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页数:1452 页页


第一卷 研究论文  Ⅰ 昆虫学    Some Inhabitants of the Round Gall of Goldenrod    The Biology of Ephydra subopaca Loew  Ⅱ 神经学    On the Growth of the Largest Nerve Cells in the Superior Cervical Sympathetic Ganglion of the Albino Rat—fr。m Birth to Maturity    Motor Localization on the Cerebral Cortex of the Guinea Pig(Cavia cobaya)    On the Latency in Producing Effect on Limbs by Electric Stimulation on the Cerebral Cortex of the Guinea Pig(Cavia cobaya)    On Some Points Concerning the Functions of the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex    On the Distribution of the Motor Centers on the Normal and Partly Decorticated Cerebrum of the Rabbit    关于鱼脑的几点  Ⅲ 解剖学    Preliminary Observations on the Osteology of Neomeris phocaenoides    On Some Parts of the Visceral Anatomy of the Porpoise,Neomeris phocoenoides    On the Skeleton of Felis tigris    On the Cerebrum of Felis tigris    Anatomy of the Tongue and its Adjacent Muscles of Hemidactylusbowringii  Ⅳ 区系调查与分类学    A Zoological Collecting Trip to the Coast of Chekiang    Zoological Notes on Amoy and its Vicinity    A Partial Survey of the Fauna of the Lower Yangtze    The Economic Fishes of Certain Sections of the Chinese Coast    On Five New Species of Non—marine Gastropods of North China    On Some Gastropod Shells of North-west China  Ⅴ 古动物学    Study of the Cretaceous Fossil Insects of China    A New Fossil Land Turtle from Honan    On Some New Fossil Mollusks of Mongolia    On a Blattoid Insect in the Fushun Amber    Descriptions of Two New Fossil Fishes from Chekiang    On Four Fossil Insects from Sinkiang  Ⅵ 鲤鱼实验形态学    鲤鱼骨骼肌的初步观察    鲤鱼神经系统的初步观察    鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)的水静机制    鲤鱼平衡系统的神经联系    鲤鱼形体演化的讨论  学术论著目录第二卷 杂著五种第三卷 文录 诗存 书札


120年前,中国近代动物学的一代宗师——秉志在河南开封诞生了,这位对中国近代科学发展产生过重要影响的学术大师倾毕生精力、蘸满腔激情谱写了一首近代中国动物学建立、发展与壮大的不朽诗篇,展现了中国知识分子爱国奉献、科学救国的高尚情怀,培养造就了一大批新中国动物学的拔尖人才。    2006年是秉志先生诞辰120周年,中国科学院动物研究所决定隆重举办纪念会,并资助出版本书,目的是缅怀秉志先生对我国动物学创立和发展所做出的历史功勋,继承并发扬秉志先生追求真理、献身科学、治学严谨、为人师表的优秀品质和崇高精神,激励后人在科学探索的历程中开拓创新,锐意进取,将秉志先生等老一辈科学家开创的科学事业不断推向前进。    秉志先生是我国老一辈科学家的优秀代表,他把自己的毕生精力全部奉献给了祖国的科学事业,他的功绩将永远被我们铭记,他的精神将永远留在我们心中。





精彩短评 (总计1条)

  •     “所谓科学罪 人维何?1、为因循怠惰、庸碌误人之教授;2、为居奇自私、深闭固拒之专家;3、为 制造系派、党同伐异之鄙夫;4、为器小易盈、鼓簧惑众之浅人;5、为勾结强援、私图统制之政客;6、为欲速见小、逐末忘本之商人’’。

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