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  Details about William Shakespeare’S Iife are sketchy,mostly mere surmise based upon court or other Cherical records.William n0 doubt attended the IocaI grammar school in Stratford where his parents lived,and would have studied primarily Latin Chetoric,logic,and literature.   ShakespeareS life can be divided into three periods:the first 20 years in Stratford,which includes his schooling,early marriage,and fatherhood;the next 25 years as an actor and playwright in London;and the last five in mtirement back in Stratford where he enjoyed moderate wealth gained from his theatrical successes. The years linking the fi rst two periods are marked by a lack of information about Shakespeare。and are often referred to as the“dark years”;the transition from active workr into retirement was gradual and cannot be precisely dated.   At Some 1point du-ring the“dark years,”Shakespeare began his career with a London theatricaI company perhaps in 1 598一fOr he was already an actor and playwright of some note in 1592.Shakespeare apparently wrote and acted for Pembrokes Men。as welf as。numerous others,’in.particular Stranges Men,which later became the Chamberlain’s Men.with whom he remainedlfor the rest of his Career.   When in 1592,the Plague closed the theaters for about two’years, Shakespeare turned to writing book-length narrative 1poetry.Most notable were Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece.During this same period,Shakespeare was writing his sonnets,which are more likely signs of the time’S fashion rather than actual love poems detailing any particular relationship.He returned to play wr t ng when lheaters reopened in 1594,and published no more poetry.


  新世纪之初,随着英语教育的快速发展,高等学校英语专业学生的入学英语水平在不断提高,这对英语专业教材的时效性和适用性是一种挑战。随着新世纪的到来,中国在文化和经济等领域变化巨大,国际交往越来越多,网络应用不断普及,知识更新周期不断缩短。社会的种种变化也对英语专业的教学与教材建设提出了新的任务。为了顺应时代的进步,满足不断发展的社会对英语人才知识结构的新要求,高等学校英语专业应在继承优秀教材编写传统的前提下,不断创新,推出能够反映新的教学理念、体现新的教学改革成果、富有时代气息和丰富内容、符合英语专业教学实际需要的新教材。基于以上思路,西安外国语大学英文学院将“21世纪英语专业系列教材”列为“十一五”规划教材建设项目,统一策划并组织富有教学经验的教师参与编写。  “21世纪英语专业系列教材”包括英语语音、口语、听力、阅读、写作、翻译、英美文学、语言学、英语国家社会与文化等英语专业必修课程和选修课程使用的教材。本系列教材的编写以高等学校英语专业教学大纲为依据,在全面分析我国中西部地区英语专业学生实际水平和需要的前提下,对每门课程的教材内容进行精心筛选,有针对性地对教材的编排体例进行合理设计。专业基础课程的教材做到有利于学生英语基本功的训练和语言技能的全面发展;相关专业知识课程的教材旨在拓宽学生的知识范围,提高他们的人文素养,培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。  “21世纪英语专业系列教材”在选材方面依据知识性、科学性、时代性的总原则,力图反映该教材涉及学科新的教学与研究成果。专业基础课程的教材选取语言知识丰富、内容生动活泼、能够反映现当代社会特征、启迪思想并能够调动学习自觉性的材料。


The Merchant of Venice(1596—1598)Henry V(1597)Hamlet(1599—1601)Doctor Faustus(1604)Volpone(1606)The Tempest(1610—1611)The School for Scandal(1777)The Importance of Being Ernest(1895)Mrs Warren's Profession(1898)The Hairy Ape(1922)Ah,Wilderness!(1933)Murder in the Cathedral(1935)Our Town(1938)A Streetcar Named Desire(1947)Death of a Salesman(1949)Waiting for Godot(1955)Long Day's Journey into Night(1956)Look Back in Anger(1957)The Dumb Waiter(1959)The American Dream(1961)Appendix


  21世纪英语专业系列教材丛书。我国高等院校英语专业课程设置不断丰富和完善,对英语专业本科生毕业论文恶要求也在不断提高,现有的英美文学史及选读课教学已经无法满足在校大学生的要求,许多划分更为细致、内容更为齐全、设计更为系统的专业选修课应运而生,小说赏析、诗歌赏析、戏剧赏析、散文赏析等课程如雨后春笋,给高校英美文学教学带来了勃勃生机。 为此,编者编写了此书。编者选择了有代表性的作家的代表性的作品,并且将整部书稿的篇幅限定在20部作品,将每部作品的选文篇幅限定在20页以内。相信这些作品及选文可以为英美戏剧学习者提供捷径,但不能让这些学习者到达英美戏剧学习的终点。








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