作者:Danny Dreyer


Introduction: Running Lessons from a T'ai Chi Master  ChiRunning Versus Power Running  How to Use This BookChapter 1. ChiRunning: A #evolution in Running  The Benefits of Running  Why People Get Injured  Power Running: No Pain, No Gain  The "Chi" in ChiRunningChapter 2. The Principles of ChiRunn'ing:  Moving with Nature  Cotton and Steel: Gather to Your Center  Gradual Progress: The Step-by-Step Approach  The Pyramid: The Small Is Supported by the Large  Balance in Motion: Equal Balance and Complementary Balance  Nonidentification: Getting Yourself out of the WayChapter :3. The Four Chi-Skills  Focusing Your Mind  Body Sensing: High-speed Access  Breathing: Tapping Into Your Chi  Relaxation: The Path of Least ResistanceChapter 4. The Basic Components of Technique  Posture  Lean: Gravity-Assisted Running  Legs and Arms  Let's Go RunningChapter 5. Transitioning into and out of Running  Transitioning into a Run  Preparing Your Mind  Preparing Your Body  Starting Your Bun  Transitioning out of a Run  Ending a Bun  Cooling Down  Stretching  The Postrun MindChapter 6. Program Development:  The Process of Growth  Form, Distance, and Speed: The Three Developmental  Stages of the ChiRunning Technique  Creating a Running Program  The Well-Rounded Running Program  Intervals  LSD Run……Chapter 7.The Beauty of Learning and the BlessingChapter 8.Peak Performance and RacingChapter 9.Getting the Most Chi fromChapter10.Run as You Live,Live as You RnuAppendix.A Guide to the Muscles Referred to  in the BookIndex


Wthan 24 million people run in the United States alone, but 65   percent will have to stop at least once this year because of injury. Still others will choose to run through the pain. But in this groundbreaking book, ultramarathoner Danny Dreyer teaches us the running technique he created to heal and prevent injuries and also to run faster, farther, and with much less effort at any age.   ChiRunning employs the deep power reserves in the core muscles of the trunk,an approach that grows out of such disciplines as yoga, Pilates, and t'ai chi. This excellent step-by-step program offers training principles and is easily learned.

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精彩短评 (总计7条)

  •     专业跑步书,强烈推荐
  •     把中国太极与气功的理念应用到跑步上,挺有创意。跑步爱好者,尤其是长距离跑的人能从中受益。不过,作者把太极的“极”与“气”搞混了,但不影响书的内容。中国优秀传统文化还需要加大普及力度哇。
  •     当你还没有决定的时候,它毫无作用;当你决定迈开脚步的时候,它会帮助你的。
  •     土豆有配套视频 看看更有帮助
  •     掃讀。氣這回事呢,我只能說……:o)。 lateral stride uphill倒可以一試。
  •     前倾,抬脚。这两点很难做到。废话多了点,例如气什么的。是好书。
  •     激发一些理性跑步的想法和做法。

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