献就在于他通过把人的现实活动与历史结合起来,指明了人类历史的发展是一种双重的生成过程,一方面是历史对于人的生成过程,另一方面是人对于历史的生成过程。这两个方面是统一的,统一于人类的现实的、创造性的实践活动之中。而且正是在这一生成的过程中,人类活动的合规律性与合目的性才统一起来,人类历史的发展才能表现为一个人类不断地自我超越的过程。




第一章 从历史学到历史哲学  一 理解历史的两种方式  二 前历史哲学的理解  三 维柯:历史——人之造物  四 德国古典哲学所理解的历史第二章 历史的内涵  一 理解历史的人学视角  二 马克思对人的本质的理解  三 自然史与人类史的统一  四 马克思对历史的双重理解第三章 历史的动力  一 传统理解的反思  二 前马克思的理解  三 马克思对历史动力问题的新阐释第四章 历史的进程  一 维柯的进步历史观  二 启蒙时代的历史进步观  三 德国古典哲学的求索  四 问题的索解:历史的生成性  五 超越乌托邦——马克思所理解的共产主义第五章 人与历史  一 历史决定论  二 历史非决定论  三 历史生成论参考文献后  记




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  •     The Motive of Historical Development The motive of historical development, is an issue which have caused the historical philosophy widely controversies in each period. The understanding of this issue is consistent with the clue to the whole development of historical philosophy. In the historical philosophy before, people's understanding towards historical development motivity attached to specific historical events which performance for with contingency to explain the development of history. With the inaugurated of historical philosophy by Vico, historical development motivity studies will gradually abandoned accidental factors, shifting to something stable and deep hidden from behind the history. Vico's "Providence”, Kant's theory of "Natural End" and Hegel's "Absolute Spirit" are different answers to this question. But on Marx's traditional understanding already entrenched, exploring the motive of historical development must to break the tradition. The traditional understanding is that the development of human society is a process of natural history, and there is an external rule that is not decided by the person's volition in concert with nature world in this process. With the infinite reduction ways of putting human society comes down to a physical existence, thinking that history is a material world special motion modality, therefore, this view have a fundamental error. This point of view is based on Marx's "classical statements" in A Preface to the Critique of Political Economy. Actually, What Marx called "the overall result" in Preface isn't a general interpretation about historical development motivity but a critical analysis result of the capitalist society.According to Marxism theory, as humans activities of expression, history is the result of human activity, is confirmation and revelation for human essence force. It is result of western historical philosophy set out from human nature to explore the intrinsic logic of the historical development motivity. As a pioneer of historical philosophy, Vico believed that humans create their own history and the pursuit of self-interest constitutes the historical development motivity. However, behind the superficial activity of pursuing self-interest, there must be some kind of power restricting and dredging the evil forces to a certain direction. Vico called it "Providence". Providence is not rejecting free will by wakening conscience, but to realize its own purpose by sublating the result of evil will in a relationship which can correct it. Therefore, the pursuit of private gain shows as a direct motivation of the historical development; but providence is to push the personal individual activities of pursuing self-interest onto the track of history, it’s the original motivation of historical development. Vico's Providence theory has had a significant impact on the development of the German philosophy, especially on Kant and Hegel. Kant had directly taken over the concept of Providence theory and we can also find the shapes of Providence in Hegel's "the Cunning of Reason".Kant thinks that the motive of historical development is consists of evil humanity--the irrational and immoral factor in humanity such as arrogance, greed and ambition, etc. The evil factor in humanity cause the fight between people, arouse all the capabilities of human, pushing them to overcome their lazy tendency. As a result, the dawn of human civilization appears, then all the human wisdom is gradually evolved, and a kind of thinking ways is formed due to the continuous enlightenment. This kind of thinking ways can bring natural endowment into an exact practice principle as time goes by, thus put the pathological social uniformity which was forced to be formed finally into a morals of the whole. The antagonism in human society is a means of developing all the human natural endowment, so the evil will just a tool and method to achieve nature intentions. Evil itself will bring misfortune, but evil as the motive of history is the progress of good will, history is from evil to good, non-rational to rational. Kant's understanding on advancing human history, on evil in the historical development motivity issue, has been further developed in the Hegelian philosophy of history.Hegel holds that nature follows a principle of cycle, history will follow a principle of progress. The motive of progress is not Vico's Providence or Kant's Nature, but from human being themselves. It's the reason and passion of human constitutes the historical development motivity. However, reason and passion's role of historical development is different. Passion is the direct driving force of historical development, reason regard passion as the means and tools to achieve their purpose, the Cunning of Reason. "Cunning of reason" is not only reflected in the reason treat passion as a means and tools to achieve their purpose, but also in the way with passion: "invisible". Thus, the picture of the historical scene is not just passionate performances, but also shows a rational act. Passion is the direct motive of historical development and reason is the original motive behind the direct motive. Hegel regarding enthusiasm, interests, needs as the motives of historical development, is his groundbreaking contribution. Then Marx elaborates the issue of historical development motivity from realistic, historical human beings. Marx believed that history is the whole generation of people, the reality of human activity started the process. The motive of historical development can only come from people themselves, is to meet human needs and the needs of the production of these activities constitute the motive of historical development. The beginning of the historical event is generated by the people and meets the needs arising, and meets people's need to generate the process, that is, the process of historical development. “The first need which have been satisfied, activities to meet the needs and the tools have been obtained to meet the needs will arise new needs.” In the course of historical evolution, whether it is the generation of human needs, or the satisfaction of human needs must be achieved through human activities. Therefore, human activities -- working,exchanges and the resulting division of labor, constitute the historical evolution of the internal mechanism. Labor and the communication as a way of human nature existence, the two interact, and jointly promote the development of human history. Division of labor as a performance of human natural differences in its activities has always been associated with the history of mankind. As human activities and its manifestations,labor,communication and division of labor are united in the human development processes. It is because of the division of labor led to the alienation and private ownership, only to show the development of human society as a process of dialectical negation. Communism is a positive sublation of alienation caused by division of labor, it is a real unity of labor and communication based on private property’s eradication.Research on the development processofhuman history, is one ofthe most important issues in historical philosophy. SinceVico all the historical philosophersareconvinced thatthe development of human historyis composed of severaldifferent continuous stages. But because different people have different understandings on the motiveof historical development, there are many differentinterpretationsfor history development process. It is through animadverting views about history development process in historical philosophy since Vico, Marx advanceda theory of the history and human production, opena new chapter in historical philosophy.Vico believes that in historical process there are many factors having interactions, so that the course of history shows an evolution from low to high process. Such an evolution is carried out based on the inherent rules of human nature. Common in human nature, the most basic is the fear of god, the restraint of passion and the desire for immortal soul. Therefore, religion, marriage and burial is the most important in any human activity, they have to create humans from these three systems, so must be the most pious adherence to the three systems. According to the distinctness between these systems, Vico divided the history of mankind into three periods, namely, God's era, the heroic era and the era of peoples. The era of peoples is the era of the full development of human nature, but also lost the creativity of history. In order to get out of this stagnation and restore people's creativity, we must go back to barbarism, and thus began a new cycle. This is not "starting over", but every nation in the new adjourned to another nation's historical process. Thus, Vico more emphasis on the fundamentality and primacy of the progress of humanity, which is the French Enlightenment philosophy and German classical philosophy have had a profound impact. The history of the Enlightenment philosophers is also starting to understand from the history of humanity. However, in theoretical depth, they are far more than its predecessors. They not only made a detailed analysis of human nature, but also pointed out that the decisive factor behind human nature is human reason. They generally believe that history is reason enough to continue the liberation process, the stage of historical progress and human reason is essentially the corresponding stage of development. But as the last Enlightenment thinkers, Kant's teleology demonstrates the view of progress in the history of Enlightenment. He believes that the development of human history is the progress of reason and freedom in a process, in the process, nature gives man the rational human beings continue to be displayed in the end reason will guide mankind to perfection, that permanent peace in the civil society.Hegel inherited Kant's concepts which regard the rational and freedom as the core, the main character of Kant with the rational development of the power to dominate the history of the world, and the necessity to explain a rational history of the world tour. Hegel believes that the itinerary in the history of the world, each nation can only embody the spirit world, world history is the history of the national spirit for the continued process of national spirit in this process is continuously improved from low to high, and every stage Embody the spirit of different peoples. Hegel's sense of freedom of access based on the degree of planning the four stages of world history, the Eastern countries, the Greek State, the Roman state and the Germanic countries, the four stages were also reflected different stages of historical inevitability. Marx's understanding of the historical process inherited the regular progressive process tradition of historical development, while Marx beyond the tradition, to achieve a revolutionary transformation. Marx described the process of historical development is on two levels: One is the level of experience, Marx under the specific circumstances of historical development distinguish different development patterns between the Eastern and Western, in the West followed the evolution of the top five ,in the East is the Asiatic mode of production. Second, is the metaphysical level, it puts forward the three-stage theory of human self-development, namely, the dependence of people on one another ,human and material interdependence and consciousness of the existence of human freedom. These two levels are unified, united in the reality of human history process; the three-stage theory of human self-development is more universal. In Marx's dual understanding of the historical process, communism is not only the end of metaphysical explained of history, but also the end of summarization of realistic human history process. Communism as the ultimate liberation, suggesting a real existence of human nature, that people realized the totality of the "free individual combo". It is not the ultimate state of human history, but the process in which human nature can be achieved, people continue to self-creation, self-assurance. That is why, the realization of communism is not only to the premise of the existence of world history, and this in itself is the deepest level of world history. "Communism and the parallel development of world history is the prerequisite for each other. Only in the depth and breadth of involvement on the history of the world greatly, completely shattered the narrow ethnic and geographical boundaries, to realize communism."

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