




第1章 英语专业八级写作指南
1.1 大纲要求
1.2 评分标准
1.3 命题分析
1.4 写作技巧
第2章 英语专业八级高分范文100篇
1. 名胜古迹在旅游高峰期应征收高额门票吗? Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest
charge higher fees during peak travel seasons? (2011年真题)
2. 城市化建设过程中是否应当保持当地原有文化风貌Should regional characteristics and local
cultural heritage be kept in the process of urbanization?(2010年真题)
3. 城市化进程中的主要问题One major problem in the process of urbanization (1998年真题)
4. 养老是谁的责任?Should the young take care of their parents or should it be the responsibility of
the state? (1995年真题)
5. 火车票实名制Real-name system for train tickets
6. 商品过度包装Excessive packaging of commodities
7. 如何看待裸婚My view on “naked wedding”
8. 农村留守儿童问题 Left-behind children
9. 幼儿园入园难问题How to solve the “kindergarten crunch?”
10. 食品安全问题How to solve the problem of food safety?
11. 非法集资原因何在? What do you think led to the rise of illegal fund-raising?
12. 老人跌倒要不要扶?Should one help the old people who have fallen down?
13. 如何看待公务员热 What do you think of the mania for civil servants?
14. 建设和谐社会Building a Harmonious Society
15. 带孙费Should grandparents charge for babysitting their grandchildren
16. 中国红十字会信誉危机Credibility Crisis of the Red Cross Society of China
17. 奢侈消费China’s Luxury Consumption
18. 整容整形之我见My View on Plastic Surgery
19. 相亲节目大热,原因何在?What’s contributing to the prosperity of TV blind date shows?
20. 房奴Mortgage Slave
21. 富二代问题产生原因 What causes the problem of the Rich Second Generation?
22. 财富差距影响友情吗?Does financial disparity affect friendship? (题目自定)(2007年真题)
23. 志向抱负On Ambition(2006年真题)
24. 竞争与合作Competition or Cooperation(1999年真题)
25. 外貌的重要性Personal Appearance: Looks Really Count(1994年真题)
26. 人的基本品质是天生的还是由环境决定?A person’s essential qualities are inherited at birth or
determined by the circumstance? (1993年真题)
27. 亚健康状态Sub-healthy state
28. 困难和机遇 Relationship between difficulties and opportunities
29. 当前教育模式下如何培养创新精神How to be innovative in the present education mode?
30. 成功的标准What are the criteria of being successful?
31. 变Change
32. 攀比心理Shall one try to keep up with the Joneses?
33. 炫富心理 What do you think of showing off one’s wealth?
34. 上大学的收获What I Have Learned from My Years at University(2008年真题)
35. 大学生是否应该经商Should University Students Go in for Business?(2004年真题)
36. 大学生成才的过程Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards(1997年
37. 支持制定宿舍政策In Support of Dormitory Policies(1996年真题)
38. 网络游戏之于大学校园Should Online Games Be Banned in Universities?
39. 杜绝校园浪费To put an end to extravagance on college campus
40. 大学生考试作弊Why college students are cheating in exams
41. 参加社团活动Should college students participate in association activities?
42. 大学生同居Cohabitation of College Students
43. 大学校园是否应向游客开放Should university campuses be open to tourists?
44. 大学生炒股Should College Students Get Involved in the Stock Market or Not?
45. 考证热On certificate craze
46. 关于方言Are Dialects Just as Acceptable in Public Places?(2009年真题)
47 终身学习Education as a Lifelong Process(2000年真题)
48. 如何看待剽窃行为What do you think of plagiarism?
49. 过西方节日My View on Celebrating Western Festivals
50. 汉语能否取代英语成为世界通用语Will Chinese replace English to be the lingua franca of the
51. 文化入侵 cultural invasion
52. 汉字书写能力下降Importance Should Be Attached to Chinese Handwriting
53. 虎妈教育Tiger Mother
54. 出国留学Studying Abroad or Not
55. 学者归国Returning Scholars
56. 考研My View on the post-graduate craze
57. 复制粘贴On “Copying and Pasting”
58. 面试是否能选拔人才Is interview effective as a selection procedure?(2005年真题)
59. 鸡头还是凤尾To be a “small fish in a big pond” or a “big fish in a small pond?”
60. 工作中的性别歧视Gender discrimination in employment
61. 跳槽My View on Job-Hopping
62. 如何找到好工作On Finding a Good Job
63. 人际交往能力Are Interpersonal Skills Still Important?
64. 高薪水=高回报?Salary is not the only reward of a job
65. 独立自主与团队合作On independence and team work
66. 如何在职场竞争中脱颖而出 How to become outstanding in the job market?
67. 大学生对手机电话和短信的态度College students’ attitudes towards phone calls and
68. 互联网对……的影响The Impact of the Internet on ...(2001年真题)
69. 未成年人是否应该接触网络Should teenagers have access to the Internet?
70. 如何看待微博的利与弊 Advantages and disadvantages of the microblog
71. 电视广告对人的影响The Influence of TV advertisements on People's Behavior
72. 高铁——科技应该走快点还是慢下来 High-speed railway—should science and technology
speed up or slow down?
73. 电子书取代传统书Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?
74. 山寨文化My View on “Shanzhai” Culture
75. 网上交友Making friends online
76. 是否应该继续太空探索?Should space exploration be continued?
77. 如何看待iPhone热 My opinion on the iPhone craze
78. 网络语言的使用On Netspeak
79. 当代年轻人更以自我为中心吗Are young people in China today are more self-centered and
unsympathetic than were previous generations?(2003年真题)
80. 大学生最重要的个人品质The Most Important Personal Quality of a University Student(2002年
81. 雷锋精神Is the Spirit of Lei Feng Outdated?
82. 为什么要提倡志愿工作Why do we advocate volunteer work?
83. 要不要讲诚信 Should Credibility Be Advocated?
84. 什么是孝What’s Filial Piety in Your Mind?
85. 谈幽默On Humor
86. 称赞别人的重要性The importance of praising others
87. 学会说不Don’t hesitate to say “no”
88. 名人崇拜Is celebrity worship beneficial or harmful?
89. 如何看待一夜成名?What do you think of becoming famous overnight?
90. 90后 the post-90s
91. 简单生活Simple Life
92. 是否应该继续发展核能源?Should nuclear energy be developed any longer?
93. 是否应该拆除古建筑 Should ancient buildings be demolished for the construction of modern
94. 低碳生活To lead a low-carbon life
95. 大力开发新能源值得吗Is it worthwhile to develop new energies?
96. 经济发展和环境保护Economic Growth and Environmental Protection
97. 是否应当鼓励人们买车Whether people should be encouraged to buy cars or not
98. 素食主义To be a vegetarian
99. 如何平衡旅游增收与景区环境保护How to balance the development of tourism and the
protection of scenic spots?
100. 占用耕地Expropriation of arable land
附录1 英语专业八级写作常用词汇
附录2 英语专业八级写作常用句型
附录3 英语专业八级写作模板







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