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作者:任志鸿 编


  教学内容分析  The lesson is organized by bargaining,including the goods that can be bargained and  bargaining strategies,also the language use of bargaining. There are three parts in the listen-  ing part. Part l and Part 2 are the parts that tell the information about the place where you  can bargain and the strategies of bargaining. Part 3 is a dialogue about shopping and bargain-  ing,which is about functional expressions. Students are encouraged to imitate them.  三维目标设计  Knowledge and skills  1. To practice intensive listening skills.  2. To understand the functional expressions of shopping and try to use them.  3. To use the listening strategies of prediction and taking notes.  4. To recognize and practice the rising intonation.  Process and methods  1. First give some questions about bargaining to practise students' oral English.  2. Teach some strategies about bargaining,and then give useful expressions for bargaining on the blackboard.  3. Do more listening exercises to practise the skills of bargaining.  4. Make up a new dialogue about buying to practise their spoken English.  Emotion,attitude and value  1. Try to use the right intonation for politeness.  2. Learn more communicative languages about shopping and bargaining.  教学方法  1. Task-based language teaching  The focus of the task is on solving problems about bargaining when we shop.  2. Communicative language teaching  More activities like language exchanges,information gap and pair work,will be designed in order to help students vary the language according.  教学重、难点  1. To practice the language of shopping and bargaining and remember some useful expressions tor bargaining.  2. To practice the polite rising intonation.  3. How to use bargaining strategies.  ……


  自新一轮课程改革在神州大地破土而出,新课标的教学理念、教材组织形式、教学结果评价方式的变化层出不穷,叹为观止。在这样一个变革的年代,《优秀教案》始终紧跟改革的步伐。  随着越来越多的省份加入新课改,老师们的教学思路越来越多,教学设计构思也越来越巧妙。正如叶圣陶先生所说:“教育者不是造神,不是造石像,不是造爱人。他们所要创造的是真善美的活人。”其实作为“创造者”的老师们在一线教学实践和研究中创造出了很多有价值的教学案例和设计。许多一线老师通过自己的努力,为新课程教材的教学提供了很多有益的想法。这些内容刊登在各种教学杂志上,产生于教研部门的优秀教案评选或讲课比赛中。如果能够把这些好的案例集中起来,一定能够对教师的备课、教学提供很大的帮助。  为此,我们通过采取与教研部门核心期刊杂志合作等形式,聘任专家,组织出版了高中《优秀教案》丛书。本丛书的稿件来源是各种教学研究(评比)活动中评选出来的优秀教案和权威教学杂志中刊登的教案。这些作品展示了近几年课改的成果,代表了课改发展的方向。这类教案具有极大的参考和研究价值,是新课程改革条件下一线教师研究学习教学设计的范本。  ……


Unit 10 Money
 Period 1 Waml-uD&Lesson l A Material World
 Period 2 Lesson 2 The Right Price
 Period 3 Lesson 3 Your Money
 Period 4 Lesson 4 Advertisements
 Period 5 Communication Workshop&Culture Corner
 Period 6 Grammar:lnfinitive&Indefinite Pronouns
 Period 7 Language Points of Each Period
Unit 11 The Media
 Period 1 Warm—uD&Lesson l World News
 Period 2 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi
 Period 3 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game
 Period 4 Lesson 4 What’S in the Papers?
 Period 5 Commun ication Workshop&Cultur Corner
 Period 6 Grammar:The Passive(Ⅱ)and Gerunds used as subject I
object,predicative and attributive
 Periad 7 Language Points of Each Period
Unit 12 Culture Shock







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