白瓷 / Porcelain

出版社:Exist Random
作者:李智良,LEE Chi Leung


LEE Chi-leung was born & bred in colonial Hong Kong, as of school text books. He has a quick & angry bearings for some, while he considers himself meek.
Porcelain (Exist Random, 1999), a compilation of poetry & short stories written in Chinese and English, remains the only book Lee published until 2008.
His 2008 title, A Room Without Myself, an unapologetic retro/introspection of the author’s personal history of maniac depression and colonial upbringing, had been awarded “Hong Kong Book Prize 2008″ and the 10th “Hong Kong Biennial Awards for Chinese Literature” (Essay divison)
Presently Lee contributes for newspapers & “stuffs” from time to time, and is engaged in all sorts of translation & writing for money and for better causes. He takes his photography and un-sponsored research on anti-psychiatry as mere pass-time.


「我」叩門,門就開了,只一個空房/一糰漆黑,夾雜活人封塵的唸白或哭喪,亡魂未能冥滅,在嚎叫。「我在想念,同時忘記。「我」寫的又怎能是妳。期間「我」老了少許。道德世界給轟成核子塵的時候,那一段靜默和停頓--- 「我」看見那朵煙花--- 世界的簡寫:世界之簡化為一個標號--- 那是永生和死亡下棋的籌碼,陀思妥也夫斯基的流行曲誓辭...... 當「追悔」變成最新近流行在前端的文學潮流,「我」高興得害怕了高興。渴望温柔。悔咎成癮。「我」看見,那朵煙花,「我」看見妳,「我」想著要找到妳。「我」在妳耳畔訴說。妄念無痛的前生。無玷的童貞女、聖靈冥滅,靜夜之華是妳。
Taken up the pseudo-confessional voice of "I," the narrator is trapped in the most difficult situation of choosing between two kinds of women in his "final bet after too many desperate stakes of losing" - one that makes him smoke, the other stops him from smoking - from there a flight of self-fashioned interrogations and a sadomasochism between the split selves take off. Carelessly invoking Nietzsche or Fante, Oxford dictionary and Che Guevara to ornament a melancholic boredom that is irreducible and reactionary. The narrative swerves around in-between cliches typical of travelers writer books, brutally dismantled by existentialist non-action, persecution paranoia reminiscent of the Freudian Schreber's, and at times frank lament of unrequited love and classic Goth motifs reinvented.

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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     我也重讀了《白瓷》的前部份。沒有「一下回到九年前那光景」、也不是懷戀—— 沒有懷戀所繫之依存的連續時間、今昔的徹然劃分,我沒有懷戀的能力—— 腦裡沒有可供比照的情境,心裡的景象無可如何。打開一本雨水浸過的,跳過書序,我幾乎好奇讀著那許多斧鑿痕跡,鉛字的吵鬧喧嘩、單一如眾,名字與名字所指的配對,背後空無一物,它落空之處依然叫人失望的落空、它欲言又止的並沒有得到證實或否定,還好。「九年前那光景」既不在九年前、也不在九年後的回眸,「寫那書時候我24歲…」,量子物理學都解釋不了,寫那人不在面前、彷彿也不在我裡面,也沒有一個對應的作為寫者的「他」可以訪問。可是今兒我好像讀到甚麼別的,它突然——再次——陳示自己、它本身,寫的時候沒著意、或過於著意、急於以風格或遣辭用字上取巧去蓋過的,敍事和語言的緊張關係。就像在街上看到一個人,他/她的甚麼勾著你的注意,可是沒有別的,他/她就是如此勾著你的注意,在那兒,你還在這邊,在注意,留心下一刻會不會有甚麼不一樣的,一個小節、一個小動作的出現,讓你明白甚麼。我這樣子重讀了《白瓷》的前部份,英語的敍事和使用英語寫作的關係,在英語的壓抑和別扭之中能夠伸展所及之處。一個人在外文裡的個性和表達,背後是母語的悲哀嗎?「…the book is the mechanical reproduction of some traces of a writing in which one finds oneself with nothing to say」—— 具名或匿名的,它和誰的「pressence」都無關,它給一種瘋狂與沉默、一種anguish 與流離失所記名,裡面的人物都安好、即便是生死劫難、詰問自身存在,也在文字中保留了道德的原形,它不能覆蓋世界或任何事情,它只是不住覆寫自己,跡乎偏執,與歷史和在它面前必得隱退、删節的瘋狂與沉默築搭幽幽繞道。「…having the words may have the magical power against the unravelling of the world」—— 世界正崩離瓦解,對文字的篤信與未許篤信,文字容許與文字所不容許之間。(節錄自 http://oblivion1938.com/archives/317)
  •     读李智良的 porcelian《白瓷》,1999。我喜欢那个封面,虽然我不抽烟(奇怪,一碰烟就呕吐了。) 但我常常觉得很冷漠的抽着烟,并且沉默着抽烟的姿态,叫人心折。香烟对我来说是姿态问题。 智良并且写: “ There are two kinds of women; one that makes you smoke, the other stops you from smoking, (like you don’t need it anymore). ” ……And i’m undecided about which should i love ……我想我,一定是要当那个让对方忍不住抽烟, 却又不得不戒烟的女人。(你懂, 健康环保问题……)那种让你了解什么是最坏, 但使你又不得不变好的女人。你会被最大的欲望挑战, 但你却不得不与这些欲望战争, 然后回归最单纯健康的一面。 但想想,那些结果变坏的对方已回不得头的坏下去了 (最后只得bye bye~), 而变不得坏的男人还很钝很闷的不知所以然 (最后也只得bye bye~) 。 这种两难, 而最后不得不从良的局面, 还真得天时地利配合无双亦邪亦正而最后邪不胜正才行。 哇~ 我说的是男与女之间的感情吗?(好可怕~) 噢,谈的是智良的书。你可以在《字花》阅读到他近期文字。

精彩短评 (总计5条)

  •     精神領袖
  •     festival in February
  •     很有緣分的一本書。
  •     你用廣東話念一段,我用普通話念一段。然後說,寫得浪漫到死了。
  •     他的文字其實也影響我不少。

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