《誰偷了我的顧客Who stole my customer?》书评



《谁偷了我的顾客》介绍了如何在一个客户呈螺旋式流失的时代中吸引和留住客户的强大新方法和新架构。今时今日,产品和服务已经无法继续承担吸引和留住客户的重担,即使创新如Iphone,也有诸如三星、华为等品牌在逐步接近和偷走“它”的客户。本书的出版时机无疑是恰当的。企业管理者、MBA学生和对商业有兴趣的读者都会在这本书里找到一些受益匪浅的信息和知识。阅读这本书让人感觉像上了一门有趣的MBA课程,幽默的教授用简单的语言为你讲述了实际发生的最前沿的商业话题。该书用清晰的逻辑、有趣的案例和许多睿智的问题唤起读者对这一变化的注意,在这本书里,你能发现的不仅是作者的理论和知识,还有现在发生在实际商业社会的事实和趋势。最有创意的部分是,这本书用实际的“练习”来训练读者。不同于直接将答案告诉你,而是通过提问的方式,让读者自己思考和找到答案。清晰的逻辑和简明的语言可以让你一口气读完整本书,然后在“练习”的环节训练和考察自己的收获。I read the second edition of Who stole my customers? By Thompson last month. As a MBA student, it is really significant and helpful for my study. It is about business strategy, marketing, and more important, it changes your way of thinking about a business or company. It reflects the current trend in business and recommend solution to the biggest global problem today---increasingly fewer and fewer loyal customers. I appreciated it so much by the way Thompson wrote this book. The section of “Exercise” is really attractive and workable. Through role playing of customers, company managers, and future managers, Thompson listed questions to guide and change the way of thinking about business. The questions are thought-provoking and centered on the topic, which is smarter than simply statement. It made the reading a journey of thinking and exploring, instead of seeing and receiving. It is like having a MBA course by a professional and humorous professor and more than that.In addition, even you do not have any basic knowledge of business or strategy, it is still easy enough to read it. You would not get any problem to go through it at all. If you have any question of the book, Thompson can be contacted via email mentioned in the book. And actually I did and got his reply within one day. He is very nice to “talk” and share ideas. I strongly recommend it to all people who are interested in business.

 誰偷了我的顧客Who stole my customer?下载


外国儿童文学,篆刻,百科,生物科学,科普,初中通用,育儿亲子,美容护肤PDF图书下载,。 零度图书网 

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