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作者:(美)Jeffrey L. Whitten,(美)Lonnie D. Bentley


版权页:插图:Let's walk through the sequence diagram shown in Figure 17-11.The Member makeshis or her selections using the on-screen tools provided in the ORDER WINDOW (which isnoted to be an interface class).The ORDER WINDOW then passes those selections with anitem and quantity specification for each to the Controller class. The CONTROLLER100pSthrough each of the items.The use case says that for each ordered item, the system mustverify product availability.To do that the CONTROLLER sends a message to PRODUCT, callingits calculateQtyInStock method.We may have already identified calculateQtyln Stock asa behavior of PRODUCT and so we can read it right off the class diagram and plug it inhere. If it isn't a behavior already, then we can determine a need for its existence from this sequence diagram and then add it to the class diagram. Why would this behaviorbe assigned to PRODUCT~ We see from Figure 17-11 that PRODUCT has a quantityIn Stock at-tribute, so it is the natural source of this information. PRODUCT returns quantityInStock tothe CONTROLLER.The use case includes verbiage to handle items not in stock, hut we arenot following that scenario.This sequence diagram assumes all items are in stock. Each in-stock item must be added to the order. Should that be a responsibility of MEMBER ORDER or MEMBER ORDERED PRODUCT?We see from Figure 17-12 that MEMBER ORDERhas a composition relationship to MEMBER ORDERED PRODUCT, making MEMBER ORDER responsible for the creation and deletion of instances. So we will have the CONTROLLER pass this message to MEMBER ORDER.As it adds an item, MEMBER ORDER needs to recalculate itstotal. So it calls one of its own methods (calcTotal).To do this calculation, it needs the extended price (quantity times price) of the new item, so it calls calc ExtPrice of MEMBERORDERED PRODUCT. That calculation needs price information, which is held by PRODUCT.So MEMBER ORDERED PRODUCT Creates an instance of PRODUCT to look up the price.The ex-tended price can then be passed back to MEMBER ORDER, which passes the entire order to the CONTAOLLER. Finally, the CONTROLLER passes the order to the ORDER WINDOW for display. From this we can determine what behaviors should be assigned to what classes and the parameters they will accept and return. Once the behaviors have been identiffed, documented, and associated to specific classes, then the class diagram Can beupdated to include those behaviors in the appropriate classes.


Jeffrey L.Whitten美国普度大学计算机技术系主任兼教授,曾两次荣获James G.Dwyer最佳教师奖。自1984年任教授后,他开始编著《系统分析与设计方法》一书,目前已经出版到第7版。该书长期位子同类书销售排行榜第1名,被700多所学校采纳作为教材。Whitten教授是多个学术组织的活跃成员,其中包括:信息技术专业学会(ATP)、信息系统学会(AIS),计算机学会(ACM)、信息管理协会(SIM)等。
Lonnie D.Bentley美国普度大学计算机技术系教授,主要教学和研究领域包括:系统分析和设计,企业应用系统。业务过程重构、计算机辅助软件工程(CASE),快速应用开发(RAD)和图形用户界面设计。


Part One The Context of Systems Development Projects
Chapter 1 The Context of Systems Analysis and Design Methods
Chapter 2 Information Systems Development
Chapter 3 Project Management
Part Two Systems Analysis Methods
Chapter 4 Systems Analysis
Chapter 5 Fact-Finding Techniques for Requirements Discovery
Chapter 6 Modeling System Requirements with Use Cases
Chapter 7 Data Modeling and Analysis
Chapter 8 Process Modeling
Chapter 9 Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling Using the UML
Chapter 10 Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal
Part Three Systems Design Methods
Chapter 11 Systems Design
Chapter 12 Application Architecture and Modeling
Chapter 13 Database Design
Chapter 14 Output Design and Prototyping
Chapter 15 Input Design and Prototyping
Chapter 16 User Interface Design
Chapter 17 Object-Oriented Design and Modeling Using the UML
Part Four Beyond Systems Analysis and Design
Chapter 18 Systems Construction and Implementation









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