
当前位置:首页 > 经济 > 区域经济 > 合肥经济圈经济社会发展报告No.3

作者:董昭礼 主编




目  录

Ⅰ 总 报 告
1 合肥经济圈——发展型的创新区、创新极

Ⅱ 分 报 告
2 合肥市经济社会发展分析和预测 ……………………………………高晓光 吴 明/033
3 六安市经济社会发展分析和预测 …………………………六安市政协研究室课题组/055
4 巢湖市经济社会发展分析和预测 ………………………………………………高家国/079
5 淮南市经济社会发展分析和预测 ……………………………………储兆庆 朱晓宇/093
6 桐城市经济社会发展分析和预测 ……………………………………王 权 高志本/110

Ⅲ 经济圈是创新区
7 与“圈”共舞谋求“核变”
——关于加快推进合巢同城共建的思考………………………………………陈 强/131
8 带动周边服务全省影响全国
9 建设合肥经济圈南部门户城市的研究报告
——兼论桐城在圈内的文化特色………………………………………………王 强/154
10 合肥经济圈空间演化的结构特征分析…………………………………………吕露光/159
11 实施合肥经济圈区域创新工程,推动五市联动发展…………………………范海洲/170

Ⅳ 经济圈的合作共赢
12 合肥经济圈一体化发展思考……………………………………………………董昭礼/182
13 推进深度合作实现互惠共赢……………………………………………………刘庆德/190
14 推进合巢同城化是构建合肥经济圈的重大战略………………………………张传才/194
15 依托合肥经济圈优势加快推进合淮同城化……………………………………高德金/203
16 主动融入,促进桐城快速跨越发展……………………………………………吴三九/209

Ⅴ 经济圈的承接转移
17 推动“圈”、“带”共舞引领跨越崛起………………………………………汤林祥/214
18 在承接产业转移中实现合肥经济社会的跨越式发展…………………………吴存荣/219
19 推进共建共享实现同城同赢……………………………………………………张飞飞/228
20 倾力打造合肥经济圈的能源城市、宜居城市…………………………………曹 勇/234
21 合肥经济圈与皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区…………王开玉 司海云 王文燕/241

Ⅵ 经济圈的社会建设
22 构建“两型城市”推动淮南可持续发展………………………………………杨振超/248
23 打造桐城文化品牌推进文化强市建设…………………………………………宋传明/255
24 合肥经济圈社会建设的分析和展望……………………………………………殷民娥/261
25 社会建设中的“合肥力度”……………………………………………………黄佳豪/268
26 合肥经济圈县域社会建设评估指标体系研究——以霍山县为例…王开玉 吴 丹/284

Ⅶ 经济圈的统筹发展
27 双轮驱动圈区融合——加快推进合六一体化进程……………………………张韶春/296
28 合肥经济圈的精品工程是引领安徽城乡发展的高地…………………………王开玉/301
29 全力打造合六工业走廊………………………………………………赵士厚 潘 源/307
30 合肥经济圈的统筹发展分析……………………………………………………周 艳/313
31 合淮同城化与合肥经济圈………………………………………………………储兆庆/320

Ⅷ 经济圈的“十二五”展望
32 合肥经济圈“十二五”发展优势条件分析……………………………………王厚亮/332
33 合肥经济圈“十二五”发展走势分析………………………………钟 敏 沈松林/342

34 后 记……………………………………………………………………………………/358

Ⅰ The General Report
1 The Hefei Economic Circle —— the Developmental Innovation
District and Innovation Pole
................................ the Research Group of Hefei CPPCC and
Anhui Academy of Social Sciences/001

Ⅱ Individual Reports
2 The Analysis and Prediction of the Economic and Social
Development of Hefei ......................... Gao Xiaogguang, Wu Ming/033
3 The Analysis and Prediction of the Economic and Social
Development of Lu’an
...................... the Research Group of Lu’an CPPCC (the Chinese
People’s Political Consultative Conference)/055
4 The Analysis and Prediction of the Economic and Social
Development of Chaohu ..................................... Gao Jiaguo/079
5 The Analysis and Prediction of the Economic and Social
Development of Huainan ...................... Chu Zhaoqing, Zhu Xiaoyu/093
6 The Analysis and Prediction of the Economic and Social
Development of Tongcheng ....................... Wang Quan, Gao Zhiben/110

Ⅲ The Hefei Economic Circle as an Innovation Region
7 To Develop With the Circle, to Strive for the Changes of the Core
——Reflections on Accelerating the integration of Hefei
and Chaohu ............................................ Chen Qiang/131
8 To Spur the Peripheral Areas, to Serve the Whole Province and to
Influence the Whole Country
——Empirical Research on the Leading Role of Hefei & the
Hefei Economic Circle .............................. Sheng Zhigang/139
9 A Research Report on the Construction of a Southern Portal
of the Hefei Economic Circle
——On the Cultural Characteristics of Tongcheng in the Hefei
Economic Circle ....................................... Wang Qiang/154
10 The Structure Characteristics of Regional Economic Development
of the Hefei Economic Circle .............................. Lv Luguang/159
11 Implementing the Innovation Project of the Hefei Economic Circle to
Promote the Collaborative Development of the five cities . Fan Haizhou/170

Ⅳ The Reciprocal Cooperation of the Hefei Economic Circle
12 Reflections on the Integration Development of the Hefei
Economic Circle .......................................... Dong Zhaoli/182
13 To Promote In-depth Cooperation, to Achieve Reciprocity ... Liu Qingde/190
14 The Integration of Hefei and Chaohu as an Important Strategy
on the Construction of the Hefei Economic Circle ...... Zhang Chuancai/194
15 Relying on the Hefei Economic Circle, Promoting the Integration of
Hefei and Huainan into One City ............................ Gao Dejin/203
16 Actively Integrating into the Hefei Economic Circle, Promoting the
Leaping Development of Tongcheng ........................... Wu Sanjiu/209

Ⅴ The Transferring of the Hefei Economic Circle
17 To Promote the Development of the Circle and the Belt, to Lead and
Guide the Leaping Rise ................................. Tang Linxiang/214
18 To Realize the Leaping Development of Economy and Society of
Hefei in the Transferring of Industry ..................... Wu Cunrong/219
19 To Promote Co-constructing and Sharing, to Achieve the All-win
of the Whole City ....................................... Zhang Feifei/228
20 Going All Out to Build the Energy and Habitable City in the
Hefei Economic Circle ....................................... Cao Yong/234
21 The Hefei Economic Circle and the Transferring Industrial
Demonstration Zone of the City Belt Along the Changjiang
River Through Anhui Province .... Wang Kaiyu,Si Haiyun and Wang Wenyan/241

Ⅵ The Social Development of the Hefei Economic Circle
22 To Construct a Two-oriented City (A Resource-Saving and
Environment-Friendly City), to Promote the Sustainable
Development of Huainan ................................. Yang Zhenchao/248
23 To Establish the Culture Brand of Tongcheng City, to Promote the
Construction of a Strong Cultural City ................ Song Chuanming/255
24 The Analysis and Prospect of the Social Development of the
Hefei Economic Circle ..................................... Yin Min’e/261
25 The Dynamics of Hefei in the Social Development ......... Huang Jiahao/268
26 Study on the Evaluation Index System of County Social
Construction in the Hefei Economic Circle
——the Case of Huoshan County .................... Wang Kaiyu, Wu Dan/284

Ⅶ The Over all Development of the Hefei Economic Circle
27 Developing on Two Wheels, Integrating the Circle with the Region
——Accelerating the Integration of Hefei and Lu’an .. Zhang Shaochun/296
28 The Top-Quality Project of the Hefei Economic Circle as an Innovation
Guiding the Urban-Rural Development of Anhui Province ..... Wang Kaiyu/301
39 Sparing No Efforts to Construct the Hefei-Lu抋n Industrial Corridor
................................................ Zhao Shihou, Pan Yuan/307
30 The Analysis of the Overall Development of the Hefei
Economic Circle ............................................. Zhou Yan/313
31 The Integration of Hefei and Huainan and the Hefei Economic Circle
......................................................... Chu Zhaoqing/320

Ⅷ The Development of the Hefei Economic
Circle in the 12th Five Year Plan
32 The Analysis of the Developmental Advantages of the Hefei
Economic Circle in the 12th Five Year Plan ............. Wang Houliang/332
33 The Analysis of the Development Tendency of the Hefei
Economic Circle in the 12th Five Year Plan .... Zhong Min,Shen Songlin/342

34 Postscript .........................................................../358







精彩短评 (总计1条)

  •     安徽是我国中部地区大省,资源丰富,人口众多,近年来,已成为人才输出大省,人才输出固然好,但更重要的是本土发展,此本书写出了安徽省尤其是合肥经济圈的发展策略,值得阅读!

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