


Israel Epstein, Prominent Chinese Communist, Dies at 90June 2, 2005, NYTBy DOUGLAS MARTINIsrael Epstein, a journalist, author and propagandist for China whose passion for Communism was fueled in long interviews with Mao in the 1940's and was not dimmed by imprisonment during the Cultural Revolution, died last Thursday at a hospital in Beijing. He was 90.His death was announced by the official New China News Agency.Mr. Epstein edited China Today, an English-language Chinese newsmagazine, translated the sayings and writings of Mao and Deng Xiaoping and advised the Chinese government on how to polish its overseas image. He became a Chinese citizen, joined the Communist Party and served on official government and party committees.He and perhaps a dozen other aging foreign-born residents of Beijing were sometimes seen as the last true believers in a revolution that has sometimes seemed blurred by time's passage and China's embrace of free markets and consumerism.In 1996, The Observer, the London newspaper, said, "Perhaps the most loyal Communists in the country today are foreigners, veteran fellow travelers from a vanished era of idealism."Mr. Epstein hung Mao's portrait on his bedroom wall; knew the American journalist Edgar Snow well enough to help edit his books; was a protégé of the widow of Sun Yat-sen, the founder of China's first republic; and was able to say the five years he spent in prison on false charges during the Cultural Revolution had helped improve him by shrinking his ego. For decades China's top leaders visited him on his birthdays."My basic ideas have not changed," he told The Observer. "I see no reason to change them."Israel Epstein was born on April 20, 1915, in Warsaw, then under Russian control. His father was imprisoned by the czarist authorities for leading a labor uprising, and his mother was once exiled to Siberia."The earliest influence on me came from my socialist parents," Mr. Epstein said in an interview with China Daily in 2003.After the outbreak of World War I, his father was sent by his company to Japan to develop business in the Pacific region. As the German Army approached Warsaw, his mother, with him in her arms, fled the city and traveled east to be reunited with her husband. After experiencing anti-Jewish sentiment in several places, they settled in Tianjin in north China. He was then 2.Mr. Epstein began his career as a journalist at 15, working for the Tianjin-based Peking and Tientsin Times, an English-language newspaper. He covered China's struggle against Japanese invaders for United Press and other Western news organizations.In 1941, a short item in The New York Times reported that he had been killed, but it later turned out that he had faked his death to divert the Japanese who were hunting him. He anonymously submerged into a Japanese internment camp for a while.Mr. Epstein became acquainted with Mr. Snow after his editor assigned him to review one of Mr. Snow's books, and Mr. Snow showed him his classic "Red Star Over China" before it was published. Mr. Snow reciprocated by reading Mr. Epstein's unpublished works.In Hong Kong, Mr. Epstein worked with Soong Ching Ling, Sun Yat-sen's widow, whom he had met in left-wing political activities in the 1930's. She arranged for him to visit Mao, Zhou Enlai and their revolutionary comrades at their base in China's northwest in 1944, and Mr. Epstein said his conversations in a cave with Mao had changed his life.In 1944, Mr. Epstein visited Britain, then spent the next five years in the United States, where he published "The Unfinished Revolution in China" to good reviews. Other books he wrote were first published in Chinese and included "From Opium War to Liberation" in 1954, "Tibet Transformed" in 1983 and "Woman in World History: Soong Ching Ling" in 1993.In 1951, Ms. Soong invited him to return to China to edit China Reconstructs, later renamed China Today. He was editor in chief until his retirement at 70, and then editor emeritus.His five years in prison during the Cultural Revolution, on charges of plotting against Zhou, ended in 1973 with a personal apology from Zhou and a restoration of his exalted position.His prominence in China was suggested by the annual talks Mao had with him. Deng attended Mr. Epstein's retirement reception in 1985. On April 17, the Chinese president, Hu Jintao, visited him and praised his "special contributions" to China.Mr. Epstein first wife, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmeley, died in 1984. He is survived by his wife, Wan Bi, two children and two stepchildren.He will be buried at the Babaoshan Cemetery for Revolutionaries. 沉痛悼念中国人民和中共的共同朋友——爱泼斯坦文/安替几个星期前,我在北京风入松书店旧书区买下这本《见证中国——爱泼斯坦回忆录》的时候,压根不会想到,他会在5月26日上午逝世。今天官方已经发了新闻稿,详细的情况大家可以看新闻。对于我来说,爱泼斯坦是中国人民绝对不能忘记的好朋友。他在抗日战争期间,积极报道中国抗战英勇战果、揭露日军罪行、向西方呼吁支援中国军队和人民,这是中国人民的恩人。他那时为联合通讯社(UPI)工作,也为《纽约时报》写署名稿件。我查到了他1943年4月11日在纽时发表的《中国经典胜利凸显今日危机——5年前的台儿庄战役给予中国人新信心》,各位读者和新闻界的朋友可以回顾一下爱泼斯坦当年为战火下的中国鼓与呼的记录。他也写过一系列关于中国人民反帝和抗战的书籍,相信官方新闻会有详细介绍。他在抗战期间所做的一切,无愧于一个伟大的新闻记者的称号。另外一方面,爱泼斯坦也是中共的好朋友,甚至他本人就是中共党员。作为左翼战士,他在《人民日报》发表的第一篇文章就是抨击美国麦卡锡主义政府对亲华记者的审判、以及限制记者来华报道。从某个方面说,爱泼斯坦倒是没冤枉美国,那的确是美国至今不堪回首的年代。不过,对记者来华报道的限制当然不主要来源于美国。在60年代,中国一共有33个驻华外电记者,其中只有两个西方人,一个就是所谓美国《国民卫队报》记者爱泼斯坦,另外就是法新社记者Jacques Marcuse。后者在《纽约时报》1964年5月24日发表了长篇报道:《来自共产中国的(限制)报道》,介绍了在中国外电记者的情况。值得我们注意的是,爱泼斯坦显然深深卷入了中国的内部政治。以下转载的是他在《人民日报》发表的为文革叫好、批评刘少奇的文章。爱泼斯坦就是这样,爱中国,甚至成为了中国人,也经历了那个年代中国人都要经历的对自己和对别人的折磨。让我们用一个全面、没有粉饰的爱泼斯坦来悼念这个伟大中国人的逝世。他就是我们自己。



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