
作者:江涛 编


  Will E-books Replace Traditionsl Books?  Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology. As a result, many electric inventions ,including E-books, have found their way into our everyday life and have gained increasing popularity among common people.  Its no wonder that some people hold the idea that E-books will replace traditional books sooner or later because E-books have various advantages over the traditional ones. To start with, all the E. books can be downloaded from theinternet directly, most of which are free of charge, while the traditional books in bookstores are much more expensive. Whats more, E-books can be stored more easily in our computers and are more convenient for people to carry around .Last but not the least, wading E-books has become a fashion in our life, which is particularly appealing to our young people.  As far as I am concerned, nowadays traditional books are still the leading means of reading. However, with thefur ther development of information technology and with the popularity of computer and internet, E-books will surely take the place of traditional books in the near future .Recent decades have seen the rapid development of information technology. As a result...Its no wonder that some people hold the idea that...because...To start with...Whats more, ...Last but not the least As far as I am concerned, nowadays traditional books are still the leading means of reading .However, with the further development of...


  江涛,原北外青年教师,曾任北京戴尔国际英语学校副校长(现被美国培生集团收购)主管留学培训业务。2001年后受多家培训机构之邀于全国范围内教授雅思,赴百多所知名高校演讲千余场。2003年推出《80天攻克雅思》丛书,名列国内各大销售榜榜首,远销台湾及东南亚地区,2004年和同乡兄长彭铁城(现新航道副总裁)创办华盛顿英语学校。2005年与成啦女士创办拳成教育,2007年受聘主持中央人民广播电台经济之声早间英语节日至今。2008年起制作并主持“英语大赢家”动画&真人电视栏目,在多家电视台播出。  至今出版各类英语教辅畅销类书籍百余册,千万余字,为畅销书作者。彭铁城  雅思口语教学专家,纽约大学计算语言学博士,原微软计算语言学家,现新航道国教育集团副总裁。









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