牛津迷你词典 The Oxford Minireference Dictionary and Thesaurus

作者:Sara Hawker


PrefaceHow to use the Oxford Minireference Dictionary & ThesauruspronunciationAbbreviationsDictionary


The Oxford Minireference Dictionary & Thesaurus, now with an attractive new cover, is clearer, more accurate, and easier to use than any other combined dictionary/thesaurus reference. Where other combined volumes print a separate dictionary and thesaurus text across the same page (for an approximate match), The Oxford Minireference Dictionary and Thesaurus is the only mini to combine both dictionary and thesaurus features within individual entries. Each set of synonyms is keyed to a particular dictionary sense and definition for greater accuracy and ease of use, and the unique integrated entries allow for quick and easy one-stop reference. With 30,000 dictionary entries and a massive 115,000 synonyms, this is the most useful and helpful minidictionary and thesaurus combination available.

 牛津迷你词典 The Oxford Minireference Dictionary and Thesaurus下载 更多精彩书评



精彩书评 (总计1条)

  •     这本同义词绝没有过多的解释,连音标也没有,完全是一个个同义词的列举,但是这收录的同义词非常之全,而且更多倾向于正规大词,书面高雅用词,短语同义词也基本省略,适合单词量超大的喜欢研究同义词的读者.当你在每个词条中联想起数十个意义相似却略有区别,各有侧重的优美单词.你就会感叹到英文的词汇别有一种汉语词汇所不一样的丰富.汉语的同义词基本是有一个字相同,但英语不是.这本字典适合携带,将极大地丰富你的词汇量.每天翻开它就会是一种乐趣.谁能帮我买到它啊.找遍了网上的书店,无一不是缺货.

精彩短评 (总计1条)

  •     只有一巴掌那么大,500多页,而且其中的词条连音标都没有!诠释简单!

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