出版社:New English Library Ltd
作者:Stephen King


They were seven teenagers when they first stumbled upon the horror. Now they were grown-up men and women who had gone out into the big world to gain success and happiness. But none of them could withstand the force that drew them back to Derry, Maine to face the nightmare without an end, and the evil without a name. What was it?  Read It and find out...if you dare!  --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition. 

Read about the author. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The amazingly prolific King returns to pure horror, pitting good against evil as in The Stand and The Shining. Moving back and forth between 1958 and 1985, the story tells of seven children in a small Maine town who discover the source of a series of horrifying murders. Having conquered the evil force once, they are summoned together 27 years later when the cycle begins again. As usual, the requisite thrills are in abundance, and King's depiction of youngsters is extraordinarily accurate and sympathetic. But there is enough material in this epic for several novels and stories, and the excessive length and numerous interrelated flashbacks eventually become wearying and annoying. Nevertheless, King is a born storyteller, and It will undoubtedly be in high demand among his fans. BOMC main selection. Eric W. Johnson, Univ. of Bridgeport Lib., Ct.
Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

A great scary book. (San Francisco Chronicle) A landmark in American literature. (Chicago Sun-Times) [King's] best novel since Firestarter. (People) A sprawling scare-fest. (Philadelphia Inquirer) --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.

[King's] best novel since Firestarter. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.

A sprawling scare-fest. --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.

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精彩书评 (总计2条)

  •     就像铃木光司一样,Stephen King是氛围塑造的大师,当慢慢沉浸在IT的故事中时,总感觉那个小丑就在你身后注视着你!IT结局的蜘蛛一直被人诟病,也许是作者自身的经历,导致他把所有小说的落脚点放在了蜘蛛上面,可是谁又能说作者不是在告诉你们,蜘蛛也好,蚂蚱也好,恐怖的恰恰是存在于你心中最私密的地方!
  •     该书的开篇部分有些平淡,甚至枯燥,到了后面,故事慢慢展开,让我怀念起童年和童年的梦魇,我小时候也看到过镜子里的鬼(显然是幻觉),也听过同伴们说着可怕的经历,还和几个后进儿童去废弃的小教堂探险.一切和书中情节-七个孩子遭遇镇子的各种鬼怪-是多么相似.作者对恐怖事件的氛围营造和细节描写相当成功,甚至能使读者感到揪心,从而对故事中人物的命运感到担忧.我童年各种恐怖事件,源于儿童超常的想象力和对未知事物的好奇恐惧,我用这种说辞来解释为何各人看到的鬼怪会不一样,我期待着这本书里会将奇异事件背后的故事表现得异乎寻常.而这书中的最后俗套无趣,毫无恐怖感的,具有实体的Boss,让我非常失望,甚至让我对作者产生了不敬.我个人认为,这小说的后半部分远远逊于前半部分.还有那个小丑到底是谁(它不是boss)作者没有交代.有几个次要人物刻画很失败,最后作者始乱终弃,将他们直接写死了,这是大败笔.坏孩子亨利鲍尔斯似乎只是纯粹无目的地邪恶,显得缺乏人格.对主要角色"埃迪"的描写过于呆程式化,作者只是反复念叨着"埃迪紧握着手中的哮喘喷雾剂",全书中重复数十次,词穷至极,令我哭笑不得.总的来说,为保持对斯蒂芬金的良好印象,最好不要读最后打boss那段

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