
作者:賽門.蒙提費歐里 Simon Sebag Montefiore

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - until Six Day War - Jerusalem - until Six Day War

On 14th May 1948, Ben-Gurion announced the born of Israel under a picture of Herzl, a name chosen over Judaea and Zion. Truman, who considered himself of Cyrus, recognized the nation 15 mins later. But the first office recognition came from Stalin. Weizmann, almost blind now and living in New York, who felt both delighted and forgotten, was asked to be the first president. Soon he would find out the power is in the prime minister (Ben-Gurion) and president is simply an honored symbolic position. Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon launched war targeting at Jew extermination. They were full of confidence as Jews were 'shopkeepers' and being submissive to Muslim for almost a thousand years.
Out of their 165K troops, 28K were fielded in may facing roughly same number of Israel soldiers. The supreme commander of the armies was Abdullah, the king of Jordan, the man Lawrence admired. He had been the most realistic Muslim leader who agreed the partition. But in the complex circumstances, he did not mange to make a deal with Zionist. Now he had to defend the Jerusalem for the Muslim world, and he determined to hold the city unless he was killed. Abdullah took the old city and Jews were banned from the Wall since the muslim reconquest in 1187, and the Jews would not have access to the wall for 19 years. Count Folke Bernadette, the grandson of the first Bernadette king of Sweden, mediated a truce of new partitioning with the whole Jerusalem to Abdullah. Israel refused and he was assassinated in Jerusalem by Jews. In 1949, Israel, with 88K military force now, signed armistice with all five arabic nations. The new born jewish nation survived. The old city was in the hands of Abdullah and the international community insisted that Jerusalem should be internationalized. Nevertheless, Israel declared Jerusalem as the capital of the country.
Before 1967, the partitioned Jerusalem was relatively in peace apart from assassination of king Abdullah and incidents in no man's land. Nasser created united public of Egypt and Syria and his ambition was to annihilate
Israel. King Hussein of Jordan was loosing support in Palestine. PLO and Fatah initiated by Egypt emerged and grew in strength. A failed attack of Syria to Israel and false intelligence from Moscow made Nasser moving Egyptian troops to Sinai. Eshkol, the new president, and general Rabin were anxious about the fate of Israel which faced Arabic armies in three fronts. Diplomatic options were exhausted, and Israel was determined to win a war they could not afford to lose.
The Israel army was commanded by Dayan who despised Eshkol, in fact he despised most people. The strategy of Israel was striking Egyptians and not engaged with Jordan if possible. However, Hussein launched attacked to Jerusalem in the morning of 5th June 1967.
The Six Day War, as Rabin named it, was a triumph of Israel and humiliation to Arabs. The Israeli Air Force was overwhelming and the difference in fielded soldiers did not reflect the actual military power. The territory of Israel was expanded including Jerusalem. Dayan emphasized Jews wanted to live together with other people in the holy city.



《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-十字军之前 - 十字军之前

阿拉伯人在伊斯兰之前的宗教饥渴,帮助伊斯兰在阿拉伯世界地位的确定。这之后,阿拉伯人开始了凶猛的扩张,作为Jihad的一部分,很快到达耶路撒冷。这期间也出现一些内讧,但没有影响穆斯林强势上升的态势。阿拉伯人围城耶路撒冷,基督主教要求会见commander of believers,哈里发本人。Omar作为第二个正统哈里发只带了一个仆人,到耶路撒冷谈判。Omar是一个克己不苟言笑的人,据说经常带根鞭子。伊斯兰士兵装备简易,但善战。主教试图通过向Omar展示Holy Sepulcre的雄伟来感化哈里发,Omar当然不理这套。无论如何,基督教徒和犹太教徒都属于peoples of the book,开始在耶路撒冷和平共处。
644年,Omar被刺。他的继任者也很快被刺杀,穆罕默德的女婿Ali掌权后,发生穆斯林内战。最终胜出者是Muawiya,倭马亚王朝奠基人。Muaweiya被认为是绝对权力不一定绝对腐败的代表,伊斯兰继续向各个方向大幅开疆辟土,北非,叙利亚,塞浦路斯,波斯相继被征服,每年都要围一下君士坦丁堡。他在耶路撒冷得到广泛爱戴,有着难得的自嘲精神。他的继任者Yazid常年带一只猴子,是个怪咖。他在内战里打败了Ali的儿子,并砍了他的头,从此Sunni和Shia就彻底分道扬镳,彼此仇视。再之后的Abd al-Malik是强势君主,685年登基时麦加,麦地那,伊拉克都在闹叛乱,在691年修建the dome of rock,到今天依然是耶路撒冷的地标。如果不是后来征服了麦加,可能就把倭马亚穆斯林圣城干脆移到耶路撒冷。Malik完成了古兰经的校对。在这之后,耶路撒冷继续得到发展,犹太教徒在720年被禁止在the Temple Mount进行宗教活动。732年,倭马亚在伊比利亚被Charles the Hammer挡住扩张的脚步。
倭马亚君主贵族的宫殿极尽奢华,甚至大肆使用希腊化的裸女装饰。这种风格遭到很多穆斯林的反对,包括阿巴斯家族。阿巴斯的上位非常血腥,邀请所有倭马亚皇族来和谈,然后一网打尽。阿巴斯的奠基人Mansur杀了Ali的所有血脉。据说他有把私人钥匙,死后被发现可以打开一个房间,里面是Ali全家从老人到婴儿的干尸。阿巴斯王朝移都巴格达,对耶路撒冷不大关心。阿巴斯王朝后来的皇帝很有些科学艺术爱好者,其中和查理曼大帝同时期的Haroun是一千零一夜中的哈里发,虽然没有正式停战协议,但互换礼物,查理曼大帝为耶路撒冷的基督徒争取到一些权益。831年,他到过耶路撒冷,把the dome of rock里面Malik的名字改成自己的。
千禧年前后,伊斯兰版本的Caligula,Hakim,成为伊玛目。他先后下令杀光开罗的狗和猫,他昼夜颠倒,还要所有人跟从他的作息。疯狂烧到耶路撒冷,1004年,大批基督徒被捕或者被杀,犹太人被要求弃教或者离开。Hakim 1021年出走神秘消失了,他的继任者,恢复了容忍政策。

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Zionism until 1948 - Jerusalem - Zionism until 1948

A Husseini favored by British as a mufti turned out to be an anti-Semite and fascist.
Under British ruling, Jerusalem was modernized with parties and social life boosted among westerners. The population of both Arabs and Jews increased, by about 20000 each in ten years. British support of Zionism decreased.
Weizmann was old and Ben-Gurion was the leading the Zionists. He had Bolshevik's pragmatism and did not give up the idea of Arabic and Jewish working class sharing the land peacefully. He made proposals to advisors of mufti. The flexibility and skill he showed during negotiation and strategy execution proved priceless for the success of Zionism. Meanwhile, the Arab leaders lacked what Gurion possessed. They were right that British would not stop Jewish immigration. Serious conflict surfaced in 1935.
Many Jews killed and Gurion kept constraint, but he could not hold some Jews from fighting back. Arab riots led by mufti targeted at Jews, British and even more frequently his Arabic rivals. Arabs seek support from nazi Germany.
Wingate, a cousin of Lawrence, became a Jewish version of Lawrence. He sympathized Jews and helped them to organize military forces which was inline with British interests as they had to focus on Europe. He was a abnormal character who would read bible naked after a battle. He told his Jewish solder: you're the sons of the maccabees! You're the first soldiers of a Jewish army! Chamberlain certainly made a huge mistake signing the deal with Nazi germany. But he did free some army to Middle East to appease the riots in 1938. Montgomery took Jerusalem occupy by Arab riots and 10% of Arabic population was killed, wounded or repelled with hundreds of Jewish and British casualties.
Montgomery didn't like the Zionists and chamberlain was ready to sacrifice Jewish to earn Arabic support against Germany as the Jews has no other options. A deal much in favor of Arabs with Jewish immigration constraints and no Jewish nation allowed was turned down by mufti with spectacular political incompetence and megalomaniacal intransigence.
The. War broke out. Mufti, chased by the British, flew to Italy then Berlin to meet Mussolini and then Hitler. Hitler received him with arrogance and encouragement with common enemies of British and Russian and shared anti-semitism. Not all Arabs in Palestine were nazis but many of them did anticipate the victory of German. The fiancé solution was executed and holocaust started which would cause the lives of 6 million Jews. Jerusalem was in peace and even prosperous with refugee kings, aristocrats and spies. Rommel's aggression in North Africa terrified Jews in Palestine until Montgomery held Rommel's march. However, British turned around refugee boats with desperate Jews given the white paper announced in 1939 to reduce Jewish immigration to Palestine. Jews realized they had no option but speaking loud with military force.
Ben-Gurion became more aggressive, and the Irgun got a new capable leader, Begin. British kept the crackdown policy against immigrants, and after fighting nazis Jewish started their war against British often through assassination and guerrilla attack. Jews were offered east Prussia as an option to settle but refused. The plan of British for the 16k populated Jerusalem (3:1:1 Jews Arabs Christians) could not satisfy either Jews or Arabs. American stepped in and a joint commission backed up 100k jewish immigrants which enraged Arabs. Meanwhile, Jews had smuggled in 70k in 3 years. Montgomery was angry about loosing control and played harsh on Jews. In turn, Jewish planned their revenge through terrorism. The Irgun bombed the King David hotel and caused 91 lives. British hit back and some stupid official killed a random jewish student after torturing and fled from Jerusalem. Jewish revenged on British soldiers until Farrah turned himself in. Eye for an eye. Jewish brutally sheded british blood. They did warn the King David hotel right before the bombing and they mainly targeted at british military forces and official buildings, e.g. British embassy in Rome. Yet, they were terrorists.
In 1947, British decided to retreat from Palestine and UN proposed to partition Palestine in two nations and an international controlled Jerusalem. Ben-Gurion, known the proposal being impractical, agreed, and the Arabic world, as always, declined. The proposal was passed in UN, Jews in Jerusalem roared in joy on 29th Nov 1947.
The kill started right after the vote. 1.2 million Arabs and 0.6 million Jews lived in Palestine with 94% land in Arabic hands. In two weeks, 74 Jews, 71 Arabs and 9 Britons killed. The number would increase 10 folders soon. Haganah mobilized all reservists in ages 17-25. Arab world gathered armies from 7 nations and overwhelmingly outnumbered the jews. But the arabic armies were far from united with own agendas and less competent. Civilians were shot. Both sides felt loosing Jerusalem with citizens fleeing.
Heroes died. Villages perished. Jewish massacred arabic women and kids. Arabs revenged on wounded in a hospital. More Arabs escaped and eventually half of Palestinians left and lost their home. The stayed would become citizens in future Israel. When Rabin visited the Jews in Jerusalem he described as 20% normal, 20% privileged (professors, etc.) and 60% wield (Hasidim).

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Byzantium I - Jerusalem - Byzantium I

Lost :(
Fuck! Just disappeared???!!!! Shitty app!

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-犹太圣城的毁灭 - 犹太圣城的毁灭

Harod the Great同奥古斯丁的关系奠定了犹太人的想对自治地位。但罗马帝国风云变幻非常快,皇帝换得非常勤,所以风水转的很快。犹太内部Antipas的对抗势力Harod Agrippa到罗马找Tiberius拉关系,未果。作为一个机会主义者,他看中了Caligula,这一赌成功了。Caligula称帝之后,Agrippa成了宠臣,但并不经常回获得的犹太领地。Caligula没什么军功,怕镇不住帝国,所以到处立像搞个人崇拜。犹太人在耶路撒冷坚决抵制,战争一触即发。Agrippa爆发出犹太气节,堵上和Caligula的友谊,写信给已经开始发疯的Caligula陈情要求破例,成功避免了战争。
Caligula被刺杀时,Agrippa就在现场。他参与了掩盖Caligula死亡,和扶植下一个皇帝Claudius的政变。成功之后,成为罗马帝国最炙手可热的权臣,获得了Harod the Great全部领地。他凯旋耶路撒冷,恪守传统,加强城防,也曾经打击基督徒,估计可以解释为什么圣经记载他胃病被虫子咬死。
Agrippa死后,再没有可以一统犹太世界,协调温和派,激进派以及罗马人的强权人物。罗马当地执政官经常贪婪仇犹,犹太人内部内战频频。在一次犹太人的宗教被另一族群挑衅侮辱之后,罗马执政官Florus做出不公正判决,并且向耶路撒冷增税,派驻军队进行搜刮,引起耶路撒冷叛乱。激进派在战胜温和派之后,耶路撒冷的命运已经决定,Titus的六万军队在公元68年围城耶路撒冷。耶路撒冷的五十万以上居民,饿死,战死,或者成为奴隶。圣殿被捣毁,只剩Mount Temple的西墙留存至今。Titus享受战俘与野兽的厮杀作为娱乐,回到罗马之后,大肆展示从圣城带回来的战利品。

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Great Powers - Jerusalem - Great Powers

Napoleon faces a pasha nicknamed butcher who cut off limbs, noses and ears of his ministers to take Jerusalem. He was resisted vigorously in Acre and slaughtered thousands. Napoleon promised Jerusalem to Jews, but he did I not manage to take it and had to retreat to Egypt and soon to France personally. It was said he ordered to kill thousands of his wounded soldiers in Jaffa.
An English, Sydney, allied with Butcher who died in 1804 to defeat the French. He later marched his small troop to Jerusalem (first since 1244) and protected Christians there. In 1806, some one recorded Jerusalem as in chaos and ruin.
In 1808 after a fire accidentally started by an Armenian the tomb of Jesus was destroyed. Greek took the chance to seize the church and rebuild the tomb and the surrounding structure in rococo style. They also destroyed the tombs of crusade kings.
More and more travelers wrote about Jerusalem and Middle East and became bestsellers in Europe.
The visit of two ladies and two guy from England worth mentioning as Zionist or Christian princess.
A future British prime minister visited Jerusalem as a novelist in 1820s and impressed by the barren surroundings and the magnificent city. He was jew converted to Christian and once a Zionist but did not risk his political life for it.
In 1830s, Albania power rose to seize Egypt and later most of Ottoman Empire territory in Middle East led by Ali and later his son Ibrahim. They expelled French, sacked Mecca, depressed Greek rebellion for the ottoman and soon almost conquered Istanbul. Albania rule in Jerusalem was rather friendly to Christians and Jews by abolishing many discrimination laws like dressing codes and extra tax. Ibrahim was somewhat westernized. He witnesses a chaos in the holy sepulcher in an Easter during which hundreds died in the disaster.
Peasant rebellions led by powerful families took Jerusalem and cornered Ibrahim who with reinforcement from his father defeated and slaughtered the rebellions. He continued his campaign against the Ottoman with helps from French and Russian. Ottoman allied with English. Ibrahim gave more rights to Christians like ringing church bells to seek allies in Europe.
English kept involving in Jerusalem issues by politically and financially influential people in the city during the mid of 19th century. The background is the Second Coming of Jesus and political ambitions to counteract Russian orthodox and French Catholics.
Jews were accused exercising a kind of evil ritual involving Christian blood in Damascus and Rhode. Montefiore was busy traveling got rescue the Jews. The strong English presence in middle east helped his missions. Albanians were too ambitious and defeated by allied ottoman and british while trying to take Istanbul. French, who backed up albanians, was suppressed in the region in mid 19th century. Some british became enthusiastic to convert Jews who resisted in plight. By then, 5000 Jews resided in the city out of 13000 in total.
American had shown their preference to the holy land in the period and exemplified by a consul, Cresson, who insanely believed 1847 is the apocalypse year. He was not alone. Many american at the time believed in the Second Come as the english and/or apocalypse. Many visited or moved to Jerusalem. Cresson himself after dismissed from his position converted to Jewish. This is interesting as most american and english considered converting Jews as a mission.
Russian had the most number of pilgrims now with thousands per year. And the tension between orthodox and catholic never eased. In 1846, orthodox and catholic easter unusually fell into the same day and a battle left 40 bodies in the holy sepulcher.
Gogol's disappointment in Jerusalem was classified as Jerusalem Syndrome Type II. He starved to die or coma as he was found facing down in his coffin. Any small event may ignite empire conflicts, e.g. a stolen star in the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem. It's a game among the super powers and ottoman was squeeze within. When ottoman gave french paramountcy (who traced their claims all the way back the Charlemagne) outraged Nicolas marched his Russian army to Istanbul and triggered the Crimean War against British and French in 1853 which would cost 750K lives.
Flaubert visited Jerusalem after publishing his unpopular first book and found 'a dog is more removed than he is' in from of the church and celebrate with a orgy after escaping from the city. His venture to north africa was driven by his upset to his homeland. I wonder how much sarcasm in his novels.
Montefiore's wife is a sister-in-law of a Rothschild banker. He was (one of) the most influential Jews to Jerusalem. With his richness and courage and backed up by the British Empire, he diligently improved the Jew's life in the city. He managed to be granted of buying lands to expand the Jewish quarter. And he was the first Jewish in many years to visit the Temple Mount.
English, French and Prussia started an archeological crusade and competed in discoveries. It's more patriotic enthusiasm than religious frenzy that is behind this crusade.
European and American pilgrims to Jerusalem were not rarely disappointed even irritated. Mark Twain mocked the city and the people alike. Jerusalem was always an imaginary city, and civilized and enlightened Christians could not help their contempt.
Polish Jews we're on the bottom of the social ladder. Muslim Arab and Sephardic Jews were close to each other. Arab Christians hated the Jews the most. Americans acquired a large house and befriended all the sects and religions with cheerful hymn-singing and charitable deeds. During the end of the 19th century, the westernized city was was dominant by orthodox peasants and persecuted Jews from Russia. Two million Jews left Russia and the majorities went to America. Still, many looked towards Jerusalem. By 1890, 25000 Jews out of 40000 residents lived in the city with majority from Russia.
"Ever since the writers of the Bible created their narrative of Jerusalem, and ever since that biography of the city had become the universal story, her fate had been decided faraway - in Babylon, Susa, Rome, Mecca, Istanbul, London and St Petersburg."

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第560页 - 錫安主義


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-伊斯兰之前 - 伊斯兰之前

下一个拜占庭重要皇帝是Justinian,论开疆辟土,罗马皇帝只逊于奥古斯都和图拉真。他老婆Theodora曾经是风月女子,号称擅长三洞三P,还有匪夷所思的性癖好传说,比如在舞台上把谷子放阴部让鹅来啄,极可能是杜撰。查士丁尼的理想是恢复罗马帝国荣耀,一统基督世界。他对异教徒,同性恋,犹太人什么的打压就很惨烈。537年hagia soohia建成,他向所罗门隔空叫板。543年,他在耶路撒冷建了新圣母教堂,朝圣人以千计源源不断。565年死后不久,帝国衰落,萨珊波斯来了。
波斯人几乎征服了全部东罗马。拜占庭的逆袭在Heraclius领导下完成。Heraclius隐忍一段以后出击,擅长出奇制胜,围魏救赵。在波斯人和阿瓦尔人围城君士坦丁堡时,抓住波斯人内讧的机会解了围。波斯国王妒忌将军royal bore的军功,计划除掉他。Heracilus截获了情报,瓦解了波斯人。后来一路攻破波斯都城,国王被折磨致死,royal bore当上国王以后,不久被刺杀了。

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - before Jesus - Jerusalem - before Jesus

Jews wisely supported Alexander's campaign and in turn gained the recognition of their religion and law. The most influence brought by Alexander was the Hellenic culture impact. One consequence was the possibility of spreading bible written in Greek.
Jerusalem was changed hands six times after the sudden death of Alexander. After Ptolemy eventual won the battle, he asked to sacrifice in the temple and was refused. He fought his way in and exiled thousands of Jews to Alexandria after captured the city. In general, Jews had stable and easy time under the rule of Ptolemy. The King had to be appointed by Ptolemy based on tribute bidding, but Judah prospered in general.
The time between Alexander and Roma was relatively good for the Jews. They found generous emperors and played according to the direction of wind to find protectors. Their kingdom became a theocracy. The religion was in every aspect of life similar to the perception of Islam today. (No idol worship. Adulterer, stoned; struck father, strangled; fornicate with both mother and daughter, burned). Jerusalem was divided but the believers and people enjoying life. Finally came a mad King, who sacked Jerusalem after a rebellion, departed 10000 Jews and left to fight Roman in 170 BC. He did come back with an effort of eradicate the religion and failed eventually even lots of blood shred.
Jews sometimes turned to Rome seeking help for the common Greek enemies. Until the day Roman arrived, the period was filled by a number of civil and foreign wars. Jerusalem itself was spared from large scale damage even though sieged and starved sometimes. However a civil war did ended with 50000 slaughtered in or around the city. Queens of Jews.
Romans arrived. Pompey took advantage of Jews civil war and sacked Jerusalem in 64 BC. He took nothing from the temple. Another strongman Crassus did rob the temple and killed in battle against Parthian kingdom soon after. When 52 year old Caesar met 21 year old cleopatra (in a laundry bag) and helped her to take Egypt, Jews aided Caesar and rewarded in 49 BC. Herod started showing capability now. Later Jews backed up by Parthians (promising men and girls) took Jerusalem from Herod who fled (with his 500 concubines!) to Egypt than Rome where he got support from both Anthony and Octavian.
Herod took Jerusalem with the help of Romans. He was the in struggle with his mother in law who despised him due to his non Maccabees and half Arabic blood. He managed to kill his rival a young handsome Maccabees who was in high priest position. He also had quite dynamics with cleopatra. who flirted and would like to kill each other. Herod pitched Octavian successfully and gained his and Agrippa's support and even friendship. He was appointed by Octavian, Augustus now (33 coincident with the age Alexander died), a much bigger kingdom than Judah. Herod ordered many constructions including a total rebuild of the temple that Jesus saw and Titus destroyed, whose west wall exists today. Out of court of women a warning sign told foreigners not to enter and ready to die otherwise. Jerusalem now hosted 70000 people. Herod fell into the same pattern of feud between father and sons. His sons were stupid enough to make him aware of their hate to him due to either the deed to their mothers or being neglected. Augustus efforts of reconciling them did not work and Herod killed his sons as he killed their mother before. Quote Augustus: I'd rather be his pig than his son.
Close to the death of Herod, a boy was born in Nazareth, Galilee. His father brought the baby to Jerusalem and sacrificed only two pigeons with no wealth. Soon Herod legendarily ordered the massacre of all newborn in fear of messiah. The boy, Jesus, was spared after his father Joseph taking him escaping to Egypt.
Herod died in age 80 after reigning for 37 years in 4 BC. A chaos followed as his successors were incapable and crazy. Soon, Judah became a Roman province and rules by Romans directly.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Umayyad - Jerusalem - Umayyad

In 644' Omar was assassinated. His succeed Othman was nepotism and assassinated as well. The Prophet's son in law p, Ali, who married Fatima was the last righteous caliphs. After a civil war, Ali was killed and Muawiya became the first monarchy of the Umayyad dynasty based in Damascus.
Muawiya was consider as an example of how absolute power does not have to yield absolute corruption. He was positively perceived by both Jews and Christians. He started the construction of Muslim Temple Mount. He had a sense of humor. Being a conquerer who extended Muslim territory to East Persian, North Africa, Central Asia and Cyprus Muawiya and besieged Constantinople annually possessed a virtue of laughing at himself.
His heir, Yazid, accompanied by a pet monkey everywhere defeated the son of Ali in another civil war and beheaded him which laid the roots of Muslim schism between Sunni and Shia. Yazid died in 683.
Abd al-Malik became the monarchy in 685 with rebels in Mecca, Iraq and Persia. He committed the dome of rock in the site of Abraham's alter, Adam's Eden, solomon's temple and the destination of Muhammad's night journey. The dome was completed in 691 and It's a splendid architecture that may represent the heaven itself and still dominates the skyline of Jerusalem. Abd al-Malik might have made Jerusalem his new Mecca if he did not take Mecca back. He also pushed the boundary of his realm both eastwards and westwards and continued the jihad against Byzantium. More importantly, he completed the collation of Koran, the basis of unifying Muslim expressed in the double shahada. He stopped minting coins with his portrait to stop idol worship. He laid the corner stones of today's Muslim.
His son and following successors continued prospering Jerusalem. All three religions still peacefully cohabited in the same holy city. But the Jews were banned from worship in the Temple Mount in about 720. Umayyad reached its apogee after conquering 伊比利亚 and stopped by Charles the hammer in 732. Umayyads had luxurious life in their palaces with non-Muslim but Hellenic paintings of nude women.
Ascetic Muslim like Abbas family condemned Umayyads' life style and would seize power with a chance of a rebellion in east.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第47页 - 第一部 犹太教


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Mamluks - Jerusalem - Mamluks

Baibars was a Turk from Central Asia and a slave of a Syria prince then sold to the sultan in Cairo due to his special white cataract. The sultan believed in the loyalty of slaves and he was killed by Baibars. The Saladin dynasty ended. Baibars seized power after killing a general rulinßg Cairo.
In 1260, he defeated Mongols near Nazareth. In 1263 he arrived in Jerusalem. He renovated the rock, Aqsa and the Muslim area. The Sufi advisor he trusted suggested him to looting churches and synagogues and he obeyed. He sacked many christian cities and conquered all except Acre which would be taken by his successor. He was crude and executed christians in sadistic ways. His reign ended the chivalrous manner of Saladin and replaced with a master-caste system of the Mamluk which which Jews have to wear in yellow and christians in blue. Even arabs were discriminated. Jerusalem became barely a city more a village for the next 300 years of Mamluk reign. In 1277, Barbara died in a dramatic manner when he forgot which cup is the poisonous drink he prepared for his guest.
Once the only Jewish couple in Jerusalem worked as dyers, the old Jewish profession as in the crusades era.
Between Mamluks and ottoman, there was a invincible warlord, Tamurlane, who sacked Damascus and died on his way to China in 1405 so that the jerusalemites did not have a chance to surrender the city.
The city had only around 200 Jews and 100 Christians out of the total 6000 population at the time. Christian pilgrims were milked as the major source of city income but they were not welcomed anyway. They were fined by random amount for random causes and paid many times entrance fees to get into the holy sepulcher. The pilgrims themselves became violent and cunning. It seemed no single group of people could be called noble. Pilgrims inscribe their initials everywhere in the holy sepulcher. With the rumor of conceived baby in the church would be blessed, the church became an orgy brothel. Stillborn Muslim babies were sold as victims of massacres Christian babies. Back in Europe, Jerusalem was still considered as a holy place. Jews and Christians constantly fought for holy sites and would both be punished by the mamluks.
Looking at mamluks, so many slaves climbed up as generals and even sultans. Interesting system. Qaitbay was such an example and his fond to Jerusalem was linked to the French cuisine of omelet. He provided shelters to an exiled ottoman prince by offering Jerusalem in the hope of dividing the Ottoman Empire.
Bedouin remained as a threat to the region.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第554页 - 錫安主義


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第81页 - 尼布甲尼撒

请问约亚敬加入征服者的宫殿什么意思? 后面又没有阐述。 他是去当贵族? 还是去当奴隶? 真心读不懂。是翻译的问题? 还是作者的问题?还是我的问题?

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - kingdom of crusaders - Jerusalem - kingdom of crusaders

Baldwin II made his daughter Melisende his heir and his husband, Fulk from Anjou, as co-ruler. The wedding was splendid. Soon the queen had an affair and the guy was exiled. But the queen still seized the power.
In 1127, a Turkish Muslim ruler Zangi controlled an area in Syria and Iraq. He was particularly cruel to both enemies and his own men if they violated rules. He fought against the crusaders and won some battles.
Even the Atabeg in Damascus was so threatened by the Turkish that he came to Jerusalem personally for alliance in 1140. His advisor Usamah, who would serve several other Muslim rulers in the future and a friend of many crusaders, accompanied the Atabeg. He was also a fair recorder of the time.
Jerusalem prospered under the Melesende rule. People from all over west lived in the city even including Greeks. "Jerusalem combined the rough edges of athe frontier town and luxurious vanities of a royal capital." Templars with Red Cross and Hospitallers with white cross were on the streets. Many arrivals were adventurers which made the place less easy to rule.p, and they needed pleasure and prostitutes, so were there, more in other cities like Acre some in Jerusalem. Pilgrims in ill were taken care by the hospitallers, but most of them were willing to die and buried there anyway. Many passionate and stage alike ceremonies were held regularly.
Outremer developed an architecture style combining Romanesque, Byzantine and Levantine with round-headed arches and massive capitals carved delicately often floral motive.
Usamah recorded his encounters in Jerusalem. He was treated friendly in general. However, there were times he was shown 'the God when he was young', grabbed by a crusader, who turned out to be a new comer, to face east while preying Allah Akbar. He scorn the Frankish law system which allows 决斗 to solve legal issues, and the way they let go for the guy on their wife's bed. Meanwhile Knights and 'faris' shared many noble codes and obsession to religion, war and horse.
A Spanish Judah poet Halevi whose poems became synagogue liturgy (1141),

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第540页 - 锡安主义


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - until Constantine - Jerusalem - until Constantine

Lost :(
Fuck! Just disappeared???!!!! Shitty app!

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-君士坦丁之前 - 君士坦丁之前


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - leper King and Saladin - Jerusalem - leper King and Saladin

In 1144, Zangi took a crusade state. It was a news as bad to the Christian as good to the Muslim. However, soon after Zangi was assassinated while he was drunk by a eunuch he humiliated. His son was as talented in war. Melisende appealed for a second crusade.
In 1147, French King Louis VII and German King Conrad III answered. They lost quite some force while passing Anatolia. French queen Eleanor of Aquitaine was presumedly to have an affair with her uncle Raymond of Antioch, given a presumedly unhappy sex life with her ascetic husband. The crusaders besieged Damascus but resolved in a few days on their own.
In 1149 the holy sepulture was finished. Same year, Baldwin III declared war on his mother to get full control over his kingdom, and won it. Nur took Damascus. The condition became a stalemate between Baldwin and him. Baldwin married a Byzantine princess to establish ally. He died in 1162 after fell ill in Beirut.
The heir, Amauri, had to divorce his wife due to her reputation of promiscuity. He had to ally a rogue who was exposed from Jerusalem after seducing the widow of Baldwin III. Amauri tried to conquer Egypt where Fatimid was falling apart 5 times and had chances to take it. He had occupied as far as Alexandra, but retreated with booty.
Usamah lost 4000 volumes of books he collected in Egypt, heartbroken. Williams of tyre got the book and beset on which he wrote history of Muslim.
A Jewish Doctor refused to treat Amauri. Escaped from Spain and visited Jerusalem where still no Jews were allowed excepted four dyers, Maimonides became chief of Jews under the rule of Saladin, nephew of a Kurdish solider of Nur.
Baldwin IV, the leper King, was one of most impressive and courageous figure in crusade history. His match with Saladin and young death at 23 left what-if imaginations to people today. He did won several battles against Saladin and lost some. His physical condition made him deserve much admiration and compassion. Given the condition he could still mostly held the restless Christian powers together.
Even before his death in 1186, the fight among Christian barons had started with Saladin in the front door. Some of them broke truce and attacked pilgrims to Mecca and protecting haj was the divine responsibility of Saladin. In 1187, the weak and unable successor took a bait laid by Saladin and doomed in desert.
The thirsty Christian Knights and infantries launched desperate fight, with courage that surprised Saladin, and slaughtered or captured. Some of them, probably too bold or stupid, did not lack courage while facing death. Most Templars refused conversion to Muslim and executed by amateur Sufis. With most Christian force destroyed sultan sieged Jerusalem. He meant to revenge the 1099 massacre but stepped back after the Christians threatened dying after destroying the Rock. He spared some royal members and enslaved others.
Saladin was a reasonable man with his honor and principle. He was a Great War lord but never abused his power. He believed in justice and capable enough to practice it. Among the lords who gained respect from the other side, he might be the most respected. He conquered Egypt with his uncle and became sultan and converted Egypt to Sunni after ending the Fatimid dynasty in 1171. As respectful as he was, his court was no lack of rude and over-indulgence so that special treatment for erection problems was developed.
Most of Christians were ransomed, but far from everyone. He cleansed the Temple Mount but decided to not destroy the holy sepulcher since 'the land was holy not the church anyway'. He forbad Christians to ring bells and Christians used some other tools to summon pray. He did not either destroy or build much in the city. He brought Armenians to populated the city who remained to this day.
The shocked Europe launched the third crusade. Even though Frederic Barbarossa drown in 1190, a large Christian army still approached the holy land.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第42页 - 序幕(P042)


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - until Persian empire - Jerusalem - until Persian empire

Moses, dark age or Akhenaten?
Letter to the Egyptian King for help
Abraham, from Ur
His grandson Isreal, he who strives with God. Leader of 12 tribes
Emigration to Egypt.
Exodus Ramses II?
First time Jews in Jerusalem
1200BC, first Israel account in Egypt in the background of a war against the sea peoples
To survive from military conflicts, Israel elected a king from all tribes.
Prophet is not predicting future but interpret god's will.
Aging Samuel chose Saul.
Saul was a good warrior but not suitable as a king due to 'evil spirit'
David rose as s warrior legendarily killed Goliath by stones. He married Saul 's daughter and saved by her from the jealous King. After bloody fights, Davis won kings respect. Saul and his son died in a battle against Philistines.
David conquered another son of Saul and unified north and south tribes. He chosen Jerusalem in the middle to rule the empire. He conquered Jerusalem which was only less than 1/100 of Babylon by then. He danced for the God to exchange for bless. He had one of his warriors killed since he made his wife pregnant. He married her, Bathsheba, and gave birth to Solomon.
Solomon seized the throne with the help of his mother in 970BC. He certainly showed no mercy to his kins to eliminate competition. He had 700 wives plus 300 concubines, and made thousands of songs. He had a strong army, and trade became prosperous as well. Now he could build the famous temple, which was c.a. 10x30x10 meters in dimension. Justinian should not be so proud for his Hagia Sophia (82x73x55) to beat the temple 1200 years later. All merits of Solomon may be exaggerated anyway and he became a tyrant and worshiped many gods, so that not popular by then and afterwards.
After the reign of Solomon for 40 years, Jews split again and often than not in war. Treasures in Solomon temple was given to Egyptians to spare the city. When Assyrian became dominant again, c.a. 850BC, Judah and Jerusalem did not stop fighting each other, and Syrian joined now and then, for 50 years. It's a very bloody period with queen smashed, kings murdered temple sacked, and frequent rebellion.
Isaiah's poem talked about 铸铁为犁 世界大同, after the arrival of messiah. Messiah did not come, Assyrian and Sargon did. Ten of 12 tribes, 27000 people, exiled and vanished in 727BC . Most Jews now are descended from the rest two tribes forming Judah.
705BC Sargon II died. The next Assyrian King was more powerful and brutal, Sennacherib, who destroyed Babylon and considered war and expansion as a religious obligation. At its apogee, Assyrian could certainly sack Jerusalem, but mysteriously gave up soon after building up a siege. Jews seemed saved by God, and they seemed to have a rite to sacrifice kids to fire and make prostitute in temple for a while. But Nebuchadnezzar rose in Babylon in 626 BC and would become the nightmare of Jews soon. Before he conquered Jerusalem in 597BC, Egyptian defeat Jews in 609BC. Nebuchadnezzar exiled 10000 Jews to Babylon where they were stunned by the mighty of the city which made Jerusalem a village where an uncle of the exiled king was put into throne. Jerusalem was sacked again by Babylonians again after a rebellion attempt. Another 20000 were exiled and Jerusalem was destroyed.
Jews in Babylon, while missing the faraway Zion, started compiling the Bible to memorize their identity and maybe to redeem their disrespect. The successor of Nebuchadnezzar was kind of a friend of Jews but he went mad. The 'messiah' of Jews were on his way no Babylon to restore Jew's kingdom in Zion. Cyrus, as many other great kings, also had a legendary story of escaping from a jealous (sexual and urinary auguries) father/grandfather as current King. After he came into power and conquered Babylon and inherited the empire, he, the first in history as an emperor, believed in religion tolerance and promised Jerusalem to Jews to rebuild their kingdom in 559 BC. 42360 (population increased...) exiled marched back to home. Cyrus died only 9 years later in Central Asia and his enemy put his head into a wineskin full of blood for his greedy to others' land.
It's fascinating to see how Greek, Herodutus, related the crown of Darius, one of 8 rebelling nobles, to the vulva of a mare (525 BC). The Persian empire experienced a period of chaos before becoming the first empire crawling into three continents under the reign of Darius. Jews continued going back to Jerusalem with gold and silver to rebuild the temple and city. After being called halt for a while, they appealed to Darius with the decree of Cyrus. Darius admitted the decree and permitted the construction. In 515 BC, the second temple was built and probably much more modest than the first one. And Jerusalem remained tiny and broken. Jews started ruling out other people from worshiping the God.
The city gradually came back to life while Persian empire was declining, and Jews gained semi independence. Now came the age of Alexander the Great.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第一部:猶太教(P050) - 第一部:猶太教(P050)


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Ottoman - Jerusalem - Ottoman

Ottoman took Jerusalem in 1517 by Selina the Grim who killed most of his kins as an ottoman tradition. His only surviving son Suleiman the great. He ordered a large number of building projects in Jerusalem and the population tripled including the growth of Jewish as refugees from west. Most of city walls and gates today attribute to him as well as some other constructions. Sinan might have supervised some projects personally on his way back from Mecca. Suleiman never stepped into Jerusalem himself like the other great builder of the city, Constantine.
The end of 15th and beginning of 16th century saw the expel of the last Muslim and Jews from Iberian, the rise of protestants, the dawn of the discovery age, and much more. In the Ottoman Empire, a Jew called Joseph gained trust in Istanbul, gather a fortune and build a Jew city close to galilee. In Jerusalem Jews were allowed under permission to pray under the wall. Christians were largely expelled by Suleiman but give some privilege to Franciscan when he needed France as an ally. Christians kept fighting teeth to teeth among them with as many as 8 sects trying to take the holy sepulcher. Armenians had some advantage with heir influence in Istanbul. Some Jews turned to mysticism. Ottoman once banned Jews from a main synagogue as persecution.
An English visited Jerusalem before he headed to American. He was amused by the nodding pray style of Jews and angered by the frenetic catholic ceremony. But he felt strongly to the tomb of Jesus and crusade kings. Charlie was beheaded by Cromwell who was a puritan Zionist who believed Jews should go back to Jerusalem and convert to Christianity before Jesus could rise again. He also allowed Jews to England as these filthy people should scattered to all corners in the world before going back to Zion.
Jews were continuously persecuted across Europe. Cossack killed tens of thousands Jews in Poland and Ukraine in the 17th century. A sled-claimed Messiah called Sabbatai became a phenomenon. He would be considered as crazy but hailed by a large number of Jews all over Europe in the apocalyptic atmosphere. His claim of apocalypse in 1666 did not happen and he died soon after.
A great Muslim traveler and writer Evliya depicted Jerusalem in his 10 volume travel dairies. He was amazed by the Dome and claimed it as a pavilion in Heaven with no equal on earth. He enjoyed the Sufi activities which had always been popular in Jerusalem. He visited the Holy Sepulcher during Easter and figured out the secret of the holy fire. Evliya also recorded the conflict between Catholic and Orthodox. He made fun on Islam himself which is unusual today.
Christians kept fighting in the holy land with Russia as a new power. In 1699, Ottoman was defeated in battlefields and signed treaty. The Turkish empire kept declining. In 1702, Jerusalem was cracked by rebelled peasant. The rebellions gained independence of Jerusalem and they were much less tolerant and more cruel to Jews and Christians with ridiculous fines. The head of the rebellions are Hussenis whose name was stolen by another family of the Ghudayyas which took control later. The power of the family continued all the way to the 20th and 21st century.

Families started controlling the city by inheriting important jobs. Jews were hit hard without anyone backing them up in Europe. Christians, as usual, hated each other than the infidels. The holy sepulcher was described as a filthy place. Orthodox launched an ambush on the Franciscan and gained control of the Holy Sepulcher (until today?). In 1770s, a Bedouin, as the only Palestinian Arab ruler of Jerusalem, ruled a large area in the region.
In 1774, Cathrine the Great forced Ottoman to recognize Russia as the protector of the Orthodox in Jerusalem.
In 1798, 28 year old Napoleon sailed to conquer Egypt with 35000 troops. From Egypt, he marched north to secure Syria since the French fleet was obliterated by English in Mediterranean. On his way, he would pass Jerusalem.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第650页 - 后记


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Muslim arrived - Jerusalem - Muslim arrived

Muhammad was unusual from beginning. His father died before he was born, and his mother passed away as well when he was 6. He was raised by his uncle who was his uncle and traveled to Syria and visited Jerusalem when he was young. He studied both Judaism and Christianity. Later he was hired by a rich widow, Khadijah,for her caravan business and married her later given large age difference.
His first revelation was in 610 while meditating in a cave and Gabriel visited him. He was taught Karan and behavior strangely (flushed, lying limp, sweat...) when it happened. Khadijah believed and encouraged him to preach. His religion had similarities to the Judaism, while a new religion. It served the need to the Arabs when they longed for some salvation belief. It's easy to practice. It's judgement day concept linked it to Jerusalem since it can only happen in Jerusalem. His only miracle, night journey and Ascension, was believed happen in Jerusalem. The first qibla was even the Jerusalem temple.
By the time his wife dead, he already had early followers as the emigrant. He was exposed from Mecca and fused his inner circle, new followers and Jewish in Medina into umma. It's 622 when Islamic calendar started. After he established a small state Jews started to resist his control. So Muhammad claimed Jews as sinful and changed qibla to Mecca, the Kaaba. He beheaded hundreds of Jews. He took Mecca in 630 and died in 632 after which his father in law took over the power. Muhammad was famous for welcoming his former enemies as allies. He had many wives.
Arabs expanded fiercely. After they besieged Jerusalem patriarch requested commanders of believers himself to surrender. So Omar came from Mecca set out for Jerusalem with only one servant. Muslim soldiers were no superior in equipments but religiously fanatic. Omar was ascetic and much more harsh comparing to Muhammad. The patriarch tried to impress him with the church of the holy sepulcher and failed. Omar prayed in temple mount. Muslim and all peoples of the book cohabited peacefully and even prayed in the same church for a while. Overall, Jerusalem did not recovered after the sack of Persians.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-亚历山大到来之前 - 亚历山大到来之前

犹太人自认最早的祖先是来自Ur的Abraham,他的一个孙子叫Israel,字面意思是同上帝较量的人,因为传说他在不知情的情况下和上帝打了一架。传说中的12部落就是他领导下建立的,后来集体移民去了埃及。著名的Moses出埃及记,带领犹太人回到了亚洲,开始在耶路撒冷附近定居。Moses是Akhenaten教士的假说不一定靠谱,Moses可能是Ramses II时候的人。1200 BC,第一次关于以色列的记录出现在埃及关于一次同海上种族战争的记录中。
Solomon的形象就差多了。他在老妈的帮助下970 BC登上王位,对其他有继承权的兄弟斩草除根。号称有700个老婆,300个妃子,上万骑兵,写过上千首诗什么的,建第一神殿10x30x10米大小,里面到处镶金挂银。这些数字当然都可能有水分。1200年后,Justinian建成Hagia Sophia(82x73x55)以后,其实没必要宣称比Solomon牛逼,因为建筑本身没什么可比性。Solomon后来成了暴君,甚至还信仰多神,被圣经所讳言。
Solomon死了以后,很快南北再次分裂。这期间南北互殴,又要抵抗亚述,各种篡位谋杀抢神庙,折腾了一百多年。这期间的亮点是Isaiah的诗,表达出铸铁为犁,世界大同的意思。终于,亚述越来越强,Sargon II时期,在727 BC,北方十个部族27000人被流放,就此不知所踪。亚述人宗教似乎就诉求扩张,杀戮很重,下一个国王Sennacherib把亚述带到顶峰,神奇般地在围城耶路撒冷之后,自己撤了。有可能是犹太人像以前多次一样,用钱换了和平。
这之后,亚述开始衰落,犹太人自己经历了一段儿焚烧儿童献祭,神庙里养男妓的淫邪时间之后,剩下的犹大王国迎来了新巴比伦的Nebuchadnezzar,597 BC 10000人流放到巴比伦,犹太人后来稍微反抗了一下之后,又流放了20000人,第一神庙被毁。犹太人到了巴比伦是乡下人进城的感觉,和巴比伦比起来,耶路撒冷就是个村儿,大概100:1的关系吧。全盛的巴比伦空中花园和巴别塔都还在。不知道犹太人在巴比伦过的怎么样,历史上巴比伦囚徒的说法,以及后来巴比伦妓女的习惯用语,似乎都说明过的不咋地。这段时间,犹太人的思乡之情,身份认同感,加上对以前不检点对神不敬的后悔,种种情绪加在一起,开始记录本族事件以及传说,基本就是圣经的蓝本。
Cyrus对犹太人来说大概是个神迹,或者是Messiah。巴比伦的衰落,波斯的崛起在559 BC左右。Cyrus是历史上最早支持宗教共存的君主,许诺犹太人重回耶路撒冷。Cyrus本人9年之后在中亚战败身亡,他的敌人把他的头放进一个装满血的酒袋,号称满足他对别人土地的贪欲。Cyrus的上位有很神奇的传说,和他爷爷做关于性和尿的梦有关,解梦之后相信这孙子是个威胁,开始追杀他,这种被上辈人妒忌的故事也是老桥段了,但性,尿什么的还是不多见。这很可能因为是希腊人书写历史时候,对波斯人的异化。
这点在Darius的上位故事里就更明显,作为八个反叛贵族之一,他们相约睡的马在凌晨先开始嘶鸣,谁就当国王。Darius指使马夫把手放到母马外阴处来控制嘶鸣,得到王位。不管希腊人的想象力如何,希波战争都被人打到家门口是没法否认的,波斯帝国在Darius治下成为历史上第一个横跨欧亚非的帝国。犹太人在Cyrus那里得到的许诺,也得到了Darius的承认。大量犹太人带着钱财会到耶路撒冷重建神庙。事实上,从巴比伦回来的人比两次流放加起来要多不少,明显人口在巴比伦应该是增加了。第二神庙515 BC建成,据说同第一神庙比起来小不少。随着波斯的衰落,犹太人在耶路撒冷获得了一定程度的自治。



《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第555页 - 錫安主義


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第543页 - 錫安主義


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Abbasid to Fatimid - Jerusalem - Abbasid to Fatimid

Abu al-Abbas invited Umayyads for a treaty banquet and slaughtered them all. His son, Mansur, the real father of Abbasid dynasty terminated the bloodline of Ali and other competitors, and moved the capital to Baghdad. The Abbasid stopped paying much attention to Jerusalem in late 8th century.
Two great monarchies reigned at the same time, Charlemagne and Haroun. The latter was the caliph in one thousand night and one. They exchanged letters even gifts but never had a treaty. Charlemagne paid tax for the Christians in Jerusalem. The civil war among his sons after Haroun died was won by Maamun who was a fan of science. In 831 he visited Jerusalem and changed the names engraved in the dome of rock from Abd al-Malik to the one of himself.
In 877 Turkish in Egypt started taking over Muslim power from Arabs and controlled Jerusalem. The Turkish were slaves or mercenaries at the beginning, and started taking power from Arabians gradually. After some assassinations, ikhshid seized power. Political instability stimulated religion competition. Muslims attacked Christians in 938. Jews split into the cult believing in oral traditions (Rabbanates) and strict Torah believers (Karaites) whose goal was to restore Zion. Turkish preferred the Karaites. Ikhshid died in 945 and buried in Jerusalem. His successor, kafur, was a enuch, a negro and a slave from Ethiopia. It's amazing to know there was such a Muslim King. He favored Muslim in Jerusalem and burned a patriarch for corresponding with Constantinople.
A Jewish working for Kafur, Ibn Killis, converted to Muslim for higher positions but Kafur died and he found himself in prison. Bribing his way out, he traveled to today Tunisia to convince the Fatima family to conquer eastwards. Fatimids took Egypt in 969 and Ibn Killis was appointed as grand vizier after converted to Shia. (Aziz: 8000 female slaves) Fatimid was started with a mysterious figure who claimed as descendent of Ali and Fatima. Different from other dynasties, Fatimids are living imam with some divinity. They settled in Cairo in 973. As sectarians themselves, Fatimids tolerant Jews and Christians in general and the Jews in Fatimid court helped the Jew community. Fights among the Jew sectors exaggerated.
Jerusalem received pilgrims of All three religions. For Muslims it's where judgement day would happen. The glory and suffer of the city were both due to its celestial aspect. Christians were the majority of habitants and received most pilgrims.
An Arab Caligula, Hakim, ruled Cairo he had strange orders like killing all dogs and cats and rest in daytime and work at night. He started to arrest and execute Christians in 1004. Jews had choice of conversion or leaving. Jews and Christians were forced to wear cow necklace and iron cross. In Jerusalem, he ordered the demolition of the holy sepultre. After he vanished mysterious in 1021, an earthquake in 1033 damaged buildings of all religions. His successor, Zahir, revered the city and back to the tolerant policy.
More Christians became pilgrims partly due to the schism after which both east and west churches would like to claim Jerusalem. The pilgrimage was dangerous with 5000 out of 7000 German and Dutch (both were called Franks) pilgrims were slaughtered by Bedouins in 1064.
A Seljuk leader, Alp Arslan, the heroic lion, came to power in 1071 in east and formed a large empire. In 1073 he spared Jerusalem which rebelled later. This time 3000 Muslims living in the city were killed and he was beast alike to most people in Jerusalem. People in Jerusalem were so used to fight that shops were not even closed during some.
In 1099, the first wave of crusaders approached Jerusalem.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第1页 - 《耶路撒冷三千年(台版)》有声书


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-耶稣到来之前 - 耶稣到来之前






《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-耶稣和早期基督教 - 耶稣和早期基督教

耶稣挂着牌子,扛着十字架,在周五清晨出耶路撒冷到附近一个小山上受刑。他拒绝了减轻痛苦的葡萄酒和药物,罗马雇佣兵在Pilate命令下,用几个楔子托住耶稣的身体,以延长死亡前的受刑时间。钉子一般穿过犯人小臂钉到十字架上,奇怪耶稣的圣痕为什么在手掌里。而且行刑的钉子被认为有驱邪治病功能,有人把它挂在脖子上,想起鲁迅笔下的血馒头。耶稣在痛苦中度过了数个小时,期间要了水喝,同上帝交谈,托付使徒照顾老妈,终于说了一句'结束了'之后不再移动。行刑必须在逾越节之前结束,所以士兵先是打折了一同行刑的匪徒或者反叛者的腿骨,这样他们就会很快窒息而亡。轮到耶稣时,他们发现耶稣似乎已经死了,一个士兵拿长矛插进耶稣肋部,血水流出,耶稣说不定最终是被这一下刺死的。整个过程中陪伴耶稣的,有耶稣的母亲Mary,抹大拉的Mary和一个被爱的使徒,很可能是他弟弟James the Just。
在耶稣之前和之后,都不乏类似的救世主出现,也都以被处死结束。同这些人相比,耶稣不是一个人在战斗,Johan是他早期的伙伴,后来很多使徒也都很给力。最重要的可能是并未追随过耶稣本人的Paul。他和耶稣年纪相仿,父亲是犹太人罗马公民,年轻时被送到耶路撒冷圣殿学习。他鄙夷耶稣只是又一个自大神棍,也支持对第一个基督殉教者Stephen的行刑。在一次去大马士革的路上,Paul被天光亮瞎了眼,得到天启,笃信基督,他甚至根本认为自己本身就成为耶稣的工具了。开始在耶路撒冷继续传教的James等人对他持怀疑态度,后来发现这哥们似乎比他们还虔诚。Paul四处云游传教,屡次历险。他强调耶稣复活,以联通人性和神性。更重要的,他同犹太教彻底隔离,向所有人布道传教,发扬光大了平等观念,很有现代感,以至于同耶路撒冷的James等人有了争执,后来和解。圣经新约几乎一半都是Paul的使徒书信。Paul过于高调,终于被抓。他亮出罗马公民身份以后,躲避了被私刑处死的危险,在罗马帝国,公民有权利向皇帝直接申诉。和Paul的高调不无关系,耶路撒冷开始对基督徒的一轮清剿,James the Just在公元62年被杀,Peter被捕,后来被释放。

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第616页 - 錫安主義


《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - before Islam - Jerusalem - before Islam

Justinian gained power in 518 and was the Roman emperor seized most territory after Augustus and Trajan. His married to Theodora who was recorded as a showgirl whose specialty was to satisfy her clients with three holes at the same time. And there were exotic stories about her sexuality like using geese to peck grains from her 'flower' on stage.
The couple was merciless rulers. With his ambition of restoring Roman Empire and reuniting Christendom, Justinian conquered northern Italy, North Africa and south Spain. He suppressed heretics. Pagans homosexuals, Samaritans and Jews. In 537, he claimed surpassing Solomon after the construction of Hagia Sophia. In 543, he built a basilica in Jerusalem called Nea church of Saint Mary mother of god facing away from Temple Mount. Jerusalem could host thousands of pilgrims. Soon after he died in 565, Byzantium was already vulnerable to the Persians.
While Persians approaching, Jews rebelled. More than 1100 years ago, Cyrus promised Jerusalem back to Jews. Now it's Persian again who led Jews took back Jerusalem. The Sassanid King Khusrau, believe in Zoroastrian, conquered Jerusalem and mout east Roman. When the Persian general, the royal boar marched towards Egypt, Christian in Jerusalem rebelled. It's Jews turn to follow the Persians to storm the city in 614. Thousands slaughtered, 27000 deported to Persia and many buildings in inferno. The Lance, the Sponge and the True Cross was taken to the Persian queen.
Jews took avenge upon Christians in Jerusalem but not for long. Only three years later Jews were driven out from Jerusalem sine the Persians decided to cooperate with out numbered Christians. This time, it would take Jews 1350 years to take control of the temple. Christians tried to restore the city but could not reach the height of Constantine and Justinian.
Byzantium fought back led by Heraclius after he gained power in 610. He was a military genius (围魏救赵). Persians also defeated themselves when the shah tried to order a murder of the Royal bore out of jealous. The plot was intercepted by Heraclius who showed it to the general who was besieging Constantinople with Avars. The separated Persians were defeated. The shah was tortured to death after the capital was taken by Heraclius. And the Royal bore was assassinated soon after seizing the throne.
In 629 Heraclius returned the true cross to Jerusalem and made peace with Jews by promising no vengeance and residence permit. No doubt the return of the true cross to the holy sepulcher was another variant of apocalypse where the messianic last emperor defeated enemy and hand power to Jesse until the judgement day. He did not kept his promise after some monks volunteered to take the sin of breaking vow by fast atonement. All Jews were expelled or forcibly converted.
Meanwhile, Muhammad sent parchment to probe the Byzantium. No one cared much as it happened all the time and Arab tribes had been buffer states and hired by both Byzantines and Persians.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - until demolished by Titus - Jerusalem - until demolished by Titus

John the Baptist's father was a priest in the temple. His mother was a cousin of Mary. So Jesus and he were teenage or childhood friends. He baptized Jesus in Jordan river. The ceremony was an adaptation from a Jewish tradition. They both despise governor Antipas for his dirty deal with Romans and his marriage with his niece, Herodias. John was prisoned for pubic criticizing the adultery. And beheaded after the famous dance of Salome who requested the head.
Jesus escaped to the desert due to the danger. He came back to Jerusalem at least three times before the last. His preach was center around apocalypse and after life heaven, where everyone could be saved if believe, regardless of class and wealth. He was energy stoned while claiming he was the one, and crowds had different often confused opinions on him. He emphasized he came to fulfill not destroy. He tried to convince people by preaching and exhibiting healing miracles. He obeyed Jewish traditions but claimed not enough. He did not defy Roman rulers either. When Antipas talked about killing him while confused him with John the Baptist he defied him and claimed he would stay for two more days.
Jesus claimed the temple should be destroyed, and himself was the messiah. He argued against critics about paying tax to Rome and said render upon Caesar the things that are Caesar's and God the things that are god's. He gained enough popularities with many apostles and followers of all classes. He was hailed by crowds to be the son of David and King of Israel. Those were more than sufficient for the high priests to eliminate him. In 33 Passover, Jesus was arrested by the high priests in Jerusalem. That night happen many legendary events: judas iscariot's betrayal for 30 pieces of silver, judas kisses Jesus to reveal his identity, Peter denied knowing his master for three times.
Both Romans and high priests had reasons to have Jesus killed, but it's better for the other to he deed given the popularity of Jesus. It's the Roman prefect, Pilate, who gave the order. He might have claimed innocent while washing his hands. But the gospels may have favored the Romans when they were written years later. Both Romans and high priests humiliated Jesus. Antipas asked Jesus to play the tricks, and Romans wear him a plate saying King of Jews on it while whipped Jesus carrying marching to the crucifixion on Friday.
Crucifixion had many rules, e.g. man facing out, women facing in; usually nailing forearm instead of palms; suffocated in 10 minutes if legs were broken and no supporters; suffering time depending on executors; various reasons to die; etc. Jesus was with Mary of Magdana, his mother, (most probably) his brother James among other enemies and followers. He refused wine and body was supported by wedges so that he would not die easily. During hours, he called for water once and said 'My God, why hast you forsaken me?' Which may be interpreted as calling the Apocalypse. He asked the 'beloved disciple' to take care of his mother. Eventually, he signed 'It is finished', and stopped moving. To not stretch the execution to Passover, the governors ordered to kill the prisoners. The solider broken the legs of two bandits/rebels executed together with Jesus. When they tried to do the same to Jesus, he might have died. A solider used a spear to penetrate through his side, and blood and water came out. Jesus might have been killed by the spear as well.
After crucifixion bodies may be left their to rotten, but a Jesus' follower asked Pilate to bury the body and he agreed. So the followers found an unused tomb in a nearby garden (laid in a shroud in a rocky tomb instead of burying as a Jew tradition) and put the body there (current Church of Holy Sepulture). Being afraid the body was stolen and Jesus claimed rising from dead, the high priests asked the prefect to guard the tomb. However, the body was missing anyway Sunday morning with several speculated reasons. Resurrected Jesus was recorded showing up in Jerusalem to his disciples.
Judas had a miserable death after spending his silver on real estate in the Valley of Hell. Peter and Johan showed healing miracle. James was leading the sect but still prayed in the Temple and considered as a holy Jew. A disciple called Stephen became the first martyr who was stoned after cursing the Temple priests. Pilate was called back to Rome and vanished in history. So far, Jesus was no more special than other claimed Messiah.
Tiberius: trained boys to suck his private while swimming...
Herod Agrippa, as a foe of Antipas, went to Tiberius for favor with no success. But he befriended with Caligula which was a gamble for the opportunist. He won. After Caligula murdered the empire successor and became the emperor, Agrippa was given the lands of Antipas was deposed and died in Lyons. Agrippa scarcely visited his kingdom and preferred to stay with Caligula though. Before Caligula became totally insane, he ordered personal worship across the empire to compensate for the lacking of his military kudos. Jews was ready to rebel to protect their tradition. On the edge of war, Agrippa wrote a letter to Caligula with a spirit of 'death or freedom' putting all his friendship and prestige as chips. He successes and saved Jew from a war.
Caligula: prostituted his sisters and married another; made horse a consul
When Caligula was murdered in 41, Herod was with him. He tried to cover his death for a while. He found Claudius, Caligula's uncle, in the parlance and managed to make him King. So Herod Agrippa became the most powerful Jew ever in history until today. He obtained the territory of Herod the Great and enjoy high prestige in Rome. When he came back to Jerusalem it was a glorious coming back recalling he left the city with almost nothing. He was loved by the Jews and Jerusalem reinforced as the holy city of all Jews under his reign. Jewish Christian was revived and suppressed in both Rome and Jerusalem. Agrippa beheaded the Apostle James and arrested Peter (released later). He managed to conciliar Jew moderates, Jew fanatics and Romans. He suffered stomach pain (eaten by worms) and died with the last home of saving Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was often in chaos with conflicts among classes and races, including Jesus alike people challenging Roman order who were massacred with no exception. The Roman governors were greedy and cruel in general, but Jews were helped by their prince living in Rome occasionally.
Paul, born in today Turkey, was a son of Roman Jew. (A Roman citizen had the right to appeal to the emperor himself.) He was sent to Jerusalem to study in the Temple. Paul was among the ones sneering Jesus and supported to stone Stephen. On his way to Damascus in 37, he experience his 'apocalypse' with bringing light and voice from heaven. He was converted. Of similar age as Jesus, he claimed his life was not his anymore but with Jesus in it. He, as a Jew, aggressively preach Christian as a gentile religion for everyone, which made it rudimentary different from Judaism with Covenant with God. He had modern equality view in his preach. He focused on the Resurrection to connect human with Devine. He traveled vastly and survived from many incidents. His letters formed a big part of New Testament. His relationship to James and the Jerusalem sect was with dynamics. He was accepted, criticized by and reconciled with the sect.
Paul's aggressive act in Jerusalem might have caused the execution of James the Just in 62 by the high priest. Simon, cousin of Jesus and James, became the new leader of Christians in Jerusalem. Paul was sent to prison in Caesarea and preached visiting Jewish King Agrippa II couple to Christian.
Nero: actor, incapable government, in 66 he might have burned Rome for a bigger new palace (may not be true). He launched a massacre on the fast spreading semi-Jewish sect, Christian, and crucified Peter (upside down) and beheaded Paul both of which were arrested earlier. Code 666 as satan's beast in bible
The Roman procurator ruling Jerusalem, Felix, was notorious for corruption and cruelty. Along with other procurators, they often squeezed profits from the priest city and judged with prejudice for any sort of religious conflicts. The Temple was finally finished with 18000 builders unemployed, but it would not last long. Religious humiliation in front of a Synagogue in Caesarea triggered a Jew protest. The bribed procurator Florus paraded to Jerusalem for raising tax and attacked by Jewish Youth. After refused by the priest to give away the hooligans, Florus started a massacre that inflamed Jew resistance.
Jews rebelled. The extremist Jews for independence triumphed over moderates. They massacred Roman garrisons in Jerusalem. Fight among Jews in civil war was even more ferocious than fighting Romans. Romans had to take avenge, and Jerusalem was waiting for the doomed fait in 66. Vespasian and his son Titus conquered Galilee with 60000 troops. Later-to-be historian Josephus hid in a cave and was the only one alive after trapped by Romans (by cheating in a lot?). He was about to send to Nero but talked himself out by praising the general and his son should be the emperor. While Romans were almost in the front door, Jews still managed to divide themselves into three parties and fought each other in Jerusalem. Nero died in 68 and Vespasian changed his focus from Jerusalem to compete for the emperor and succeeded. He released and awarded Josephus for his prophecy. While he headed to Rome Titus marched to Jerusalem with 60000 troops.
More than half million people in the city were starved, killed or enslaved. Jerusalem was demolished as it was 500 years ago by the Babylon. What's left today was the west wall of the Mount Temple. The Jews, Agrippa II and Josephus could do nothing more than mourning. Titus enjoyed vast execution by fighting his captives with beasts as entertainment. Jews in the world lost their holy land and temple now. Christian Jews believed Jews had been abandoned by the God and became more determined on the path paved by Jesus. Jerusalem was not Jew's city anymore for the next almost 2000 years.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - before Mamluk - Jerusalem - before Mamluk

Lionheart Richard and Saladin were the duel in the battle of Jerusalem possession. Richard was depicted as brash and extrovert comparing to Saladin as patient and subtle. Richard named his sword after the legendary weapon of King Arthur, dressed in red for battle and had no passion in women but all in war. His army got victories along the way, and soon ran into argument with other Christian lords for the dominance. Fillip Augustus the French King went back out of jealous soon. The prostitutes in the army again amazed Muslim writers who used sword/sheath, pen/inkwell, etc. as metaphor.
Richard was ruthless in the first encounters with Saladin, e.g. promise Royal marriage and broke it. He slaughtered 3000 Muslim prisoners including women and children to which Saladin was shocked and responded by killing all his Frankish prisoners. However, he became more reasonable later while some of his generals were more aggressive than him.
Neither Richard nor Saladin had the force to crush the other, and both were in pain keeping the campaign going. Saladin was very worried in Jerusalem and reinforced the wall with his own hands. Meanwhile, Richard knew he didn't have the strength to besiege Jerusalem and retreated eventually. Even though they attacked each other when there was a chance and exchanged gifts to buy more time. Richard even dubbed saladin's niece. Saladin offered parts of Jerusalem and the return of true cross for treaty to which Richard refused partly due to pressures from his worriers and offered another treaty. Saladin also refused. Both wanted the Jerusalem as a whole anyway.
In 1192, Richard received a message from England that his brother John (the landless?) rebelled. Both Richard and Saladin exhausted with the struggling against the enemy and their own aggressive or coward generals.
After agreeing on a treaty that granted Christian access to the holy sepulture, Richard sailed back to Europe in 1192 and Saladin died the next year. They never met.
The sons of Saladin ran into wars against each other, and their uncle Safadin took power for many years. His son, Murazzam, became the ruler of Jerusalem. The fifth crusade targeted at Egypt in 1218. Another son of Safadin ruling Egypt and Murazzam offered Jerusalem for their retreat. Murazzam demolished the walls of Jerusalem desperately as a preparation of giving it away. The crusaders refused but fell apart on its own soon after. And the two Muslim brothers became to fight for superiority.
In 1225, Frederick II of Hohenstaufen assumed the title of Jerusalem King from his wife. Grown up in Sicily he was familiar with multi-culture. While respecting Arab and Jews, he kept suppressing the peoples. Out of the responsibility he believed, Fredrick set off for crusade. But he had bad relationship with Rome and was excommunicated. It did not affect his Jerusalem campaign. As a result of military threat and diplomatic efforts, he received a treaty of ten year peace in exchange of Christian rule of Jerusalem with some preserved Muslim right in 1229. He took it. Both sides had objections. Templars resented the deal since the temple remained as Muslim territory. Frederick shortly visited the city and showed his determination of keeping the truce. The Teutonic became the guard of the city. Jews were still banned from the city.
In 1238, Kamil died. Muslim regained the city and crusaders took it back. In 1244, tartars sacked Jerusalem, savagely killed horde of Christians, burned the holy sepulcher and excavated the bodies of kings of Jerusalem. Jerusalem was not a Christian city since then until 1917. The last effective crusade led by French King Louis VI targeted at Egypt again, and marched to Nile in 1248. They were destroyed by mamluks and the King captured. The mamluk went further and killed the sultan. So the saladin's dynasty came to an end.
In 1250, shamanist Mongols sacked Baghdad and killed caliph with 80000 others. They took Damascus, raided Jerusalem and marched towards Egypt.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第577页 - 49 阿拉伯叛乱

温盖特把总部设在雅法门附近的法斯特饭店,他学会了流利的希伯来语,并且很快被锡安主义者视为“朋友”——相反地,他也被阿拉伯人视为敌人,被自己的袍泽当成莽撞的怪胎。温盖特搬出总督府,与妻子萝尔娜在塔尔皮欧住下。露丝·达扬(Ruth Dayan)回忆说,萝尔娜“年轻漂亮,就像瓷娃娃一样,人们总是目不转睛地看着她”。露丝的丈夫莫歇·达扬(Moshe Dayan)当时二十二岁,是俄罗斯移民之子,出生于最早设立的基布茨,他(秘密)加入哈加纳,而且(公开)担任犹太殖民警察。“有天晚上,来自海法的一名哈加纳成员突然出现,身旁还跟着一名奇怪的访客。温盖特身材修长,腰间有一把加强型左轮手枪,手上拿着一本袖珍的圣经。在行动之前,他会念一段圣经上与行动地点有关的文字。”这位崇拜圣经的福音派军人之子,率领夜战特种部队袭击阿拉伯枪手,“逼得他们找不到安全的藏身之处:几乎在任何地方都可能遭受突袭。”在阿拉伯叛乱以及第二次世界大战期间,英国人训练了两万五千名犹太辅助部队,包括由前俄国红军伊茨哈克·萨德(Yitzhak Sadeh)率领的突击队员,萨德后来成为哈加纳的参谋长。“你们是马加比的子孙”,温盖特勉励他们,“你们是未来犹太军队的骨干!”日后他们的战术与精神将成为以色列国防军的基础。



《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-第577页 - 49 阿拉伯叛乱

温盖特视察被围困的英军与犹太人农场。深夜,他们看到有个“毫不起眼的人物”前来造访,他头戴波萨里诺的帽子或防暑帽,身上穿着起皱的棕榈滩西装,打着皇家炮兵领带,看起来“就像在特拉维夫一些相当可疑的咖啡馆闲晃的来历不明人物”。三十三岁的温盖特上尉总是全副武装,“他有着锐利的蓝色眼睛、鹰钩鼻,看似经过苦行的面容,以及学者的气质”,他搭乘斯图贝克(Studebaker)轿车前来,“装备了完整的武器、地图、李·恩菲尔德步枪、米尔型手榴弹——以及一本圣经”。温盖特认为“犹太人将会表现得比我们更团结”。一九三八年三月,对这位“个性特异”的军官感到印象深刻的英军司令官韦维尔爵士(Sir Archibald Wavell),命令温盖特培训犹太特种部队,并且部署这些特种夜战小队来对付叛军。韦维尔不知道他面对的是什么样的问题:“我当时还没察觉到这件事跟劳伦斯有什么关系。”

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - Zionism until 1920 - Jerusalem - Zionism until 1920

Herzl was one of the first Zionist who actively assimilated in the German society in Vienna but awakened by the anti-semitic policies especially in Russia which was in connection with the rising nationalism all over Europe. His version of Zionism was top down with grant and financial support from emperors and plutocrats.
Jerusalem in 1898 received German kaiser Wilhelm of Hohenzollern who supported the extermination of Jews later in his life. Wilhelm's marching into the city was quite a scene with crowds of local spectators and he cursed the shabby Jews and fetish christians alike and thought embarrassed in front of Muslims.
Herzl pitched Wilhelm and sultan for Zionism but neither responded positively. When Russia started massacring Jews in 1903, Herzl turned to the British to help with support from Rothschild. His proposal of Cyprus and a Sinai city as Jewish settlement was turned down, and offered Uganda and Kenya which he tentatively accepted with no other choices.
Other Zionist opposed the Ugandaism and had scattered idea of settling in Argentina, Texas, etc. Herzl died only at 44 and left great legend of prosperous zionism. Grun (later Ben-Gurion) was a Russian boy who admired Herzl and became a leader of Zionists. In 1909 he was among the settles established Tel Aviv and first kibbutz. His Zionism was peaceful and international. He hoped the working class of Arab and Jews could be united and share the same land given only 600K arabs living in a vast area.
With Ottoman power eclipsed, Arabs also started pondering their nation in the area which meant to be clashed with the Zionists.
Jerusalem kept as chaos as always. Russian peasant pilgrimages who used to be prepared to die in the holy land became restless mobs enjoying drinks and sex in the holy land. Many women found sugar daddies or just became prostitutes. Easter routine of holy fire still ignited frenzy in Easters.
An english, Parker, disguised as Arab and bribed his way to dig the Ark of Covert in the Temple Mount. He enraged both Jews and Arabs who, for only this time, allied to protect and execute if they could against the christians.
A ottoman tyrant, Jamel, during the First World War persecuted, executed and expelled Arabs, Jews and Christians. Jerusalem didn't lack prostitute and orgy parties were held. Turkish massacre missions of Armenians while Jamel did provide asylum for some.
Arab seek opportunities to get rid off ottoman during the war by negotiating with british and French who marked controlled area and did not want to see any united Arabic nation. Lawrence who spent years in Middle East and consider Jerusalem as a squalid town. A Arab revolt led by Sheriff had difficulties to assert real threat on ottoman. Lawrence fight with Arabs and his manual was used in modern ages as a handbook for dealing with Arabs. He revealed the conspiracy of British and French to the Arabs and assisted them to establish an American dependent Arabia.
Ottoman seek help German while British army from Cairo joint force with Laurence and the Arab revolt launched attack to Jerusalem in 1917. German refused the order of Jamel to expose all Jews. In the end of the year, after four days battle including dogfight in the air, German and ottoman troops retreated. The surrender journey of the mayor, Husseini, with his flag made of bedsheets and broom was amusing.
Weismann, a Russian born Jew, became a chemist in Manchester. Partly due to his new formula to produce acetone which is an ingredient of explosive, he got in contact with English statesmen to lobby Zionism. One of his supporters, Lloyd George was a future prime minister and Balfour, foreign secretary. They believed Zionist was both of the right of Jews and interest of British empire.
Zionist had no lack of opposers in the Jewish community who believed Zionism would promote anti-semitism. However, the British statesmen believed declaring the Jewish right to go back to Palestine would strengthen their allies with Russia and America and gain the support from Jews in those countries. Besides, German might declare it earlier as the Zionist headquarter had been in Berlin. 'Dr. Weizmann, it's a boy', Sykes told to anxiously waiting Weizmann n the anteroom of cabinet office. The declaration bears the name of Belford but as much as if no more belong to George. It favors the establishment of a Jewish nation in Palestine without prejudicing the civil and religious right of existing non-Jewish people. The declaration was mocked by Arabs cynically as the British promised the same land to Arab, Jews and France. To be fair, Palestine was not mentioned in the promise to sheriff and no city was named in the declaration. Weizmann agreed Jerusalem should be internationalized.
When Allenby entered the city, Lawrence was with him. He was just escaped from captivity after being raped and suffering psychological pain and still did not like the city where 500 Jewish teenage prostitute patrolled. Citizens seemed happy of ottoman leaving and British army maintained status quo. Allenby legendarily finished his speech with 'crusade is over' which might have made Muslim bitter. Weizmann came to the city and tried to improve Jewish plight. The Jews and Arabs opinions towards each other were very scattered from hostility to hospitality.
Storrs became the man in charge in Jerusalem. Faisal was a Arabic candidate to rule the area. In turn of the favor to rule Syria, he negotiated with Weizmann on Zionism and promised to absorb 4-5 million Jews in Palestine. Lawrence was the middleman of the two. In 1918, Weizmann laid the foundation of the Hebrew university.
Victorious British, French and American started carving up the world. British wanted Palestine, French Syria and American was more idealism and not as shameless. Lawrence spoke up for Arabs in vain. When French tried to declare Palestine in the name of crusades, Lawrence simply answered: but you failed. Imperials got what they were after. Faisal established his Arabic nation including Syria, Palestine and Lebanon in 1920.
The same year, Arabs rioted in Jerusalem with Faisal's picture in hand calling Jews as our dogs. As in any riot, beating, raping and smashing followed. Storrs with only 188 policemen in hand lost the control of the city.
New commissioner Samuel calmed down the city. He riot fostered extremists in both Jews and Arabs. Jabotinsky believed in the equality of both peoples and only iron wall can protect Jews.
In 1921 Winston Churchill as the secretary of the state for colonial affair visited Jerusalem accompanied by Lawrence. Faisal's claim to Syria failed in front of strong French. He got Iraq and his brother got Transjordan, or more precisely granted by Churchill. But his family was no match to wahabi in Saudi. Lawrence felt his mission completed.

《耶路撒冷三千年》的笔记-Jerusalem - first crusade - Jerusalem - first crusade

The Crusade was a one-man idea. In 1095, pope Urban II addressed the idea in a gathering in Clermont. This is a Christian version of Jihad with a single destination. The church promised the forgiveness of all sins as the reward. This is an appealing call, 80000 answered, 'God wills it'. The first Crusade was led by many princes, including a son of William the Conquerer.
1098, Egyptians were aware an army moving towards Jerusalem. So the Egyptians took the city first and ready for the first Crusaders. Siege was completed in 1099 by the Christians, but the city was difficult to conquer. Before the Crusaders reached Jerusalem, they killed or forced conversion of thousands of Jews for their sins of expecting Jesus. Byzantine was for sure scared and kept an eye on the army passing by. They took Antioch first and almost perished after being enclosed in the city.
Egyptians were on there way to help, and there was not much time left for the crusaders. In the mid of June, after 2 days brutal fight, the crusaders broke the city. The following slaughter was ruthless and fanatical. They chop off not only heads but also limbs. The last Muslim and Jews taking refugee in the dome of rock and al-Aqsa were slaughtered regardless of gender and age. Ten thousands were killed, many were kept alive for ransom and would be executed if no ransom received. Christian writers recorded the evil deed with passion and pride. If the sort of slaughter happened before, the recording was unprecedented.
The triumph Christians needed a king. Godfrey was selected after some struggling. A Norman became patriarch and soon was charged for adultery and fathered a kid with an Arabic woman. He banned orthodox priests from the holy sepulture and tortured them to find he true cross. Three other states were established as well and many crusaders went back home. In Jerusalem there was only 300 nights and 1500 infantries left and a handful of citizens. Rome appointed another patriarch who was determined to make Jerusalem theocracy.
In 1100, Baldwin, Godfrey's brother, arrived in Jerusalem after Godfrey died. By then neither weak Baghdad nor Cairo reacted to the lost of Jerusalem and even Turks was busy fighting against themselves. Baldwin became the king. He was a restless warlord and used his marriage for allies so that risking bigamy for the sake of expedience. Started with only 1000 knights and 5000 infantries he managed to recruit locally and asked local Christians to move in Jerusalem. He once escaped from energy and hitched a pirate boat back. Once visited by a Norge King in 1110 baldwin exchanged the Norwegian fleet for a service with a sprint of the true cross. He might have not really had intercourse with any wife. He died in 1118 while raiding Egypt.
The Baldwin II the Little, his cousin and successor, was also a capable King who enemy got high comments from Muslim. Both the Knights Templar and Knights hospitaller were founded during this period and already rich. He was captured in a battle in 1123 and ransomed later.

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