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  The American ideal is not a classless society, but rather a society in which individuals are free to get ahead on the basis of merit, talent, hard work, and good luck. So this study places under spotlight the American elites of science, business and politics in the 20th century. A great many books summarize the lives of these celebrities from the cradle to the grave, but these compendiums are totally unanalytical. Review of literature shows that the amount of scholarly attention paid to these three groups of elites has varied greatly. On the whole, the entrepreneurial adventure and boldness of power of American business giants have of course inspired vast literature, and American federal executives comprising the powerful bureaucratic elite have received considerable attention, but investigations on the nations great scientists were quite limited. While thousands of books and essays examined various dimensions of these great men and women, there is hardly any study at all that has put them in human capital perspectives. Still, a number of relevant and significant works are worth mentioning.


List of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 IntroductionContext of the Study: American Century &Human Capital CenturyResearch Rationale: The 80/20 PrincipleSample Selection: Who Are the Vital Few for the U.S.Economic Power?Literature ReviewThesis OrganizationSignificance of the StudyChapter 2 Theoretical Framework of Human CapitalEvolution of Human Capital TheoryThe Notion of Human Capital in Classical EconomicsEmergence of Modem Human Capital TheoryAdvance of Human Capital TheoryDimensions of Human CapitalDefining Human CapitalCategorizing Human CapitalSocioeconomic Importance of Human CapitalHuman Capital and Economic DevelopmentHuman Capital and Knowledge EconomyForms of Human Capital AcquisitionFamily InfluenceFormal EducationJob TrainingLearning by DoingResearch and DevelopmentMigrationHealth CareInstitutional Matrix of Human Capital ProductionInstitutional Components of Human Capital ProductionEnvironment of Human Capital ProductionSocial Capital in the Creation of Human CapitalChapter 3 The Making of American Elite ScientistsIntroductionHistorical Overview of American ScienceIdentifying American Elite ScientistsDefining Scientific and Technical Human CapitalObjectives and DataWorking of Social OriginsInfluence of FamilyImpact of ImmigrationReligious Affiliation: The Case of JudaistsProcess of Higher LearningSelection and RecrnitmentUndergraduate StudyGraduate and Postdoctoral TrainingDevelopment and AttainmentFeatures of College EducationMaster and Apprentice TiesMentorship That Makes a DifferenceProgress in Scientific CareerInstitutional ContextEvocative EnvironmentResearch CollaborationChapter 4 The Making of American Business GiantsIntroductionEvolution of American Business: An OverviewDefining Entrepreneurial Human CapitalAmerican Business Giants: Data and SampleSocial OriginsFamily BackgroundNation of OriginReligious Affiliation: Judaists as a Case StudyFormal EducationSecondary Education as a VirtueHigher Education Makes a DifferenceBusiness Education as an AdvantageOther Avenues of LearningJob TrainingMilitary ServiceBusiness Career PathClimbing the Corporate LadderEntrepreneurial Adventure of Silicon ValleyitesAmerican Entrepreneurship as Perpetual Driving ForceChapter 5 The Making of American Government LeadersIntroductionHistorical Overview of the American GovernmentIdentifying the U.S. Economic Policy LeadersPurpose and QuestionsData and MethodSocioeconomic BackgroundSocial Class Origin: Presidents as a Case StudyHow Did Social Class Matter?Higher EducationInstitutions as Training GroundAreas of SpecializationWomen and Minorities: A Pattern of ImbalanceCareer Lines to Political High OfficeMilitary ExperiencePrior Nongovernmental OccupationsPolitical PathwaysChapter 6 Discussion and AnalysisSynthesizing the FindingsFamily InfluenceMigrationHigher EducationMilitary ServiceJob TrainingSelf-improvement in CareerSocial NetworkingLinking the Individuals and the SystemsHigher Education SystemScience and Technology SystemImmigration SystemMilitary SystemSociocultura! Value SystemChapter 7 Concluding ThoughtsDeterminants of Human Capital Formation on Personal LevelKey Institutional Factors in American Top Talent DevelopmentConsiderations for Future ResearchAppendix 1 List of American Elite Scientists as SampleAppendix 2 List of American Business Giants by IndustryAppendix 3 List of American Political Leaders as SampleBibliography


  回望20世纪,美国在经济的众多领域始终实力超群,从而赢得“美国世纪”的声望。强大的经济实力体现了美国的人力资本优势,而其核心因素是作为人力资本载体的人。20世纪美国的超强地位正是取决于一大批顶尖人才的杰出贡献,这就是80/20效率法则,或称帕累托效率定律,因此,这些“关键的少数”(the Vital Few)社会英才值得特别关注。  《20世纪美国顶尖人才的人力资本形成》把20世纪奠定美国经济强盛地位的关键少数人才锁定为功勋卓著的科学家、企业家与政治家三个精英群体,因为科学家的研究成果提高生产效率、推动社会进步,企业家创造财富、提供就业、繁荣市场,政治家的高瞻远瞩和英明决策为经济发展保驾护航。  《20世纪美国顶尖人才的人力资本形成》的创新之处在于方法与内容两个方面。在方法上,以近年来倍受重视的人力资本为视角,把美国经济顶尖人才的成才经历置于人力资本的理论基础上进行系统的剖析,并通过实证考察来验证人力资本形成途径的重要程度,从而使理论与实际紧密结合。在内容上,阐述了作者对美国经济英才人力资本形成途径的两点认识,既对人力资本理论予以补充,也对传统观点有所突破。


强大的经济实力体现了美国的人力资本优势,而其核心因素是作为人力资本载体的人。在过去的一百年中,成千上万的劳动者为美国的繁荣兴旺付出了聪明才智,而他们中有一小部分人在各自的领域发挥了重要作用并产生巨大影响。本文认为,20世纪美国的超强地位取决于一大批顶尖人才的杰出贡献,因此,这些“关键的少数”(me Vital Few)社会英才值得特别关注。





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