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版权页:插图:In sum, steel is still irreplaceable for the world's primary basic industries and infrastructure and even daily consumption due to its excellent overall properties. The competitiveness of steel in terms of price is also quite obvious. The cost per unit strength of steel compared with those of various structural materials is only 1/4 to 1/5 that of aluminium, ceramics, and carbon materials.  Also, iron ore deposits for the manufacture of steel are available in large quantities and easy to exploit, and steel products are easy to process and recycle. Thus steel will remain as the principal basic material worldwide in the foreseeable future, and will continue to play an active role in the world's social civilization and economic development, especially in China where the national economy is growing at a rapid pace.   In the 21st century, the international steel industry has been paying close attention to the position and role of steel materials and has expressed many views of an evaluating nature. It appears that the opinions of all countries are unanimous in these aspects. A typical opinion is that of the AISI (Kavanagh, Carson, Dasgupta, et al, 1998), which maintains that steel will continue to be the "material of choice".  In China, where the economy is in a period of rapid growth, steel consumption is swiftly increasing in the wake of the country's rapidly developing nationaeconomy and social civilization, the apparent consumption of steel reaching 411.6 million tons in 2007. Relevant studies hold that petroleum, steel, aluminum, and copper are strategic materials for this country and should be given a high degree of attention.


殷瑞钰(Yin Ruiyu),1935年7月生于江苏苏州。中国著名钢铁冶金专家。1957年毕业于北京钢铁学院(现北京科技大学),1994年当选为巾同工程院首批院士。历任唐山钢铁公司总工程师、副经理,河北省冶金厅厅长,冶金工业部总工程师、副部长,钢铁研究总院院长,中国工程院化工、冶金与材料学部主任、工程管理学部主任等职,中国金属学会第五、六、七届副理事长。曾任国家攀登计划“熔融还原技术基础研究”首席科学家。现任中同工程院主席团成员,钢铁研究总院名誉院长,中国金属学会名誉理事长,北京科技大学、东北大学兼职教授、博导。长期住冶金企业、科研单位和同家工业部门从事科技、生产、经济管理和行业发展战略研究工作,特别是对20世纪90年代中国钢铁工业技术进步战略的判断、选择和有序推进做了大量工程技术和理论研究工作。组织推进了中国连续铸钢,高炉喷吹煤粉,棒、线材连轧等多项关键一共性技术的全国性突破工作;在理论上提出并阐述了钢铁制造流程的多因子物质流控制、钢铁制造流程解析与集成、钢铁厂结构优化和发展模式、钢铁工业与绿色制造等一系列观点;促进了一大批钢厂工艺流程结构的优化,推动了中国钢铁工业持续快速发展。曾获冶金工业部(局)科技进步奖一等奖二项,国家科技进步奖二等奖一项。由于住工程技术和工程科学方面的成就和贡献,荣获1998~1999年度中国工程科技奖。2002年当选为日本钢铁学会名誉会员。荣获2008年度何梁何利科技进步奖。


Chapter 1 Steel——the "Material of Choice"  1.1 The Position of Steel among Diverse Materials  1.2 Steel——An Important Basic Material in the Process of Industrialization  1.3 The Rise of the Chinese Steel Industry    1.3.1 The traction of market demand    1.3.2 Correct judgments and choices and the orderly implementation of technological progress strategies    1.3.3 The promotional effect of using international mineral resources and scrap    1.3.4 Domestication of advanced technology and equipment    1.3.5 The coordinating effect of effective investments and a technological progress strategy  1.4 Technological Progress of the Chinese Steel Industry    1.4.1 Continuous casting technology    1.4.2 PCI technology    1.4.3 Technology for the elongation of BF campaigns    1.4.4 Technology for continuous rolling of long products    1.4.5 Comprehensive energy savings by means of production process adjustments    1.4.6 Slag splashing technology for BOFs ,    1.4.7 Summary  1.5 Comparative Superiority, Restrictions and Prospects of the Chinese Steel Industry    1.5.1 Advantages    1.5.2 Restrictions    1.5.3 Prospects of the Chinese steel industry "  ReferencesChapter 2 Process Manufacturing Industry and Process Engineering"  2.1 Manufacturing Industry and Its Technological Process  2.2 Process Manufacturing Industry and Equipment Manufacturing Industry  2.3 Manufacturing Process and Process Engineering    2.3.1 Process and manufacturing process    2.3.2 Process engineering    2.3.3 Process engineering and manufacturing process    2.3.4 Connotation and targets of process engineering  2.4 Features of Manufacturing Process    2.4.1 Complexity of manufacturing process    2.4.2 Integrity of manufacturing process  2.5 Classification of Manufacturing Processes    2.5.1 Classification according to functions    2.5.2 Classification according to structures    2.5.3 Classification according to production running modes    2.5.4 Classification according to technological features  ReferencesChapter 3 Engineering Science in Steel Manufacturing Process  3.1 Transition of Theory and Engineering Practice for Metallurgical Process    3.1.1 Formation and progress of the fundamental science on metallurgy    3.1.2 Technical science issues in unit device and procedure level of metallurgical process    3.1.3 Formation and progress of metallurgical process engineering ..  3.2 Connotation and Physical Essence of Metallurgical Process Engineering    3.2.1 Multi-level analysis of science    3.2.2 Physical essence of manufacturing process of metallurgy    3.2.3 Targets of the metallurgical process engineering    3.2.4 Research scope and methodology of metallurgical process engineering    3.2.5 The influence of metallorgical process engineering on steel enterprise  3.3 Ken and Topics of Fundamental Research of Metallurgical Engineering Science  ReferencesChapter 4 Analysis and Integration of Manufacturing Process of Metallurgy  4.1 Steel Manufacturing Process Is a Complex Process System    4.1.1 Feature of the steel manufacturing process system    4.1.2 Complexity of steel manufachturing process    4.1.3 Flow and order of steel manufacturing process  4.2 Steel Manufacturing Process--A Dissipative Process  4.3 Essence of Steel Manufacturing Process    4.3.1 Basic parameters and derivative parameters for steel manufacturing process    4.3.2 Operation mode of steel manufacturing process system  4.4 Metallurgical Process Engineering v.s. Analysis and Integration of Steel Manufacturing Process    4.4.1 Evolution and structure analysis of steel manufacturing process    4.4.2 Analysis-optimization of the set of procedures' functions    4.4.3 Coordination-optimization for the set of procedures' relations in steel manufacturing process    4.4.4 Reconstruction-optimization of set of procedures in steel manufacturing process    4.4.5 Combination of process science and information technology  ReferencesChapter 5 Multi-Factor Mass Flow Control for Metallurgical Mannfaeturing Process  5.1 Some Fundamentals of Multi-Factor Mass Flow Control    5.1.1 Concept and elements of manufacturing process    5.1.2 Dynamically and orderly operating of process    5.1.3 Targets, contents and methodology of study on multi-factor mass flow control  5.2 Multi-factor Mass Flow System Control of Steel Manufacturing Process    5.2.1 Process features of steel manufacturing process    5.2.2 Concept of operation in steel manufacturing process    5.2.3 Analysis on "stimulus-response" of manufacturing process system  5.3 Dynamic-Orderly Structure and Information Flux in Process    5.3.1 Multi-scale, multi-level and self-organization    5.3.2 Information flow and model building  5.4 Case Study of Multi-factor Mass Flow Control in Steel Manufacturing Process  ReferencesChapter 6 Time Factor in Manufacturing Process  6.1 Function of Time in the Manufacturing Process    6.1.1 Connotation of time    6.1.2 Character of time    6.1.3 Time, clock and time scheduling    6.1.4 Time a basic and essential parameter  6.2 Time Factors in Metallurgical Manufacturing Process  6.3 Time Factors in the Production of Steel Plant    6.3.1 The importance of time factors    6.3.2 Forms and connotation of time in steel manufacturing process    6.3.3 Statement of expression of time factors  6.4 Continuation Degree of Steel Manufacturing Process    6.4.1 Theoretic continuation degree    6.4.2 Actual continuation degree  6.5 The Analysis for Time Factor of Thin Slab Casting-Rolling Process  ReferencesChapter 7 Operating Dynamics in the Production Process of Steel Plant  7.1 Evolution of Production Operation in Steel Enterprises since 1990s    7.1.1 Guiding idea for production operation in steel enterprises in the first half of the 20th century    7.1.2 Guiding idea for production operation in steel enterprises in the second half of the 20th century ;    7.1.3 Tendency of guiding idea for production operation of modern steel plants beyond the 20th century  7.2 Dynamic Features of Production Process Running of Steel Plants Operation Form and Essence  7.3 Operating Mode of Different Procedures and Devices in Steel Production Process  7.4 Running Strategy for Steel Production Process    7.4.1 Section division of running strategy for production process of steel plant    7.4.2 Pushing force and pulling force in up-stream of steel manufacturing process    7.4.3 Pushing force and pulling force in downstream of steel manufacturing process    7.4.4 Strategy of the continually running of mass flow for steel manufacturing process  7.5 Interface Techniques of Steel Manufacturing Process    7.5.1 The meaning of interface technique    7.5.2 Interface techniques of BF--BOF section    7.5.3 Interface technique between steelmaking furnace and caster    7.5.4 Interface technique of section between caster and rolling mill  7.6 Influence of Steel Plant Structure on the Operation Dynamics of Steel Manufacturing Process  ReferencesChapter 8 The Structure and Mode of Steel Plant Process  8.1 Relation between Process Functions' Evolution and the Process Structure in a Steel Plant    8.1.1 Positions and functions of procedures in a process    8.1.2 Evolution of procedures' functions of steel manufacturing process    8.1.3 The optimization for the distribution and combination of procedural functions in the steel manufacturing process  8.2 Transportation in the Production of Steel Plant  8.3 General Layout of a Steel Plant    8.3.1 "Flow" is the corpus in the operation of a steel production process    8.3.2 The importance of general layout  8.4 Issues about Structure Optimization in Steel Plants    8.4.1 Background and driving power of structure optimization in steel plants    8.4.2 Connotations of steel plant structure and the trend of steel plant restructuring    8.4.3 Engineering analysis of steel plant structural optimization    8.4.4 Resources, energy and steel plant manufacturing process  8.5 Steel Plant Structure Optimization and Engineering Design    8.5.1 The importance of process engineering design    8.5.2 Trend of technological progress in steel plants    8.5.3 Principles about engineering design in optimizing steel plant process structure  8.6 Modem Steel Plant Models    8.6.1 Large integrated steel plants    8.6.2 Steel plants with small or medium BF    8.6.3 EAF process steel plants    8.6.4 Steel plant and consolidated steel corporation (group)    8.6.5 Issues about investment  ReferencesChapter 9 Steel Plants and the Environment Issues  9.1 Issues on Sustainable Development    9.1.1 Put forward of the topic    9.1.2 Manufacture linkage and evolution of the values of commodity    9.1.3 Features and multi-levels of the influence of steel plants on environment  9.2 Progress of Environment Protection in Steel Enterprises Worldwide  9.3 Green Manufacturing in Steel Plants    9.3.1 Concept and connotation of green manufacture    9.3.2 Philosophy and technical route for green manufacture    9.3.3 Key role of manufacturing process in the course of greenization of steel plants    9.3.4 Technologies of green manufacture of steel plants  9.4 Steel Plants and Industrial Ecology    9.4.1 About industrial ecology    9.4.2 Research view of industrial ecology    9.4.3 Steel plants and eco-industrial chain  9.5 Function Extension of Steel Plants and Circular Economy Society    9.5.1 Function extension of manufacturing process and eco- oriented transforming of steel plants    9.5.2 Steel plants in circular economy society  ReferencesIndex




《冶金流程工程学(全英文·国际版)(第2版)》内容简介:Metallurgical Process Engineering discusses large-scale integrated theory on the level of manufacturing production processes, putting forward concepts for exploring non-equilibrium and irreversible complex system. It emphasizes the dynamic and orderly operation of the steel plant manufacturing process, the major elements of which are the flow, process network and program. The book aims at establishing a quasi-continuous and continuous process system for improving several techno-economic indices, minimizing dissipation and enhancing the market competitiveness and sustainability of steel plants. The book is intended for engineers, researchers and managers in the fields of metallurgical engineering, industrial design, and process engineering. Prof. Ruiyu Yin is honorary president of the Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, China, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.






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