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IntroductionIn a letter written in 1748 when The Spirit of the Laws was first published Montesquieu wrote, "I can say that I have worked on it my whole life: I was given some law books when I left my college; I sought their spirit, I worked, but I did nothing worthwhile. I discovered my principles twenty years ago: they are quite simple; anyone else working as hard as I did would have done better.……




Part 1BOOK i On laws in generalBOOK 2 On laws deriving directly from the nature of thegovernmentBOOK 3 On the principles of the three governmentsBOOK 4 That the laws of education should be relative to theprinciples of the governmentBOOK 5 That the laws given by the legislator should berelative to the principle of the governmentBOOK 6 Consequences of the principles of the variousgovernments in relation to the simplicity of civiland criminal laws, the form of judgments, and theestablishment of penaltiesBOOK 7 Consequences of the different principles of thethree governments in relation to sumptuary laws,luxury, and the condition of womenBOOK 8 On the corruption of the principles of the threegovernmentsPart 2BOOK 9 On the laws in their relation with defensive forceBOOK 10 On laws in their relation with offensive forceBOOK 11 On the laws that form political liberty in itsrelation with the constitutionBOOK 12 On the laws that form political liberty in relationto the citizenBOOK 13 On the relations that the levy of taxes and the sizeof public revenues have with libertyPart 3BOOK 14 On the laws in their relation to the nature of theclimateBOOK 15 How the laws of civil slavery are related with thenature of the climateBOOK 16 How the laws of domestic slavery are related tothe nature of the climateBOOK 17 How the laws of political servitude are related tothe nature of the climateBOOK 18 On the laws in their relation with the nature ofthe terrainBOOK 19 On the laws in their relation with the principlesforming the general spirit, the mores, and themanners of a nationPart 4BOOK 20 On the laws in their relation to commerce,considered in its nature and its distinctionsBOOK 21 On laws in their relation to commerce, consideredin the revolutions it has had in the worldBOOK 22 On laws in their relation to the use of moneyBOOK 23 On laws in their relation to the number ofinhabitantsPart 5BOOK 24 On the laws in their relation to the religionestablished in each country, examined in respectto its practices and within itselfBOOK 25 On the laws in their relation with theestablishment of the religion of each country, andof its external policeBOOK 26 On the laws in the relation they should have withthe order of things upon which they are to enactPart 6BOOK 27 ONLY CHAPTER. On the origin and revolutionsof the Roman laws on inheritanceBOOK 28 On the origin and revolutions of the civil lawsamong the FrenchBOOK 29 On the way to compose the lawsBOOK 30 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franksin their relation with the establishment of themonarchyBOOK 31 The theory of the feudal laws among the Franksin their relation to the revolutions of theirmonarchyBibliographyIndex of names and placesIndex of works cited


The Spirit of the Laws is without question one of the central texts in the history of eighteenth-century thought, yet there has been no complete scholarly English language edition since 1750. This lucid translation renders Montesquieu's problematic text newly accessible to a fresh generation of students, helping them to understand why Montesquieu was such an important figure in the early enlightenment and why The Spirit of the Laws was such an influence on those who framed the American Constitution. Fully annotated, this edition focuses on Montesquieu's use of sources and his text as a whole, rather than on those opening passages toward which critical energies have traditionally been devoted.


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  •     权力是影响、支配、控制他人的能力,权力来源于权利。权力的取得只有两种形式,要么是授予,要么是攫取,授予的权力是合法的权力,攫取的权力是非法的权力。谁授予它呢?强力并不构成权利,而人们只是对合法的权力才有服从的义务。第四章开头,约定才可以成为人间一切合法权威的基础。第六章, 社会公约的定义我们每个人都以其自身及其全部的力量共同至于公意的最高指导之下,并且我们在共同体中接纳每一个成员作为全体之不可分割的一部分。社会公约赋予了政治体以支配它的各个成员的绝对权力。正是这种权力,当其公意所指导时,就获得了主权这个名称。一切有权力的人都容易走向滥用权力,这是一条千古不变的经验。有权力的人直到把权用到极限方可休止。谁能料想到,道德本身也需要界限!从对事物的支配来看,要防止滥用权力,就必须以权力制约权力。可以有这样一种政体,不强迫任何人去做法律所不强迫他做的事,也不阻止任何人去做法律所许可他做的事。要制约权力,从技术层面上来说,就是分权,包括纵向分权(中央和地方分权)和横向分权(政府部门内部分权,如立法、行政和司法的分权),以及权力的制衡,以权力制约权力;从本质上来讲,就是要以权利制约权力,权力必须为权利服务,而不能反过来侵犯权利。 要制约权力,就必须通过立宪的方式,把上述体制固定下来,使行使权力的人也不能更改,并保证司法的完全独立,同时给予人民多方面的渠道提出自己的诉求,保护自己的利益。主权的分割形成三权分立。每个国家都有三种权力:立法权、对有关国际法事务的执行权和对民法有关事务的执行权。根据以上的第一种权力,国王或执政官制定临时的或长久的法律,并且修改或废止原来制定的法律。根据第二种权力,作出讲和或宣战的决定,派遣或接纳使节,维护公共安全,防御侵略。根据第三种权力,惩治犯罪或仲裁民事争端。我们称后者为司法权,而把第二种权力简称为国家的行政权。对于公民来讲,政治上的自由是一种心理上的抚慰,这种心理抚慰是基于从都认为自身是安全的观点而产生的。为了获得这种自由,就得有这样的政府,在它的治理下,公民相互之间没有惧怕感。如果司法权和行政权集中在同一个人之手或同一机构之中,就不会有自由存在。因为人们会害怕这个国王或议会制定暴虐的法律并强制执行这些法律。如果司法权不与立法权和行政权分立,自由同样也就不复存在了。如果司法权与立法权合并。公民的生命和自由则将任人宰割,因为法官就有压制别人的权力。如果同一个人或者由显要人物、贵族和平民组成的同样的机构行使以上所说的三种权力,即立法权、司法权和行政权,后果则不堪设想。美国的“三权分立”制度是最佳例子。The general structure of the U.S. government is based on the constitution,especially the principles of federalism and separation of powers.In the federal system the powers of government and the states.Then the authority givern to the central government is divided among three separate branches:legislative,executive,and judicial.Legislative. Laws are made by a congress that consists of two houses,the senate and the house of representatives.The Senate has 100 munbers(2from each state)and the house 435(with the number from each state based on his population).The constitution does nit say how congress is to be organized,but both houses have chosen a committes system.Exucutive. Laws are to be carried out by the President;no other executive unit is called for in the Consititution.However,an enormous bureaucracy has grown up around the President.The executive Office serves thePresident’s managerial needs and includes the White House Office,the Office of Management and budget,and national security councli. The executive branch also inducles the 12 Cabinet departments (state,defense,treasury,and so forth).In addition,there are a number of independent government agencies of two general types:independent execuitive agencies and government corporations(such as the CIA and the u.s.postal service)and independent regulatory commision ( such as the Interstate Comerce commition and the Federal Power Cpmmission). These agencies are formally part of the executive branch,but they are independent of the president.Judicial. The Consititution gives judicial power to the supreme court and any lower courts established by Congress.Over the years Congress has created a system of lower federal courts that includes U.S. circuit courts of appeals and the U.S.district courts.由此我们可以看出,美国和西方资本主义国家的“三权分立”制度是相当完善。其中各种权力独立行使,同时又相互制约,保持权力的均衡。这种制度相对于封建专制统治与个人独裁是一种进步,它有利于调整资产阶级内部各党派,各利益集团之间的利益矛盾,有助于维护资产阶级的民主制度和保持资本主义社会的稳定。这种制度是与资本主义国家的私有经济基础,资产阶级国家性质,阶级关系和政党制度相适应的,是为维护资产阶级统治服务的。所以有学者提出,我国的人民代表大会制度同资本主义国家的“三权分立”制度根本不同。一, 中国的立法权自由恢复后,又会看到萌发起的嫉妒,只要当权者还保留什么特权,平民就要去剥夺。 ——孟德斯鸠中国至今有四部宪法,这是难以想象的。宪法是一个国家的最高法律,是神圣的,然而数次的修改并重新颁布,不免让人质疑他的权威性。到底是为什么会产生这么多部宪法?反观美国两百多年历史只有唯一一部宪法,又是为什么呢?我们先看《美利坚合众国宪法》历史。美利坚合众国宪法,简称美国宪法,是美国的根本大法。该宪法于1787年9月17日在费城召开的美国制宪会议上获得代表的批准,并在此后不久被当时美国拥有的13个州的特别会议所批准。根据这部宪法,美国成为一个由各个拥有主权的州所组成的联邦国家,同时也有一个联邦政府来为联邦的运作而服务。从此联邦体制取代了基于邦联条例而存在的较为松散的邦联体制。1789年,美国宪法正式生效。该部宪法有个值得注意的原则。宪法至上原则——美国宪法以及国会通过的法律的效力高于其他一切法律、行政法规和规定。自从1803年著名的马伯里诉麦迪逊案之后,美国联邦法院系统拥有了违宪审查权。这意味着联邦各级法院可以审查立法机关通过的法律是否与宪法相抵触,并且可以宣布违反宪法的法律无效。同时,法院还可以审查包括美国总统在内的各级政府颁布的法令的合宪性。但是,法院的这种审查权不能主动行使,只能在某一具体诉讼中被运用。因此,这也被称作“被动的审查权”。(参看美国联邦政府诉尼克松案)而中国宪法历次的制定。第一部宪法,1954年9月20日第一届全国人大一次会议通过、颁布了《中华人民共和国宪法》。这是中华人民共和国的第一部宪法,是在对建国前夕由全国政协制定的起临时宪法作用的《共同纲领》进行修改的基础上制定的。第二部宪法,1975年1月17日第四届全国人大第一次会议通过、颁布了中华人民共和国第二部宪法。第三部宪法,1978年3月5日第五届全国人大第一次会议通过、颁布了中华人民共和国第三部宪法。第四部宪法1982年12月4日,中华人民共和国第四部宪法在第五届全国人大第五次会议上正式通过并颁布。对比之下,一个制定者是各“国”的代表,另一个制定者是国家机构。国家机构能行使立法权吗?第一,真如孟德斯鸠说的,自由恢复后,又会看到萌发起的嫉妒,只要当权者还保留什么特权,平民就要去剥夺。第二,根据社会契约论对政府的定义,政府就是在臣民与主权者之间所建立的一个中间体,以便两者得以互相适合,它负责执行法律并维护社会的以及政治的自由。而政府的创制决不是一项契约。可知,全国人大不具有立法权。立法权应该由宪法赋予才是正确的做法。二,中国的行政权为了使行政权不致出现压迫行为,交由行政机构指挥的军队就应该是人民的军队,并具有与人民同样的旨意。为了做到这一点,只有两种办法:一是在军队服役的人应有较多财产,作为他在行为上对其他公民负责的担保,服役期限以一年为限。二是,如果没有常备部队,而且部队的士兵是由国内最卑贱的人充当的情况下,立法机构应有随时解散军队的权力,士兵应与民众杂居,没有单独的营地,也没有营房和练兵场。军队一旦建立,就不能直接受立法机构的管辖,而应听命于行政机构,这是由事物的性质所决定的。因为军队更多的是注重行动而不是言论。人们在思想上总是崇尚勇敢,蔑视怯懦;鼓励积极行动,力戒谨小慎微;重视实力,轻视谋略。军队总是蔑视议会而敬重军官。军队不重视立法机构的命令,因为他们认为立法机构是由一些胆小鬼组成的,不配指挥他们。所以,如果军队完全受立法机构管辖,那么政府也就要变成军事性的了。如果不是这样的话,那就是由于某些特殊原因的缘故。因为军队经常是分开的,或者是由于军队分成许多军团,各军团分属于不同的省份;或者是因为所有主要城市地势险要,便于防守,无需驻扎军队。毛泽东在井冈山建立革命根据地时,就遇到过军队服从谁的问题。当时军队里,有又党员组成的军委会,毛泽东当时认前委;而中央觉得前委权力过大,难以控制,想重新收回领导权。有人就借此反对“分权主义”,把毛泽东赶下台。但是数次军队失利,证明了党要对军队绝对领导。当江泽民从主席位置退下时,解放军队的首长一职仍然担当。三,中国的司法权中国人民代表大会制度决定了中国司法权弱。人民代表大会作为国家最高权力机关统一行使国家权力,实行民主集中制,集体行使职权,集体决定问题。真因为这样,各个部门或多或少存在利益关系。好比如说,人民代表大会是人的头脑,司法部门是左右手,行政部门是左右脚,立法部门是身体,而现在要求左右手监督身体和脚,这可能吗?举个事例。居委会换届选举,党支部派代表监督选举过程,而主任候选人只有一个,并且是党员,这能叫监督吗?恐怕是委任吧。中国在拿来主义的基础上,也应该尊重版权。市场经济在社会主义下成长社会主义经济,是适合国情,也是创新的。那为什么我们不能大胆承认人民代表大会制度是在三权分立的基础下建立的?在中国,普遍认为司法权薄弱,当权者是要开始考虑革新了。

精彩短评 (总计7条)

  •     书很好, 发货也很快
  •     多年前看过中译本,现在买个英文本以作收藏。
  •     好书
  •     倒不是“法律”的精神,而是人类在混沌中依然遵循的法则。东西方在很多观点上的差异问题也看过就罢不必深究了。题外话是书里“人类也无非就是这么个玩意”这种调调我倒挺喜欢的。
  •     可惜没找到我大学读过那个硬皮版的,买了商务印书馆的浅色皮翻译版。
  •     这个是必看的~
  •     书刚到,表面上看起来比我想的要好,希望不会让我失望!

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