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2.1  Feudalism and the Middle AgesRenaissance writers coined the phrase "Middle Ages" to refer to what occurred from the decline of Rome to the Renaissance period. Between about 600 and 1500——the rough opening and closing dates of the Middle Ages——too many different things happened to be characterized in any single way. The ideas and institutions of western civilization derive largely from the turbulent events of the Early Middle Ages and the rebirth of culture in later years. The Middle Ages may be studied profitably both for their own intrinsic interest and for the fundamental contributions they made to the development of the modern world.In the late Roman period, slavery became uneconomical: the upkeep of slaves was costly and they showed no particular enthusiasm for their work. The abolition of slavery came not with moral progress but with economic change. Development of free people as tenant farmers proved to be more economical. The growth of large estates and the political disorder following the fall of Rome led to economic, social, and political chaos, ripe for the emergence of the feudal system.Feudalism as a cultural system prevailed from about 600 C.E. to about 1500 C.E. At the base of the feudal system was the serf who tilled a plot of land owned by the manorial lord, much like modern sharecropper. Serfs were given military protection in exchange for a portion of the products of his labors. The feudal system tied people to the land, fixed rigid class distinctions, established an age of landed aristocracy that was to endure to the Industrial Revolution, forced education to a standstill, made poverty and ignorance the hallmark of the masses, and completely stifled human progress until the age of reformation. It is no wonder that some historians prefer to call this period "the Dark Ages".


CONTENTS PART Ⅰ The Earliest Beginning   1 Management in Ancient Civilizations     2 Management During the Middle Ages   3 A Managerial Awaking PART Ⅱ The Classical School of Management   1 Scientific Management     2 Administrative Management   3 Bureaucracy Management     4 Offshoots of Classic Management PART Ⅲ On Behavior Western Management Theories of Behavioral Sciences   1 Behavioral Sciences Theories   2 fiuman Relafions Theorles-Eatly Behavieral Selences     3 Individual Behavior Theories     4 Organizational Behavioral Theories PART Ⅳ The Modern Era Contemporary Western Management Theory   1 The Social System School     2 Decision Theory School   3 The Theory of Systems Management     4 The Empirical School   5 The Contingency (Situational) Approach     6 Management Science Supplementary Reading Appendix  Appendix Ⅰ (附录Ⅰ)     Appendix Ⅱ (附录Ⅱ)   Appendix Ⅲ (附录Ⅲ)     Appendix Ⅳ (附录Ⅳ)  Appendix Ⅴ (附录Ⅴ) References







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  •     是正版的,但是是全英的,除了封面里边全是英文。。。
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  •     博导强烈推荐,很不错
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  •     山大的教材…… 还真是难学~ 不过杨杨老师相当的好!!
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