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Part I Image Formation and Image Models 1 CAMERAS  1.1 Pinhole Cameras   1.1.1 Perspective Projection   1.1.2 Affine Projection  1.2 Cameras with Lenses   1.2.1 Paraxial Geometric Optics   1.2.2 Thin Lenses   1.2.3 Real Lenses  1.3 The Human Eye  1.4 Sensing   1.4.1 CCD Cameras   1.4.2 Sensor Models  1.5 Notes  Problems 2 GEOMETRIC CAMERA MODELS  2.1 Elements of analytical Euclidean Geometry   2.1.1 Coordinate Systems and Homogeneous Coordinates   2.1.2 Coordinate System Changes and Rigid Transformations  2.2 Camera Parameters and the Perspective Projection   2.2.1 Intrinsic Parameters   2.2.2 Extrinsic Parameters   2.2.3 A Characterization of Perspective Projection Matrices  2.3 Affine Cameras and Affine Projection Equations   2.3.1 Affine Cameras   2.3.2 Affine Projection Equations   2.3.3 A Characterization of Affine Projection Matrices  2.4 Notes  Problems 3 GEOMETRIC CAMERA CALIBRATION   3.1 Least-Squares Parameter Estimation   3.1.1 Linear Least-Squares Methods   3.1.2 Nonlinear Least-Squares Methods  3.2 A Linear Approach to Camera Calibration   3.2.1 Estimation of the Projection Matrix   3.2.2 Estimation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters   3.2.3 Degenerate Point Configurations  3.3 Taking Radial Distortion into Account   3.3.1 Estimation of the Projection Matrix   3.3.2 Estimation of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters   3.3.3 Degenerate Point Configurations  3.4 Analytical Photogrammetry  3.5 An Application:Mobile Robot Localization  3.6 Notes  Problems 4 RADIOMETRY-MEASURING LIGHT  4.1 Light in Space   4.1.1 Foreshortening   4.1.2 Solid Angle   4.1.3 Radiance  4.2 Light at Surfaces   4.2.1 Simplifying Assumptions   4.2.2 The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function   4.2.3 Example:The Radiometry of Thin Lenses  4.3 Important Special Cases   4.3.1 Radiosity   4.3.2 directional Hemispheric Reflectance   4.3.3 Lambertian Surfaces and Albedo   4.3.4 Specular Surfaces   4.3.5 The Lambertian+Specular Model  4.4 Notes  Problems 5 SOURCES,SHADOWS,AND SHADING 6 COLORPart II Early Vision:Just One Image 7 LINEAR FILTERS 8 EDGE DETECTION 9 TEXTUREPart III Early Vision:Multiple Images 10 THE GEOMETRY OF MULTIPLE VIEWS 11 STEREOPSIS 12 AFFINE STRUCTURE FROM MOTION 13 PROJECTIVE STRUCTURE FROM MOTIONPart IV Mid-Level Vision 14 SEGMENTATION BY CLUSTERING 15 SEGMENTATION BY FITTING A MODEL 16 SEGMENTATION AN FITTING USING PROBABILISTIC METHODS 17 TRACKING WITH LINEAR DYNAMIC MODELSPart Ⅴ High-Level Vision:Geometric MethodsPart Ⅵ High-Level Vision:Probabilistic and Inferential MethodsPart Ⅶ Applications  BIBLIOGRAPHY  INDEX


本书是由计算机视觉领域的两位权威专家编写的,全面介绍了现代计算机视觉的各种研究方法。本书不仅系统阐述了计算机视觉的原理与方法,而且还给出了很多有用的资料。如伪代码、工作范例、练习以及编程作业等,以助于读者创建自己的应用程序。通过本书的学习,读者可以掌握来自作者第一手的计 算机处理视觉技术以及大量的数学方法。


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精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     I found this book a tough read, and I have studied quite a few computer vision books over the years. Oddly enough, the figures are very good and instructive, but the mathematics portion of the book is quite involved for someone who does not have a background in advanced mathematics, including probability theory, advanced calculus, and numerical analysis. Quite a few steps are omitted in the derivation of the equations to the point that I am not sure what many of the integrals actually mean. The algorithm boxes throughout the book are helpful, but often they overcomplicate the algorithms involved. This overcomplication of subjects starts right from the beginning, when the background computer vision material is being developed. Even such basic subjects as linear filtering, color, and edge detection are presented in an oblique and confusing manner. I would assume that the book was written mainly to present the more advanced material in some kind of novel fashion. Instead, the chapters on applications- "Finding in Digital Libraries", and "Image-Based Rendering" are largely a textual explanation with no algorithms to speak of on HOW to accomplish these complex tasks. If you are an introductory student of this topic, might I recommend "Computer Vision" by Linda Shapiro. It has all of the introductory material that this book has in a much clearer presentation. Plus, there is even some information on advanced topics such as content based image retrieval that gives clear algorithmic instructions. For more advanced students, I recommend Trucco & Verri's "Introductory Techniques for 3D Computer Vision". Trucco & Verri's book contains the algorithm boxes much like this book has, but I feel that the algorithm steps have a more concise format, and I have been able to code a number of algorithms by following their instructions. I have had no such luck with this book. Just because this book is the very latest to be published on this subject, does not mean that it is the most instructive.(http://www.amazon.com/review/R1512HHMPHGQHP/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R1512HHMPHGQHP)评论者觉得这本书的数学部分写得很不到位,缺少细节。对于入门的学生,他另外推荐两本教材:《Computer Vision》 by Linda Shapiro(http://book.douban.com/subject/2067520/)《Introductory Techniques for 3D Computer Vision》by Trucco & Verri's (http://book.douban.com/subject/2264165/)

精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     就是阅读的时候速度慢一点!也是很好的
  •     正确的东西,没有损坏,运送还算及时
  •     他是学人工智能的,说这本书是经典,就让帮忙带了一本。
  •     结合心理学和数学的杰作,让人感觉数学发展没有信息科学发展快了。

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