


版权页:   man can ever be found,absolute monarchy is,in point of hard political fact,athoroughly vicious form of government.Philip was absolute monarch in Macedonia:if he'd read my Politics,would he have said“Ah.there's a good friend of my government”?As for Alexander,look at the Politics again.I claim for reasons I won't bother you with-that the very notion of a political empire is an absurdity.Alexander's empire covered the whole of Greece and vast tracts ofAsia.I’ve never spoken in support of it-I've denounced it.If that's being pro.Macedonian.what doyou have to do to be anti? My views on monarchy and empire are obvious enough,and I don’t claim anyparticular credit for setting them out.I don't cla.im any particular courage either-incase you suspect me of virtues as well as vices that I don't possess.Neither Philipnor Alexander were great readers,and in any case if they'd read my Politics theywouldn’t have cared a jot.Oh,Philip might have guffawed,and Alexander mighthave stamped his elegant little foot.But cared? Why should they have cared?Words,words,words-they mean nothing in the courts of the mighty.But you were not just a man of words.You once said that"man is by nature apolitical animal."Didn't you follow your human nature and take an active part inpaliticnl life? The aphorism's mine-though people tend to forget a better one:“Man is more givento copulation than to politics.”(Never take aphorisms literally-not even that one.) But no,I’ve never engaged in political activities.


作者:(英国)乔纳森·巴尔内斯(Jonathan Barnes) 译者:袁琳  乔纳森·巴尔内斯(Jonathan Barnes),英国皇家学会会员,曾在牛津、日内瓦、巴黎等地教授哲学长达四十年之久,学术专长是古典哲学,著作有《古希腊早期哲学》和《亚里士多德》。


序言 导读 亚里士多德(公元前384——前322):生平简介 现在,谈话正式开始 公众人物 柏拉图和修辞学 逻辑学 动物学 科学与原因 诗学 民主 奴隶制 物种中的雌性 伦理学 形而上学 灵魂 神 死亡 展望 补充说明








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  •     简约典雅的设计风格,严谨明晰的行文脉络,使读者于轻松愉悦间体味经典的魅力,感受大师的深邃,物超所值……
  •     恩格斯称他是“最博学的人”,被誉为“百科全书”式学者。我来翻翻这本百科全书啊。
  •     也是真性情的哲人
  •     本书虚构了在咖啡馆采访亚里士多德的场景。全书以对话的方式介绍了亚的生平和主要成就。应该可以作为一本良好的火车站读物。另外亮点是居然是中英对照
  •     内容上有点让人无法满足。不过刚刚发现这么多“在咖啡馆遇见XXX”系列啊,这算一系列的入门读物啊。

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