Reading Workshop Survival Kit 阅读工具箱

作者:Muschla, Gary Robert


About Reading InstructionHow to Use This ResourcePart 1  MANAGEMENT OF THE READING WORKSHOP   Chapter 1  AN OVERVIEW OF THE READING WORKSHOP  Reading in the Reading Workshop    Reproducible: "Elements of the Reading Workshop"      Teacher and Student Roles in the Reading Workshop    Reproducible: "The Role of the Teacher in the Reading Workshop"  The Value and Use of Mini-lessons  A Final Word Chapter 2  MANAGING THE READING WORKSHOP   Building a Positive Atmosphere   Setting Up Your Classroom   Reproducible: "Student Responsibilities in the Reading Worksho:   Reproducible: "Reading Self-appraisal"       Reproducible: "Promoting a Positive Atmosphere in Your ReadinWorkshop"       Organizing Your Day   Teaching Methods in the Reading Workshop   Reading Logs   Reproducible: "Reading Log Guidelines"       Reproducible: "Possible Questions for Reading Logs"       Strategies to Organize Discussion Groups  Incorporating Discussion Groups in Your Reading Workshop  Reproducible: "Discussion Group Guidelines"      A Final Word Chapter 3  EVALUATION   Reading Tests   Daily Logs of Student Performance   Reading Conferences   Portfolios   Reports, Projects, and Special Activities    Grades in the Reading Workshop  Reproducible: "Book Summary Sheet"      Self-evaluation for Teachers  A Final Word    Reproducible: "Self-evaluation Questions for Teachers"Part 2 THE MINI-LESSONS MINI-LESSONS 1 THROUGH 50  TYPES OF READING AND RELATED TOPICS 1. Fiction and Nonfiction 2. Short Stories, Novellas, and Novels  Reproducible Worksheet 2-1: "Evaluating Fiction"     3. The Essay  Reproducible Worksheet 3-1: "Essay Facts"     4. Editorials  Reproducible Worksheet 4-1: "Evaluating an Editorial"     5. General Information Articles   Reproducible Worksheet 5-1: "Ranking Informational Articles" 6. Newspaper Articles   Reproducible Worksheet 6-1: "Analyzing a Newspaper Article" 7. Book Reviews   Reproducible Worksheet 7-1: "Parts of a Book Review(for Fiction)"     8. Movie Reviews   Reproducible Worksheet 8-1: "Reviewing a Movie Review"   Reproducible Worksheet 8-2: "Comparing and Contrasting    Movie Reviews"     9. Biographies   Reproducible Worksheet 9-1: "Contributions"     10. Autobiographies   Reproducible Worksheet 10-1: "Analyzing an Autobiography" 11. Genre Fiction (Overview)   Reproducible Worksheet 11-1: "Categories of Fiction"     12. Stories of Romance   Reproducible Worksheet 12-1: "There's More to Romance   Than Romance"       Reproducible Worksheet 12-2: "The Novel Versus the   Big Screen"     13. Stories of Adventure   Reproducible Worksheet 13-1: "True Heroes and Heroines" 14. Mysteries   Reproducible Worksheet 14-1: "Taking the Mystery Outof Mystery"     Reproducible Worksheet 14-2: "Mood and Mystery"     15. Science Fiction   Reproducible Worksheet 15-1: "The Elements of   Science Fiction"       Reproducible Worksheet 15-2: "Some Popular Science   Fiction Novels"     16. Fantasy Stories   Reproducible Worksheet 16-1: "The Reality of the Unreal"     17. Horror Stories   Reproducible Worksheet 17-1: "Believing in Horror"     ……SUGGESTED READING LIST


A complete, step-by-step guide to setting up and running a successful reading workshop in grades 5-12. Part I, "Management of the Reading Workshop," offers a host of specific strategies, techniques and reproducible materials for classroom management and student evaluation. Part II, "Using Mini-lessons in the Reading Workshop," provides 100 different ready-to-use mini-lessons focusing on specific reading topic and skills.

 Reading Workshop Survival Kit 阅读工具箱下载




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