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作者:[美]海尔特· J.弗尔迈伊


版权页:   毒素的化学成分显然反映了负载者所处的营养环境。植物和动物67要想轻松地获得氮元素,得依赖于含氮丰富的化合物,如生物碱、神经毒素和罕见的氨基酸;而获得的碳元素如果要远远超过氮元素,就得依赖于无氮却含碳丰富的化合物,如单宁、萜烯、木质素、树脂、纤维素和甲壳质。在碳水化合物过量的时候,以碳为基础的防卫手段便较为廉价。有趣的是,植物当中好像没有以磷酸盐为基础的防卫手段,这或许反映了磷酸盐的稀缺性以及构建这类防卫所需的高额能源成本。菲利斯•康利(Phyllis Coley)和她的同事们已经指出,以磷酸盐为基础的化学防卫手段的缺席能够解释为什么人类所制造的以磷酸盐为基础的杀虫剂如此有效。 令人好奇的是,虽然许多哺乳动物和鸟类都以拥有化学喷雾而知名,但在这些暖血动物的皮肤或肉体中却很少发现这类化学防卫手段。我只在新几内亚找到了一些有毒的鸟类,它们都属于林鹃鸫属。如果这种罕见性是真实的,那就需要一个解释。可能一只鸟或哺乳动物一旦被掠食者碰到,就算没被吃掉也会死去。部分捕食在两栖动物、爬行动物和许多其他动物中都可见到,因为受害者从攻击中存活了下来。但是暖血动物的伤口很快就会感染病菌,而且病菌在寄主的体温较高的情况下活动速度会加倍,因为无法存活下来。 第三条防线中的许多功能不是防止伤害,而是限制伤害。一种非常普遍的形式便是自割(autotomy),也就是受害者有意地将自己的部分身体加以分离。当掠食者猎食分离的身体部分时,受害者便乘机逃走了。海参在被鹑螺逮住的时候,会跳出皮肤一逃了之。其他海星则会排出内部呼吸器官。受到惊吓的人类攻击者无法忘记自己的手指突然粘上大量黏性纤维的体验。我们还不清楚掠食性鱼类是否也会受到这种独特贡物的类似阻挠。仙虫科的萤火虫被人类从石头下面抓起来,几乎无法逃跑的时候,会进行自割,给攻击者留下一堆令人疼痛的特化玻璃样针状刚毛。毒毛虫也会带给攻击者类似的烦恼。被蜘蛛网所捕获的蝴蝶和蛾常常能逃脱,把蝶翼留给蜘蛛去吃。对许多埋于沙和泥中的蛤来说,当鱼和蟹攻击这些相对定居的软体动物时,它们就会抛掉用于吸水或排污的呼吸管。海百合在受到人类或某种鱼类的攻击时,会立即断臂求生。许多螃蟹能够轻易地分离身上的螯。1970年的《科学》杂志上有一幅著名的封面照片,一只水獭在一次失败的攻击后,把一个螃蟹的自割螯拿到了鼻子前方。有不止一次被螃蟹逃走时自割出的螯钳到了我的拇指。许多蜥蜴和蝾螈会留下自割的尾巴给掠食者。将身体的部分留给掠食者总比失去整个生命好,虽然失去尾巴也会减少物种获得食物的能力,以及降低它的社会地位。Stomatella和Harpa属蜗牛在躲避攻击的时候会将脚的一部分脱落掉,这会减缓它们接下来的运动速度。 植物有各种特征可以控制伤害的负面效应。我认为树叶脉序的网络模式就是一种适应,在被食草昆虫吃掉部分叶脉的情况下,还能保持输送水和生产食物的功能。网络在某条线路被切断的时候,可以让物质沿着另一条路线运动。




海尔特· J.弗尔迈伊(Geerat J.Vermeij),是一位卓越的海洋生态学家、进化生物学家和古生物学家,1992年获得麦克阿瑟奖章,现为美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校地质系教授。著有Evolution and Escalation,A Natural History of Shells,The Evolutionary World: How Adaptation Explains Everything from Seashells to Civilization 等。


第一章  经济与进化:路线图
第二章 进化中的经济
第三章 人类与非人类经济之比较
第四章 生活经济学:消费与自然中的敌人角色
第五章 敌人的经济学:生产与资源的角色
第六章 力量和机会的成分:技术与组织
第七章 力量和机会的成分:环境
第八章 力量和革新的地理学
第九章 破坏和建设:分配的角色
第十章 历史中的模式:更大的范围和更强的力量
第十一章 增长和力量的未来
附录1 缩写
附录2 地质年代表






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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     This book concerns the intersection of economics and nature. But the translated title(自然经济史)is subject to an ambiguity that can lead to two interpretations: 1. Application of economic theories to evolution of nature. (用经济理论解释自然进化历史)2. Application of evolutionary theories to economic.(用自然进化论解释经济历史)The book mainly deals with the first contention. But confused by this title, I went on researching the second one prior to reading the book. You can now imagine my tilted and disbelieved face after finishing the first few pages. Nonetheless, in this review, I intend to provide summary on the second context as educational info. in addtion to review on this book. After all, the convergence of the two fields is an interesting topic.Part I - Book Review - Application of Economics to NatureThe author of this book used economic theories to explan the evolution of nature not the other way around. He stressed in early section that economic principles of supply and demand has a stake in the evolution of life. For instance, the relationship between lions and zabras can be seen as demand of predators and supply of preys. Both species' natural and physical attributes have thus been shaped by balance of demand and supply. If lion's population tends to be relatively small to zabra, then lion's physical and hunting abilities would be inferior, because each lion would have more supply requiring it to hunt less. The author then uses consumer and producer to characterise living creatures, among which producers are at the bottom of food chain and consumers are at the top. But such titling and categorizing have little essential value, because the distinction simply restated what we already know about the mechanism of natural food chain.Relating to the supply demand analysis is the cost-benefit ratio of predator and prey. The ratio is determined by prey's capability to just escape predators or predator's capability to just catch preys. That makes sense because a capability merely to escape or catch ensures no waste of precious energy and implies a smart strategy of energy allocation for both parties. But the author also attempts that human and nonhuman economics are essentially the same. He really goes too far on this, because for example human trades and exchanges are involuntary and intentional, whereas nonhuman creatures are amenable to exchanges because of natural selection. He also indicates a contention controversial to mainstream economists that the West civilization prospered due to her abundant natural resources. Personally, I think stock of natural resource is neither a sufficiency nor a necessity responsible for the wellbeing of western civilization. Japan serves as a convincing evidence to refute this contention. This book also addresses history of Western economy in later chapters as occasional bearing to biology and evolution. But it can be suspected that there are some unsupported thesis weakening its overarching positions in these chapters. Nonetheless, the author provides some keen observations to the linkage of nature and economics. He also makes some acute speculations, which seem lack supporting evidence and might be susceptible to logical fallacies. Lastly, since it is cross-discipline, I find it hard to read but enjoyable as one can spot some sparkling insights. Hope you guys enjoy them too.Part II - Application of Darwinism to EconomicsSocial science is an open system. Usefulness of evolution theory in parallel discipline is restricted by its very openness. Thorsten Veblen in 1898 took an initial view on the subject and stated that economics is not an evolutionary science but a path dependent science. But Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman both had partially validate evolutionary application in explaining complicated economic theories. Although from 1982, Nelson and Winter published the book that recognized this study and recieved great public attention, the evolution theory has not been successful in permeating economic community. The main reason is that biological concepts simply can not be parallely applied to economics. What are the concepts that can properly characterize a gene pool or selection mechanism in economic sense? A minor reason is combination of evolution and economics remind people of Social Darwinism and its notorious political fermentation. A few critics do believe that Darwinism can have wider application in fields other than biology, for instance technology, but its application in economics should be carefully scruntinized. Despite a few successful cases already exist, for example evolutionery explanation of game theory, such applications are narrowly limited to their underlying areas, and a new paradigm connecting majority of dots in economics and possessing the ability to overwhelm existing economic spectrum seems unlikely to appear, at least in the near future. The future of improved understanding of economic by evoluation probably lies in the area of knowledge. Knowledge like an organism can be shaped by various forces that are similar to natural forces. Our knowledge about weapson has been driven by power and military conflicts, which are then affected by polulation and political orientation. So at least there are something we can look forward to.By HartmannJG522012.10.01
  •     生态历史的基本经济分析,推及生态圈普遍的经济法则,(竞争、合作、适应和不平等所规定的经济体系)以之解释人类社会面临的经济法则与问题。发现的问题与解决问题的思路似乎比很多经济学家靠谱得多。“我们一直服从自然在生命之初便已经设定的基本经济法则,尽管我们发展出了令人吃惊的新奇能力与制度。历史记录或经济法则表明即使在人类有能力统治生物圈之后,也无力改变内在的历史趋势。但考虑到人类拥有空前的预测、学习和调整能力,我们或许可以共同找到办法,以阻止从内部产生的足以毁灭我们和支持我们的生产机制的破坏。”“在经济体系中最为常见的普遍的一个现实是不平等,一方在资源的相互作用中比竞争者拿的更多,或失去的更少。支配者拥有不成比例的权力和财富,通过从上到下的控制,他们不仅影响了经济体中其他成员的特性和分配,还定义了整个经济体的结构和运作。”“如果构建和检验假设是为了服务于共同利益,就必须有一套强大的伦理规则相伴随,以限制个体和群体的那些更大的公共目标相冲突的自私行为。个体和群体的行动必须在某种形式的监督之下进行,这样才能以最小的扭曲来评估这些行为和假设。换言之,分散的控制必须受到某种层度的从上到下中央干预的管制,这是自由市场本身所无法完成的。”“作为一个了解这个世界并进行适应的手段,科学方法不能孤立的存在。他的实践必须在一个个个体拥有机会和自由的代议制民主组织的背景中。”

精彩短评 (总计14条)

  •     动物个体平均寿命的增量与身体质量的1/4次方正比;物种数量S,区域面积A。S=b*A的z次方。b,z为常数;区域的面积M决定区域内最大动物的体重A。食草动物M=0.47*A的0.52次方。食肉动物M=0.05*A的0.47次方;区域内,暧血食肉动物的最大体重=冷血动物最大体重的1/5。
  •     翻译的不流畅,不通俗。
  •     http://www.qzgpress.cn/book/congs/2012/0702/345.html
  •     喜欢,很值得一读。
  •     视野开阔,视角独到
  •     专业度够强,非常精彩。
  •     不是太好读,略枯燥,跳着看吸引我的片段。书名中经济什么的,更像噱头,没经济什么事。
  •     1)弗的生产力指绩效而不是效率. 高端消费者的投入产出其实很没有效率, 但一个增长的经济体足以支撑它. 2)中途五次放弃, 重读罗森堡后找到状态.
  •     书不像是全新的,有点失望。
  •     内容没有想象的那么好精彩。
  •     用经济学的方式来思考自然界(生物)的演化,即生物(物种)获得适应度即是其利润,由此引入消费生产组织技术等诸多概念来解释自然史。理论随比较系统,但是篇章组织比较具有博物学特色……最后,感慨下,作为一个盲人,居然能写出这样的书,能获得这样大的成就,不容易了不起。
  •     很长很厚,写的很认真,主要就是从每一个很细节的方面描述了自然的进化过程,需要耐心和一定的科学基础。
  •     作者试图总结非人类生物间的经济演化史的经验教训,从而启发我们去解决现在人类社会经济发展中遇到了难题。可以作为一种思考角度,但是例子多而杂,翻译有些词也不通顺,读起来总有证据不充分的感觉,痛苦。。
  •     本书用经济理论解释自然进化。由于专业交叉,英文版不好读。但它还是提供了一些新的思路。详见书评。

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