
作者:王关富 编


  On the other hand, if some countries intervene unilaterally, nominal exchange rates areaffected; goods priced in the currency of those countries become cheaper when purchasedwith dollars. The experience of the 1930s shows that this sort of situation breeds tradedisputes and can trigger a protectionist response.  So what can be done to discourage the U.S. from retaliating against countries that pushdown the value of their own currencies? The most important tool for resisting protectionistsentiment in the 1930s was a monetary policy that promoted economic growth. Such policiesworked during that era, when prices were falling and unemployment was unusually high,and the situation is similar today, if not as extreme. If fears of deflation were to subside andemployment were to expand more rapidly, the pressure for a protectionist response fromWashington would dissipate. When the economy is performing well, currency disputesbecome background noise 2.   ……?


chapter 1 why china works chapter 2 a changed global reality chapter 3 time to rebalance chapter 4 the incredible shrinking europe chapter 5 japan goes from dynamic to disheartened chapter 6 goodbye, free trade? chapter 7 can detroit be retooled —— before it's too late? chapter 8 the decade of steve chapter 9 beyond bretton woods 2 chapter 10 the alchemists of finance chapter 11 among the fringers chapter 12 global m&a chapter 13 the business of making money chapter 14 patagonia: blueprint for green business


《商务英语阅读(第2版)》从2002年出版至今已快10年时间了。在这期间,世界发生了巨 变,尤其是仍在继续的这次金融危机和经济萧条给世界带来的变化如此之大,以至人们 的思想观念和财经理论发生了颠覆性的变化,国际市场受到强烈震动,国际经济格局被 重新洗牌。为及时反映这些变化,使读者通过学习本教材就能基本掌握世界经济和国际 市场的演变与趋势,更新、再版《商务英语阅读(第2版)》已是刻不容缓。另外,该书自首版以 来,承蒙国内商务英语界专家和同仁的厚爱,得到了大家普遍的肯定和认可,国内多所 高校一直使用该书。近年许多朋友和同仁也通过各种渠道和途径跟我联系,希望能尽快 在首版的基础上再版,以便学生能紧跟国际经济形势变化。




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  •     正版,满意!
  •     商务英语阅读
  •     英文阅读利器
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