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  Models are the individuals engaged to wear the apparel and accessories for afashion show. They must be able to effectively promote the image of the clothing to theaudience in a believable manner, and are very important to the image and success of thefashion show. Models may also infer a standard of excellence, something to be copied.Many people are inspired on how to wear and accessorize their clothing by watching andimitating fashion models.  Models should be attractive, not necessarily "beautiful."The audience shouldbe able to enjoy the models appearance, but the models looks should not deter from themerchandise being presented. A flair for fashion as well as an instinct about how clothingand accessories should be worn is helpful. Models are often asked to exercise their fashionsense in showing clothing to its best.  The model should be well groomed and immaculate. Good hair and skin arenecessary qualities. The models figure should be well proportioned and as close to samplesizes as possible. Alterations are expensive and time-consuming. Most standard samplesizes are misses 6 to 8. The minimum height for a standard model is 5 7 ,.  The backstage pace is chaotic. When the model rushes to change clothes, she jumpsout of one outfit and quickly puts in another with dressers assistance ( 10-1 ) . Despite thetension of getting out of and into outfits, the model must also be able to keep her poise whenmistakes or unexpected events happen. A prop might be forgotten, a zipper might break or ashoe strap slips off-the model must be able to gracefully cover up such problems.  Demanding schedules prevail during market weeks, a model may do as many as fouror five strenuous in one day. The model must maintain a fresh, enthusiastic, and energeticattitude throughout each show. With experience professional models develop an intuitionto sense what to do in any circumstance.  Models do not have to person


第一章 服装发展简史  第1课 服饰的起源    泛读 最初的服饰  第2课 着装、社会、文化    泛读 科技和经济发展对服饰业的影响  第3课 服装制造业发展历程    泛读 制衣工具的发明与服装工业  第4课 服饰风格的演变    泛读 “时装”的创始人第二章 服装设计与流行趋势预测  第5课 服装设计师    泛读1 怎样才能成为一名服装设计师    泛读2 服装设计的各个领域  第6课 服装设计师的工作    泛读 服装设计职位术语  第7课 世界服装设计概况    泛读1 部分服装款型的得名    泛读2 常见服装廓形及风格  第8课 服饰配件    泛读1 鞋    泛读2 首饰    泛读3 帽子  第9课 服装表演    泛读 如何策划一场服装表演  第10课 模特    泛读 模特的类型  第11课 时尚周期    泛读 流行色预测  第12课 环境对时尚的影响    泛读1 时尚变革    泛读2 时尚传媒第三章 服装的生产制作  第13课 面料的特性    泛读 天然纤维    泛读 人造纤维  第14课 辅料  第15课 制版    泛读1 原型纸样    泛读2 立体裁剪    泛读3 推档  第16课 纸样套  第17课 工艺单    泛读 服装生产各类表格  第18课 服装生产流程    泛读1 缝纫工具    泛读2 选择合适的机用针线  第19课 服装的合身性    泛读1 松量    泛读2 质量标准第四章 服装品牌与市场营销  第20课 夏奈尔常青之谜  第21课 服装市场营销    泛读1 时尚买手  第22课 服装跟单  第23课 推销信函  第24课 定单与合同    泛读1 订单格式    泛读2 服装缝制工艺单附录1 常见服装款式附录2 服装部位名称图解附录3 服装裁剪常用缩略词









精彩短评 (总计4条)

  •     书是旧的,外面还有油笔画的痕迹,摩擦比较严重,送货员说不可以拒签
  •     内容涉及范围蛮全,专业词汇也都基本涉及到了,后面的附录也很有用。但是没有音标实在是太败笔了,还得自己去查,这点很不好!
  •     还没读 翻过 觉得还不错
  •     和学校发的一样!如果是初学者建议不要用,有一些错处!

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