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《奢侈品品牌管理:方法与实践》特色:·中国市场第一本系统性阐述奢侈品品牌原理和方法的通识书籍·Top 1 00奢侈品品牌凸显内涵积淀、人性关怀和品牌文化传承·缤纷故事、集成案例深度探究奢侈品品牌发展规律与管理经验·欧洲文明绽放新兴转型市场,借鉴剖析中国本土品牌发展路径适读人群:·奢侈品行业从业人员·品牌公司、公关公司等相关从业人员·EMBA、EDP、MBA、管理类硕士研究生、本科生·以及一切对奢侈品品牌丰富世界深感兴趣的各类读者




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  •     还不错的奢侈品介绍,数据详尽,案例丰富。就是因为是本大部头,显然有些啰嗦。重复稍多,提炼不够。对某些方面感兴趣,可以分章节阅读。而且数据较新。【奢侈品定义】从以下的奢侈品定义里,可以分别展开不同的营销策略:经济学家的定义:“奢侈品”是价值与品质最高的产品,是无形价值与有形价值比值最高的产品。商品学家的定义:价格高并不意味着就是“奢侈品”。“奢侈品”的高价性也绝非是生产与使用过高过多的物质成本的积累与堆砌,而是在其背后有一个完美体系支撑和百年文化传承。美学家的定义:“奢侈品”是一种生活被艺术化的符号,是一种把生活追求变为美学的外在标志,是一种艺术美学的直接代表,它被赋予了更多的文化、历史、艺术和哲学的含义。社会学家的定义:“奢侈品”早已超越了“腐败、浪费、颓废、不公平”的意味,而是以非同寻常的物质符号来塑造自我主张的个性风格,奢侈品及其消费已经成为社会进步和经济发展的推动力。【四个标准】2005年9月,世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)发布了2005年(首届)世界顶级奢侈品100品牌排行榜,基于以下四个标准:1、 价值品质2、 文化历史3、 高端人气4、 购买欲求【三十年河东、三十年河西】2005-2007三年奢侈品前100名排名变迁中有一个有趣的现象:Top20的品牌往往呈现“三十年河东,三十年河西”的局面,而其后的排位几乎没有易主。【欧洲奢侈品品牌】文艺复兴导致的文化冲击深深烙印在欧洲的历史长河中,许许多多历史长达数百年的奢侈品品牌就是在这样的温床中的一恽毓德,而欧洲的复古风格也是非这样的文化底蕴不可的。在世界品牌实验室2008年甄选的100个奢侈品品牌中,有71个来源于欧洲,它们都具有50年以上的历史,其中还有23个超过150年风霜洗礼。——悠久的历史和文化背景可以孕育出强大的奢侈品品牌和奢侈品市场。【“魔法”和“逻辑”】“蔻驰(COACH)能够很好地将逻辑和魔法融为一体,”蔻驰公司全球主席兼行政总裁弗兰克福(Lew Frankfort)说,“魔法代表的是对时尚的把握和对产品的创新能力,逻辑是你能理解你的客户需求,并且知道他们今天在哪里,明天会到哪里。”【奢侈品品牌的特征——6高1长】奢侈品品牌具有“6高1长”的特性,即高知名度、高美誉度、高顾客忠诚度、高经济效益、高无形资产价值、高社会效应、较长的市场生命周期。【奢侈品品牌成功模式】1、 制造稀缺型:BURJ AL-ARAB、Patek Philippe、BENTLEY、Rolls-Royce、TIFFANY、Ferrari2、 强调品味型CHIVAS、Cohiba、Armani、zippo3、 提倡个性型CHANEL No.5、HARLEY、BMW、LV、HUMMER、VERSACE4、 描绘梦想型Dior、Shiseido、LANCOME5、 创造尊崇型MONT BLANC、Louis XVI Wine、Cadillac、HENNESY最后说一下我比较感兴趣的中国二三线城市的奢侈品市场发展,之前写过一份相关的奢侈品品牌建立的报告,也有所涉及这个部分。当时的报告里,对于二三线城市的讨论不是很充分。【二、三线城市的奢侈品市场】根据贝恩(Bain)公司2009年研究报告表明,目前中国部分二、三线城市的奢侈品市场消费能力已经和一线城市接近,二、三线城市(比如温州、深圳等)消费者的购买力和对奢侈品的态度也与北京、上海等城市接近。之所以目前在中国的二、三线城市的奢侈品市场没有上海等地如此繁荣,主要有以下原因:1、二、三线城市优质零售空间稀缺且难获得。2、招聘和挽留符合要求的门店员工在二、三线城市困难重重。3、二、三线城市本地购物卖场缺乏与奢侈品品牌合作的经验。综上,如果想建立一个中国本土奢侈品品牌,避开现在已有的国际化大品牌,就只好去还没有被侵占的二、三线城市奢侈品市场发展,这也就要求从最初的培训等等,大量投入。【附:奢侈品品牌建立报告(英文,图表未显示)】High-grade Watch:Brand-building and Brand-marketing in Chinese Luxury MarketChapter1: Introduction and ObjectivesIn recent years, China has been the center of focus for much business from around the world. Because of its rapid economic growth and increasingly favorable policies, businesses find it to be a very lucrative market. One particular segment that has received special focus is the luxury segment, because of consumers’ ability and propensity to spend and a desire to exhibit and enjoy their new wealth.According to The World Luxury Association’s Official 2009-2010 Global Annual Report, luxury consumption in China has added up to 9.4 billion dollars, taken up the 27.5 percent of the global share. However, it is foreign luxury brands that have established sizable market share and brand recognition within the China luxury segment. Under such circumstance, how to build and manage a Chinese luxury brand is a meaningful topic.The study, based on the model of high-grade watch, analyzes the motivations behind the purchase of luxury, especially in the context of China, and assesses some marketing strategies in such Chinese luxury brands, including e-commerce.Chapter2: Conception of Branding and An Analysis of the Luxury Market in ChinaPart1: Conception of Branding1-1 Brand ConceptsWhat is a brand?What are differences between a brand and a product?What should brand brings for a company?And then, think of, “how”?Brand has a series of sense, including nature, benefit, value, culture, character and user. And brand image consists of company’s image, users’ image and service’s image. 1-2 Why branding in China? Someone has put up a concept that a brand should reflect some kind of lifestyle. Lifestyle is decided by model of production. China now has a high degree of division and commoditized model of production, which leads to commoditized commodities and arouses customers’ rationality in comparing products with little difference. Meanwhile, lifestyle can divide people into different social status. Combining these two parts, brand can be the vital context in the contemporary customer behavior. Brand recognition and preference are now powerful phenomenon in China and greatly influence how consumers evaluate products and indicate preferences. According to research conducted by Accenture on the Chinese consumers in late 2006, the key determining attributes for differentiating a brand are its reputation and alignment with the consumers’ personal values. As to Andrew Meaden, CEO of media investment management company Mindshare China, brand power is very high in China as compared to other developed markets in the world. “The Chinese market is still not saturated, and brand is seen as a much clearer guide to personal status and prestige in China than in other countries.Part2: An Analysis of the Luxury Market in China2-1 Luxury Market in ChinaIn the book Luxury Brand Management, the author, Michel Chevalier, also a consultant and former company executive, points that with the high rising pace, the scale of Chinese luxury market, taking up 5% of total value of global luxury market, is still small and has a huge space to grow. Chinese luxury market is a green market.Compared with the increasing Chinese market, other mature markets such as American and European, on the contrary, continue to soften. It is the point of time.However, when a Chinese company establishes a strategy of brand building and management, one thing should not be ignored, that is, the top 5 brands shares half of every category of luxury goods, includes high-end watches. 2-2 Luxury Concept in ChinaThe luxury brands’ consumption model consists of four stages in terms of development in consumer behavior for buying luxury brands. In the first “conquer” stage, people begin to show interest in luxury brands. In the second “economic growth” stage, many of new rising middle class start to afford higher priced items such as electronic goods and some of elite class start to consume luxury brands. In the third “showing off” stage, people buy symbolic items to show off their wealth and economic status. Luxury consumers search for meaning and emotional fulfillment in general. In the agreement stage, people become very familiar with luxury brands and luxury consumptions spread just like viruses do. People regularly consume luxury brands and have higher taste to differentiate from others.From a survey on a research of popularization on luxury goods, we can draw a conclusion as the figure below. As is shown on the figure, valuableness ranks the first (13.86%). It leads that the high-price is the symbolic definition of luxury goods. But it doesn’t equal to “luxury”. After “valuableness”, there are grade (12.28%), delica (10.63%), and classic (10.41%), quality (9.77%). Then comes “luxury” (9.56%), ranked in the sixth. Therefore, luxury goods have been aesthetic objectives, while its high prices are used to pay for such products, a kind of combination of aesthetic value and functional practice. Also, we can see that negative definitions such as “superficiality”(2.52%) and “waste”(5.07%) rank last. To sum up, from the perspective of Chinese consumers, “luxury goods” now has been a neutral word.From the tradition of China, Chinese speak highly of diligence and thrift. In spite of the result above, we can infer that there are a certain group of elder people who still equal “luxury goods” with “luxury”, “expensive” and “a waste of money”. Thus, when their children consumes on luxury goods, they will put pressure on them and the contradiction breaks out.According to the analysis of luxury concept in China, we can deduce the main target consumer group should be the young age, and we should emphasize the optimistic concept of “luxury goods” instead of “showing off” stage in marketing.Chaper3: Analysis-Consumer Behaviour in ChinaIn China, domestic companies attention for comprehensive cross subject is far from enough. In fact, not only customer psychology should be applied to brand management.Part 1: Make sure the Nature of BrandDoes it represent royalty, or respect? Grace or good quality? As is mentioned above, if a brand devotes to reflecting a kind of lifestyle, it means that its business model should be closely tied to the lifestyle behind the brand. Once a company set a brand for its commodities, it made a promise to its customers. Brand, indeed, is customers’ worship and pursuit for their self-fulfillment. When deciding what nature of luxury goods brand should be, the market and social value must be taken into serious consideration. Elder Chinese people think highly of thrift, and young people need acceptance from others and courage for themselves. Then, comes to the next part, and the answer will appear clearer.Part2: Defining the marketNo matter how advertisements and slogans explain “luxury” as high quality, social status, respect from others or love for women, the consumption of Chinese elder people is inflexible. And also, in a long term, the future market is for young persons. “He who owns the next generation of customer groups, owns the future market.”But, just targeting at young people is not an enough solid base for brand building. Segment the young market, design different series products under the whole brand.Just for example. Some white-collar persons, they have good education background, they consider their own value and their own development. It is not for a detailed goal, but just self: Self-esteem, self-fulfillment. Maybe we can find another more precise word to describe this series: ego.And also, some persons are so-called successful young entrepreneurs. They, with superior courage and insight, also good fortune, devoted themselves in a brand new innovation and established their own business. For such persons, the nature of the brand may be interpreted as something different from white-collar’s.Besides, there are a group of common people, they may be crowded in the subway in rush hours. They are called “office worker”. They work hard every day although they don’t have some great dreams. But, every step up can make their broad smiles. For these people, some survey have suggested that they may buy luxury goods as rewards for their promotion.Summing up the Part1 and Part2, as for brand building, 3 things should keep in mind. Firstly, give “luxury” a totally new definition, especially for elder market. Secondly, lock on young people. Lastly, segment young people’s market in order to meet different needs.Part3: How to marketing3-1 Traditional methodsBecause of the target on the young market, the sales approach should be connected with young elements. Make a general survey of successful marketing cases, cooperating with music and sports is a preference. These two part can also be thought of in the traditional sales approaches.3-2 E-commerceThen, consider if there is any unique manner. E-commerce is one of the answers. Convenience is a major factor for online factor for online shoppers. Purchasing items online saves time because consumers do not have to go to the boutiques. E-commerce provides luxury brands with the opportunity to attract more consumers who might not be able to travel to boutique locations. On the same time, companies can gain insight into customer buying patterns by analyzing Web traffic; the items that are most often enter into the site’s search engine; and the most popular items on the site. Web site records and transactions can help a company develop an offline marketing strategy that is aligned with its online consumers’ preferences.However, someone may label e-commerce with group purchase for bargains, it is contradicted with the rarity of luxury goods. Below comes a linkage between motives for purchasing luxury brands and consumer behaviors in order to test whether e-commerce dilutes the exclusivity of luxury brands.In short, there are extrinsic factors that affect consumers’ decisions and have to do with the emotional and social value of the purchase. Luxury brands are used for social status rather than for practical functions related to the actual worth of the item. More importantly, the process of buying luxury brands is a high involvement activity for most consumers, from pre-purchase to after-purchase. In order to meet consumers’ expectations of an exclusive experience, luxury brand marketers must understand that the physical shopping experience and the exclusivity of brand image are very important considerations for luxury consumers. Hence, one of the most important things that luxury brands must do for their online customers is to make them feel that they are buying from the same store they have walked through offline. How do luxury brands make consumers feel the same personal service through a Web site as they have in a store? To do this right, first, the images, colors, and text need to flow seamlessly between stores, catalogs, and Web site. It is also essential to develop a consumer-oriented Web site that provides live shopping advice, shares shopping experiences in a consumer community, and builds a relationship with consumers through a membership loyalty program. In addition to a consumer-oriented Web site, luxury brand marketers should develop e-commerce strategies that cater to their consumers’ expectations of not losing the exclusivity and rarity of luxury brands.According to the analysis above, the results indicate that consumers expect an exclusive experience when shopping for luxury brands. Luxury brand marketers must keep in mind that the physical shopping experience and an exclusive brand image are critical considerations for luxury consumers. Thus, companies must make online customers feel as though they are buying from the same store as the one they have walked through offline. Understanding consumer attitudes toward e-commerce and toward purchasing luxury brands, luxury brand marketers must find an effective way to create and implement e-commerce Web sites, which will bring more value to customers and to luxury brands.3-3 The Experience EconomyWith luxury brands marketing, there can’t be without exhibitions and other activities. They provide an opportunity to let the common people come into contact with luxury goods and also help to raise the reputation of luxury brands in some public benefit activities.To let customers experience their products even their business sense before buying, is a great attempt that has been examined profitable. It even creates a new model of economy, that is, the experience economy.Brand means to provide and improve the feeling of experience for their consumers. To remember this point, combined with e-commerce, brand marketers can create some new approaches to manage their brands, to solidify their position among other similar luxury brands in consumers’ heart and help consumer to choose their brand without hesitation.Chapter4: A New brand of High-grade watchesTo carry out the theory above, take brand-building and marketing of high-end watches for example.As shown in relevant survey, survey on MSN Chinese white-collar purchase for luxury goods, launched by iRsearch Consulting Group:1. With increasing age, MSN white-collar netizens pay much more for high-end watches.2. White-collar netizens purchase amount for high-grade watches is proportional to their income.3. Netizens who have master degree prefer to pay 100 thousands for high-grade watches than others.4. With increasing age, netizens’ preferences for high-grade watches increase also.Taking these 4 graphs into consideration and analyzing, we can deduce that at the low ebb of high-grade watches consumerism, to build a new luxury watch brand may have lower barrier against other big brands in this industry. The nature of this brand can be as precise as management layer like, provided that it is not far from the conception what Chinese people defines luxury goods.Then come the products. As is mentioned before, a company can firstly design different series of products and they are distinguished by different value or symbol. As for e-commerce, coordinated with different series, web site can offer a function of self-career plan; it can be personalized by customers themselves and can be even detailed into every day work diary. And then, customer can record each step or level they get forward, to commemorate their improvement and self-achievement. Through this progress, web site users can be potential consumers and must gradually produce affection on the brand. Then the company launches some professional analysis based on the users’ personal character reflected by their individual plan. Through the result of analysis, the company can recommend different series of products according to the users’ taste. The company can also put up with some marketing ideas to let potential consumers experience their products, to understand more their business value.To start with the brand, as for the “second and third line city market”, we can choose such cities to begin the shop store. Consumers in these cities have similar degree of desire for luxury goods but foreign great brands, on the contrary, sometimes haven’t entered these markets. With the experience strategy and brand new products, to break through psychological barrier of the consumers in these cities, ease their uncertainty in choice of similar, inexperienced luxury goods. Chapter5: ConclusionBrand-building and management is a topic based on consumers’ psychology and of course enterprise management and so on. A brand value reveals the company’s culture and business sense. The value of a prestigious brand must cater to the social and target customers’ value. After brand building, every aspect in the later management should match to the value, or to say, the nature of the brand, including service, products design style, stores’ decoration, advertisement message…For luxury markets, especially for Chinese luxury market, to target on the young consumer group may be the better choice. Therefore, the marketing approach should embody the young groups’ value and definition of luxury goods. To cooperate with music, sports-related brands is a method, successfully accepted by the young persons. At this status quo, e-commerce will take a more and more part in marketing. Luxury goods does not totally unfit for e-commerce, but marketers should pay attention to physical shopping experience and an exclusive brand image.At last, brand management is absolutely not a short-term task. It takes unceasing adjust to apply to fast-changing market, not only for luxury, but also for other categories.

精彩短评 (总计41条)

  •     对想了解奢侈品的人很有帮助,我是做品牌策划的,所以很希望能多看到些具体操作的方法,对这点不是很满足。
  •     还不错的奢侈品介绍,数据详尽,案例丰富。就是因为是本大部头,显然有些啰嗦。重复稍多,提炼不够。对某些方面感兴趣,可以分章节阅读。而且数据较新。
  •     内容丰富~~值得每个人看一看~~学习下
  •     奢侈 是一种 品味 一种享受
    更多的了解 了奢侈品
    感知了 奢侈品
    才好深入去学习 管理 好书值得拥有
  •     发货速度很快,包装印刷也满意。书比想象中的要厚多了,内容写的很有启发,很多地方看了后觉得对公司的企业目标更坚定了。国内的企业要开拓发展必须走品牌路线啊。也许有些地方还需要在实践中验证,现在看看还是觉得很受益。
  •     内容翔实,案例比较多
  •     对想了解奢侈品行业的各大品牌公司的品牌了解和其基本运作还是比较实用的.
  •     还行太贵了
  •     看完之后感觉这本书在同类中算是出类拔萃的了,没有太多的空虚的总结性语言,通过一些实际的案例与精明的分析和数字让读者更加信服其中的观点,丰富而生动的一些有趣的举例让整本书阅读起来轻松愉快并让人印象深刻。将奢侈品领域以及涉及的维度阐述的很好,强烈建议阅读。
  •     书的质量不错,内容也挺全的~~值得一看~~
  •     一些奢侈品品牌的故事加上一些事实而非的名词可以忽悠一些人,但对真正想了解如何做“奢侈品品牌管理”的人几乎没有什么帮助,只能当一部品牌故事辞典了。不过这是大多数中国大学商学院老师的水平。不推荐!
  •     书有够沉、够厚、够精美!不愧是奢侈品管理的书,很精致!
  •     如果没有系统的管理经验,买来看看,还是有用的,内容不太深入,价格有点贵
  •     经典中的经典,没有定力或对专业的坚持你是读不下去的!
  •     喜欢这本书的质感,杂志般的纸质,很不错。书很厚,刚开始看,对于奢侈品行业需要入门的人来说真的是一本很有逻辑性的读物。
  •     1.关于奢侈品基本信息介绍部分东拼西凑,不成系统;2.作者观点部分基本都是“正确的废话”,居然还会有诸如“广告的定义,广告的类别”这样的章节,书很厚,但作者的核心思想就是那么几点,翻来覆去地讲;3.印刷质量还不错,评价的两星给的这个。准备退货。
  •     真正概述了国外的一线品牌经营理念!太棒了这本书!
  •     本书涉及诸多行业,涵盖食品、汽车、珠宝、手表、服饰。作者在分析介绍奢侈品品牌管理与品牌形象维护的同时,也对各品牌作出了对比。case部分,很多此类出版物都面临被指责的困境,但这并不妨碍这些案例对本书观点的佐证。中国企业在从制造向智造的转变过程中,建设其品牌价值和企业文化、提升其用户粘性都是十分紧要的问题。也许诸位能从这本书中找到让品牌长盛不衰的秘诀。此售价对机场零售来说也是过贵的。不知作者有否打算将此书改用更经济的纸张印刷,另版发行,使这本书能真正站上基层从业者和学生的书架。
  •     还不错吧,号称北大奢侈品管理班的教材
  •     内容还不错,图少,且不清晰
  •     内容非常充实,对于奢侈品管理及销售,或者是内部的一些特殊运营手段都有相关解释,非常实用。
  •     本书写了奢侈品管理很多基础性的知识,同时也有很多品牌传播、品牌体验、营销方面的知识,有经济管理学基础或者艺术基础的人,可以学一学,对以后职业规划和提升内涵都是很有帮助。
  •     书品质不错,不过里面的内容稍有啰嗦。对于深谙奢侈品的人来说一般,对于菜鸟还是可以看看的。
  •     收到货挺满意。 收到货挺满意。
  •     差评!!!送货速度挺快的就是书被压换了,估计是是快递给掉地上了还是怎么的。弄的跟旧的一样,折痕严重
  •     作为我未来的研究方向,这本书很有用。一开始的吸引源于其对“奢侈品”一词的正确定位。很独到以及能拓宽视野。
  •     东西不错,下次再来
  •     介绍全面视角独特。
  •     首先是书很厚,内容很多。对奢侈品品牌有一个更深入的了解,奢侈品品牌为何能够长盛不衰,应该读读其品牌的管理。
  •     待读
  •     什么中欧商学院的教授,写出来的东西简直就是垃圾。
  •     书只有材料堆砌,拼拼抄抄,对于管理基本上没有什么可说的。最关键的是这个作者就是个混圈子的骗子。我们七十多人选了他的课,上课谁回答问题回答的好,积极了就发一本,还主动让我们来找他签名。最后过了几节课说是卖给我们,全班都无语了。期间他不断在吹自己多厉害,给MBA上一堂课就是好几万,跟王石、俞敏洪、王中军谈笑风生。上课没有什么实际内容,让我们读开头那首丹增嘉措的诗,轮着读,换着人读了一个小时,之后吹牛逼吹了一个小时,最后放香奈儿的走秀,让全班女生在教室里走了一个多小时,嘴里基本上就几句话“你看这音乐”所有的东西都说不出自己的观点。让同学回答,然后不停地说“好!对!有道理!”也是醉了,安泰有这种混圈子的江湖骗子,还让我们给去网上他写书评。课上的不好,人品也这个样子,有同学怕他给我们挂科不敢不买
  •     很好 很厚 很强大很好 很厚 很强大
  •     中国已经成为毋庸置疑的奢侈品消费大国了。为什中国的奢侈品消费速度能如此火热?奢侈品为什么能如此吸引消费者?品牌?文化?品质?看看这本书你会有新的思考。奢侈品品怕的溢价,为何是一般商品所无法企及的,奢侈品品牌的维护,管理和一般品牌有何区别差异呢?这本书也可以给你有所启示。虽然比较贵,但是内容丰富到让你眼前一亮,物超所值。花了较长空闲时间才快速读了一遍,有空还得对某些细节再读读。整体说来真的不错。适合各种需求的人来读。希望后续能再版,精简部分基础内容,加入更多案例分析。
  •     奢侈品到底是个什么玩意,品牌的划分,奢侈品的内在含义,等等等等。。。。如果你还只是停留在暴发户的LV层级,而不去探索其内在含义,那么,你已经被远远的甩在后面了,奢侈,是一种生活态度。
  •     书真心贵
  •     货已收到,蛮好蛮好!
  •     能够很系统的了解奢侈品牌的管理运营,案例分析也比较全面,非常喜欢
  •     很厚实的一本,很有份量
  •     内容全面,装订质量也好,封面大气。
  •     打开书的时候有微惊喜,常见的文艺范儿,仓央嘉措的诗词深入人心最柔软的地方。第一感官觉得说这本书是不是属于文艺范儿的学习书。 书的内容很充实,知识面涵盖很广,个人认为首先可以算是奢侈品知识的普及教育,亦是管理领域的一种研究探讨。 非常有价值的书,值得推荐!

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