Excel 2007 VBA 程序师参考手册 Excel 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference

作者:John Green,Stephen Bullen,Rob Bovey,Michael Alexander


Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1: Primer in Excel VBA Chapter 2: The Application Object Chapter 3: Workbooks and Worksheets Chapter 4: Using Ranges Chapter 5: Using Names Chapter 6: Filtered Lists Chapter 7: PivotTables Chapter 8: Charts Chapter 9: Event Procedures Chapter 10: Adding Controls Chapter 11: Text Files and File Dialog Chapter 12: Working with XML and the Open XML File Formats Chapter 13: UserForms Chapter 14: RibbonX Chapter 15: Command Bars Chapter 16: Class Modules Chapter 17: Add-ins Chapter 18: Automation Add-ins and COM Add-ins Chapter 19: Interacting with Other Office Applications Chapter 20: Data Access with ADO Chapter 21: Managing External Data Chapter 22: The Trust Center and Document Security Chapter 23: Browsing OLAP Data Sources with Excel Chapter 24: Excel and the Internet Chapter 25: International Issues Chapter 26: Programming the VBE Chapter 27: Programming with the Windows API Appendix A: Excel 2002 Object Model Appendix B: VBE Object Model Appendix C: Office 2007 Object Model Index


Get ready to take your Excel applications to the next level by harnessing the power of the VBA language. This comprehensive resource will help you gain more control over your spreadsheets by using VBA while also showing you how to develop more dynamic Excel applications for other users. From introductory concepts to advanced developer topics, it guides you through every aspect of Excel 2007, including the Ribbon and the XML file formats.   点击链接进入新版 :
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