
当前位置:首页 > 教材教辅 > 中考 > 初中英语-七年级(上)

作者:曲一线 编


Starter综合测试Module 1 Nice to meet youUnit 1 The first English lessonUnit 2 I'm from China and l’m Chinese.Unit 3 Language in useModule 1 模块检测Module 2 Me,my parents and my friendsUnit 1 I can speak English.Unit 2 These are my parentsUnit 3 Language in useModule 2模块检测Module 3 Mv new schoolUnit 1 There are 46 students in my class.Unit 2 Where is the library?Unit 3 Language in useModule 3模块检测Module 4 My familyUnit 1 How many people are there in your family?Unit 2 I've got a small family.Unit 3 Language in useModule 4模块检测Module 5 Heahhv foodUnit 1 Have we got any oranges?Unit 2 A lesson in good healthUnit 3 Language in useModule 5模块检测Revision module A检测期中检测Module 6 An invitation to the cinemaUnit 1 Would you like to go to the cinema?Unit 2 Let's go to the cinema on Friday.Unit 3 Language in useModule 6模块检测Module 7 My school dayUnit 1 I like maths!Unit 2 Lessons start at nine o'clock.Unit 3 Language in useModule 7模块检测Module 8 Different habitsUnit 1 Tony always likes birthday parties.Unit 2 His birthday present is a cinema ticket.Unit 3 Language in useModule 8模块检测Module 9 A trip to the ZOOUnit 1 Does the tiger eat meat?Unit 2 Is it an African elephant?Unit 3 Language in useModule 9模块检测Module 10 ComputersUnit 1 How do 1 write my homework on the computer?Unit 2 How often do you use a computer?Unit 3 Language in useModule 10 模块检测Revision module B 检测期末检测全练答案全解全析


  5·3金典,挑战高考极限。  知识清单全练——千位名师习题式完全归纳;基础闯关全练——基本能力螺旋式全练巩固;三年模拟全练——模拟试题淘金式完全训练;五年中考全练——中考试题麻雀式売全解剖;教材知识全解——重点难点疑点完全解读;易错易混全解——易错易混知识完全点拨;教材练习全解——教材课后思考题完全剖析;全练答案——五三全练题目全解全析;智力背景——万篇素材发散式全面拓展。








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