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  It is difficult, in considering course design, to separate the issues foundin general language programs from those that arise in specific-purposescourses. There are more similarities than one might suppose. The rela-tionship of the syllabus designer may be to a sponsor or employer, orit may be to parents and educational institutions. In each case, however,decisions will be taken by the former that will have a steering effect onteacher-learner interaction. This is true whether the designer of thecourse is the classroom teacher or not. Questions of accountability are also present in both settings. As longas accountability of the teacher to the student, or of the educationalinstitution to the client, is a consideration, the syllabus for a secondlanguage program is not a guide for private use by the teacher. It is arecord. It concerns, in the first instance, the object of the instruction, itssocial purpose. The means also have to be negotiated; but this is asecondary consideration, for in all negotiation, many constraints otherthan those dictated by the physical setting of instruction and the currentstate of pedagogical theory must be considered. For example, constraintsimposed by language planning also have to be considered, since the timeavailable, resources, and motivational factors may all be dependent onthe status of the target language. The age of the learners and content ofinstruction can obviously be affected as well (Bell 1982). In some cases,one can go even further: Judd states that teaching English to speakersof other languages is "a political act Those of us engaged in teachingof English to non- or limited-English speakers are.., directly or indi-rectly, implementing a stated or implied language policy" (Judd 1984).All the more reason to work out a statement about the goals of instruc-tion and the means to be used in reaching them.


  近年来,国际交往日益频繁,国际贸易急速发展,出现了一种前所未有的现象:学外语、教外语、用外语的人多了;研究语言学和应用语言学的人多了;开设这方面专业的高校也多了,语言学硕士生和博士生也多了。就是不以此为专业,学习语言学和应用语言学的也不乏其人。为了给从事这个专业的师生提供便利,同时又帮助一般外语教师、涉外工作者以及汉语研究者开阔思路,扩大视野,提高效率,我们献上这套内容崭新而丰富的丛书——英文版《当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库》。  文库首批推出54部外国英文原著,它覆盖了语言学与应用语言学26个分支学科。这批书是我们与各地有关专家教授反复研究之后精选出来的。出版这样大规模的语言学与应用语言学丛书,这在我国语言学界和外语教学界是破天荒第一次。  我们这样做,抱着什么希望呢?总的说来,是遵循教育部关于加强一级学科教育的指示,在世纪之交,推出一套书来给中国的外语教育领航,同时也给一般外语工作者和汉语研究者提供信息,拓宽思路。  我们希望这个文库能成为进一步带动外语教学改革和科研的发动机;我们希望它能成为运载当代外国语言学理论、语言研究方法和语言教学方法来到中国的特快列车;我们希望,有了这套书,语言学与应用语言学专业师生就能顺利地进行工作;我们希望,通过读这套书,青年外语教师和外语、汉语研究者能迅速把能力提高,把队伍不断扩大。


Part l Usable theories
1 Setting up a course
Part ll language teaching and linguistice:current issues
2 Proficiency in a secomd language
3 language functions and pragmatics
4 Discourse analysis and course design
Part lll Form theory to practice
5 Teachers and teaching
6 Teachers and linguists
7 Teachers and course desing
Part IV Farmeworks for second language course desing
8 Syllabus and methodology
9 A proportional approach
10 Three case studies
11 Using framewords
Appendix A Sanple task-based frameworks
Appendix B Frameworks for communications Needs Courses


《语言教学课程设计原理》内容简介:In preparing and teaching second language courses, language professionals frequently make decisions in response to learner needs: in choosing texthboks. altering a sequence of exercises from a textbook. creating classroom materials, and so on, Yalden puts these kinds of decisions into perspective, outlining theoretical issues relevant to language teachers today. 
Set against this theoretical background are practical suggestions on how teachers can devise classroom procedures and materials that best fit the linguistic and communicarive needs of their learners. Emphasis is placed on gathering information from and about the learner. This leads to the establishment of frameworks, short language-learning modules which give support to all of the components needed in a language course.
Procedures for ddeveloping main or supplementary units to new or existing courses are described in detail. Three complete case studies of courses that the author and her colleagues developed are included in the book. They contain numerous examples of resulting course materials.
'...a most welcome addition to the list of professional materials that ought to be read. I recommend this book without qualification.'- TESL Reporter





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  •     很专业,很好,老师指定的书目
  •     打折买的,节省不少。但是有些书 出库就压皱了,有的是快递摔烂了一点
  •     书很好~ 还没看
  •     对英语教师有帮助的,专业学术。
  •     书挺好的,纸质也不错。考研书目,。
  •     特别是搞对外汉语教学的,这本书应当好好看一看~~书很薄,但是作者言简意赅,条理清晰,深入浅出~~另外这书的英文通俗易懂
  •     北外考研必备
  •     喜欢滴书~~
  •     很经典的书,语言也不艰深。
  •     (。ò ∀ ó。)
  •     不错原版值得收入

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