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  洛杉矶到纽约,从芝加哥到休斯敦,教育家们均相信:学生是通过自己的探索来掌握知识的。他们认为教员实际上并不是在教书,而仅仅只是在帮助学生学习。从这个观点来看,学习是一个向旧观念挑战并提出质疑的过程。由于正规的讲座课几乎不允许学生提问,所以与其他国家相比,这类课在美国就不那么普遍;正如前面的引文所示,教师的目的是与学生交流思想,而不仅仅只给学生传授他们所应该掌握的知识。  一开始,你可能对“不断地交流思想”这一概念有点陌生。因为你可能来自一个笃信书本知识、盲从教师学识的国度。不巧言中的话,你很可能会发现美国的教育体制是令人深感不安的。当然,美国学生知道他们的教材大多是正确的,而教师知道的东西也比他们要多。但是他们都主动思考——他们的老师也期望学生提问,并对现有观念质疑。再次强调一点,并不是美国人有一个“正确”的学习方法,而是说交互式的课堂教学是美国教育的一个突出特点。你必须适应它并不失时机地利用它。  插图所示是一个把英语作为第二语言教学的课堂学习情况。在这里交互式教学的传统氛围尤其突出。请注意看,学生们都围坐成一圈,彼此之间能相互看见。他们两个人组成一对,采取相互问答的方式学习。位于插图左边的教师正在听一对搭档练习并给予单独的辅导。这个班只有10个学生,因此每人都有机会讲英语、问问题以及接受教师的辅导。  相对来说,大学课堂里很少有课程是如此明确地为了开展相互问答而组织教学的。然而,在美国,教授对着几百个学生满堂灌的课程相对来说是很少的。招生人数通常都有限制(许多班级的学生人数均少于30人)。这样,所有的学生都有参与的机会。在有必要上讲座课时,如新生的化学课,每周合班上一到两次课,然后分若干个小组进行“口头答问”或小组讨论。讲座课是用于有效地传达信息的——例如通过幻灯片、演示以及实际讲授等——而口头答问课则是评讲练习与答疑的重要时间。  你会发现你的同学经常举手发问(有时也有不举手就发问的)。教师也会向你和其他同学提问,用以了解学生掌握授课内容的情况。所有这些都看作是学习过程的一部分。如果你没有理解某个概念,你应该问清楚;如果你已经理解了,你应该能够阐述该概念。随时准备好回答教师的提问。特别是一、二年级的课程,教师可能会根据课堂的表现给你部分成绩。换句话说,教师会根据你的出勤、准时上课、按时完成作业的能力以及你提问和回答教师提问的贡量所反映出来的对该门课程的兴趣酌情打分。你可能会认为问教师问题不礼貌,质疑教师讲授的内容会冒犯教师,(例如问教师:“如果你不告诉我们Y的值,我们怎么能解方程?”)然而,在北美文化中,只有用问题打断教师才是不礼貌的;也只有在用问题攻击教师讲授的内容时才算冒犯教师(譬如说:“如果你不讲清造,我怎么能回答那个问题呢?”)。有针对性地提问,特别是那种能表明学生正在努力学习的司题是受教师赞许和鼓励的。相反,机械性的记忆才被看作是一种愚蠢的学习方法。只要你勃学好问,独立思考,你就一定会得到高分的回报。


  I consider myself very lucky and privileged to be given the opportunity to read the manuscripts of Active English Learners Workbook series for Band 1 before they are out for general public. At the series editors cordial request, I venture to make the following observations. As the title of the series betrays its substance, the series are workbooks, viz. books for learners to work on. Books of such kind cannot be more timely! The more work you do with English and in English, the more English you learn! This means time and energy. Some may be put off by this fact, for time and energy are exactly what they are always running out of supply. "We have so many other things to do, " they will say. "Theres little time and energy left for English. Tell us the quickest way! " Nowadays there seems to be a general rush for English, and at the same time an anxious rush for a short-cut route to mastering English. Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as a short-cut way to English. There are only better or poorer ways of learning it. The best way to learn is to use it, to work on it.  Some of our teachers may also be put off by the Workbook series, for a totally different reason. They find that if students possess too much information, particularly feedback on exercises, they will have nothing left to offer in class, thus de-authorising their status as a knowledgeable teacher. I have been a teacher for 21 years now. I dont find the students possession of sufficient information disadvantageous to me. If my students can learn more things without my help, I cannot be happier. If they can study Active English textbooks all by themselves, this will save a lot of class time, which I can use to organise more productive activities such as group work, pair work, panel discussion, inter-group debating, and so on. Furthermore, teacher-led learning tends to foster teacher-dependency, which is far from being desirable. Perhaps it is the greatest reward to a teacher whose students are taught to overtake him/her.  The Workbook series will make a positive contribution to the promotion of autonomous learning. As the class size nowadays is getting increasingly large, so large that it is almost impossible for students to get individual attention from the teacher, autonomous learning can no long be dealt with in a lip-service way. Teachers and administrators have to take resolute measures to implement it in order to secure the educational quality which would otherwise deteriorate as a result. The series have some built-in features that are specifically designed for the purpose. I feel confident that both students and teachers will find the series helpful and worth having.


Unit 1 The learning environmentUnit 2 Technology and educationUnit 3 The wonders of scienceUnit 4 "The silver screen"Unit 5 LanguageUnit 6 The sky's the limitUnit 7 Space researchUnit 8 Voices from afarUnit 9 America through foreign eyesUnit 10 Problems in urban livingUnit 11 Being thereUnit 12 The business climate







精彩短评 (总计3条)

  •     非常喜欢,谢谢当当和快递!
  •     内容感觉和我想象的有差距,还没细看,但愿通过它能稍微提高我的英语水平吧.
  •     This was my first time buying book from DangDang. Very good!

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