




8. 洋上缀珠 Pearls on the Ocean
9. 晕 Halo
10. 绿岛 Green Island
11. 泻湖 Lagoon
13. 库克拉罗汤加岛全貌 Panorama of Rarotonga, Cook Islands
14. 隔水相望 Looking at each other across the Sea
15. 蓝宝石 Sapphire
17. 晨曦 Dawn Light
18. 绿野仙踪 Green Wonderland
19. 海岛记忆 Memory of the Island
21. 暮思 Meditation at Dusk
22. 渔网 Fishing Net
23. 密克外交部办公楼 Office Building of Foreign Ministry of Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
25. 兰马多遗址 Ruins of Nan Madol, FSM
26. 历史的痕迹 Traces of History
27. 椰影 Shadow of Coconut Trees
29. 远眺帕利基尔港口 Overlooking Palikir Port, FSM
30. 椰风 Coconut Trees Bending in the Wind
31. 红树林 Mangrove
32. 海上花 Flowers in the Sea
33. 椰趣 Coconut Trees
34. 丘克,二战记忆 Chuuk, Memory of the World War II
35. 重生 Rebirth
36. 纪念 Commemoration
37. 希望 Hope
38. 伙伴 Mate
39. 索克斯山 Sohkes Rocks
40. 看海 Overlooking the Sea
41. 听海 Listening to the Sea
42. 海底珊瑚 Seabed Corals
43. 巴新议会大厦 Parliament Building of PNG
45. 巴新首都国际机场 Jacksons International Airport, Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
46. 远山近林 Mountains and Forests
47. 穿行天地间 Traveling between Sky and Earth
48. 延伸 Extension
49. 那岛,那岛 The Island
50. 土著民居 Indigenous People' s Residence
51. 清晨 Early Morning
53. 蓝色斐济 Blue Fiji
54. 光与影 Light and Shadow
55. 恬静 Serenity
57. 门 Gate
58. 晨曲 Firsb Sunshine Melody
59. 阳光、沙滩 Sunshine and Beach
61. 楠迪风光 Nadi Scenery
63. 海天相接 Where the Seas merge with the Sky
65. 泊 Mooring
67. 黄昏 The Quietude of Dusk
68. 那山、那海、那人 Mountain, Sea and Man
69. 静谧 Tranquility Reigns
71. 礁石 Reefs
73. 整装待发 Ready to Set Out
75. 多彩的海滩 Colorful Seashore
77. 朝阳 Sunrise
78. 汤加喷潮洞 Blow Holes of Tonga
79. 激情 Passion
81. 澎湃 Surge
82. 仰泳 Whale in Backstroke
83. 自由泳 Freestyle
84. 转身 Turing around
85. 蛙泳 Breaststroke
86. 蝶泳 Butterfly
87. 倒立 Upside down
89. 晚霞 Clouds at Sunset
90. 库克山景 Mountain View on Cook Islands
91. 独占鳌头 Unrivalled
93. 浪花拍岸 Wave Splashing
95. 潮退 Ebbing
96. 风和日丽 A Nice Day
97. 天然雕饰 Natural Beauty
99. 憩 Rest
100. 执子之手 Holding Hands
101. 守望 Outlook
102. 三代同堂 Three Generations
103. 箭 Arrow
104. 祖孙俩 Grandparent and Grandchild
105. 肖像 Portrait
106. 传统 Tradition
107. 盼 Expecting
108. 巴新东高地省“泥人” Mud Men in Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
109. 源 Source
110. 猎 Hunting
111. 从过去走来 From the Past
112. 静候 Waiting
113. 耕 Plowing
114. 合影 Group Photo
115. 收获 Harvest
116. 喜悦 Happiness
117. 兄弟姐妹 Brothers and Sisters
118. 厨乐 Fun with Cooking
119. 启航 Sailing
120. 抓鱼 Catching Fish
121. 满载而归 Back Home with A Full Load
122. 加工金枪鱼 Processing Tuna
123. 腼腆的女生 A Shy Native Girl
124. 凝视 Gazing
125. 学生 Schoolboy/Schoolgirl
126. 鼓手 Drummer
127. 吹起小螺号 Blowing the Shell Trumpet
128. 型男 Trendy Man
129. 载歌载舞 Singing and Dancing
130. 箭舞 Arrow Dance
131. 蓄势待发 Ready to Go
132. 巾帼不让须眉 As Good as Men
133. 迎宾 Welcoming the Guests
134. 微笑 Smile
135. 盛装 Dressing up
136. 舞者 Dancers
137. 原始取火 Fire Lighting in a Primitive Way
138. 汤加舞者(一)Dancers in Tonga (1)
139. 汤加舞者(二)Dancers in Tonga (2)
140. 库克草裙舞 Hula Dance on Cook Islands
141. 根 Roots
142. 库克少妇 Woman in Cook Islands
143. 库克少女 Girl in Cook Islands
144. 乐队 Band
145. 无邪 Naiveté
146. 夺魁 To be No.1
147. 如火如荼 Flower Shining





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