


  1.  “Life expectancy”is the average age at death of theentire live-born population.In the middle of thenineteenth century,life expectancy in North Americawas 40 years,whereas now it is nearly 80 years.Thus,in those days,people must have beenconsidered old at an age that we now consider theprime of life.  Which of the following,if true,undermines theargument above?  (A) In the middle of the nineteenth century,thepopulation of North America was significantlysmaller than it is today.  (B) Most of the gains in life expectancy in the last150 years have come from reductions in thenumber of infants who die in their first yearOf life.  (C) Many of the people who live to an advanced agetoday do so only because of medical technolog3that was unknown in the nineteenth century.  (D)The proportion of people who die in theirseventies is significantly smaller today than is th,proportion of people who die in their eighties.  (E) More people in the middle of the nineteenthcentury engaged regularly in vigorous physicalactivity than do so today.  2.  Scientists propose placing seismic stations on thefloor of the Pacific Ocean to warn threatened coastalcommunities on the northwestern coast of the UnitedStates of approaching tidal waves caused byearthquakes.Since forewarned communities couldtake steps to evacuate,many of the injuries anddeaths that would otherwise occur could be avoidedif the government would implement this proposal.  The answer to which of the following questionswould be most important in determining whetherimplementing the proposal would be likely to achievethe desired result?  (A) When was the Iast time that the coastalcommunities were threatened by an approachingtidal wave?  (B)How far below sea Ievel would the stations belocated?  (C) Would there be enough time after receivingwarning of an approaching tidal wave forcommunities to evacuate safely?  (D)How soon after a tidal wave hits land is it safefor evacuees to return to their communities?  (E) Can the stations be equipped to collect andrelay information about phenomena other thantidal waves caused by earthquakes?  3.  Homeowners aged 40 to 50 are more likely topurchase ice cream and are more likely to purchaseit in larger amounts than are members of any otherdemographic group.The popular belief that teenagerseat more ice cream than adults must,therefore,be false.  The argument is flawed primarily because the author  (A) fails to distinguish between purchasing andconsuming  (B)does not supply information about homeownersin age groups other than 40 to 50  (C)depends on popular belief rather than ondocumented research findings  (D)does not specify the precise amount of icecream purchased by any demographic group  (E)discusses ice cream rather than more nutritiousand healthfuJI foods  4.  According to a prediction of the not-so-distant futurepublished in 1940。electricity would revolutionizeagriculture.Electrodes would be inserted into the soil。and the current between them would kill bugs andweeds and make crop plants stronger.Which 0f the following。if true。most strongly indicatesthat the Iogic of the prediction above is flawed?


1.0 What Is the GMAT?1.1 Why Take the GMAT Test?1.2 GMAT Test Format1.3 What Is the Content of the Test Like?1.4 Quantitative Section1.5 Verbal Section1.6 What Computer Skills Will l Need?1.7 What Are the Test Centers Like?1.8 How Are Scores Calculated?1.9 Analytical Writing Assessment Scores1.10 Test Development Process2.0 How to Prepare2.1 How Can I Best Prepare to Take the Test?2.2 What About Practice Tests?2.3 How Should I Use the Diagnostic Test?2.4 Where Can I Get Additional Practice?2.5 General Test-Taking Suggestions3.0 Diagnostic Test3.1 Quantitative Sample Questions3.2 Verbal Sample Questions3.3 Quantitative and Verbal Answer Keys3.4 Interpretive Guide3.5 Quantitative Answer Explanations3.6 Verbal Answer Explanations4.0 Math Review4.1 Arithmetic4.2 Algebra4.3 Geometry4.4 Word Problems5.0 Problem Solving5.1 Test-Taking Strategies5.2 The Directions5.3 Sample Questions5.4 Answer Key5.5 Answer Explanations6.0 Data Sufficiency6.1 Test-Taking Strategies6.2 The Directions6.3 Sample Questions6.4 Answer Key6.5 Answer Explanations7.0 Reading Comprehension7.1 What Is Measured7.2 Test-Taking Strategies7.3 The Directions7.4 Sample Questions7.5 Answer Key7.6 Answer Explanations8.0 Critical Reasoning8.1 What Is Measured8.2 Test-Taking Strategies8.3 The Directions8.4 Sample Questions8.5 Answer Key8.6 Answer Explanations9.0 Sentence Correction9.1 Basic English Grammar Rules9.2 Study Suggestions9.3 What Is Measured9.4 Test-Taking Strategies9.5 The Directions9.6 Sample Questions9.7 Answer Key9.8 Answer Explanations10.0 AnalyticaIWriting Assessment10.1 What Is Measured10.2 Test-Taking Strategies10.3 The Directions10.4 GMAT Scoring Guide: Analysis of an Issue10.5 Sample: Analysis of an Issue10.6 Analysis of an Issue Sample Topics10.7 GMAT Scoring Guide: Analysis of an Argument10.8 Sample: Analysis of an Argument10.9 Analysis of an Argument Sample TopicsAppendix A Percentile Ranking TablesAppendix B Answer SheetsDiagnostic Answer SheetProblem Solving Answer SheetData Sufficiency Answer SheetReading Comprehension Answer SheetCritical Reasoning Answer SheetSentence Correction Answer Sheet


  GMAC(GMAT考试的命题机构)中国大陆唯一授权;《GMAT官方指南》是GMAT考试必备参考书;800道全真试题,涵盖GMAT考试所有题型,并配有全面的答案解析;测试练习部分(diagnostic section)帮助考生评估从何着手复习重点;题目按难易程度排列,节省考生时间;针对GMAT数学部分,进行综合性数学复习;全新的语法复习涵盖GAMT语文部分所有概念;真实作文题目、回答范例及评分信息。


The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition is the only book on the market written by the creators of the GMAT exam. Inside you’ll find more than 800 actual GMAT questions from previous tests with answers and detailed explanations. There’s also a grammar review, math review, actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information insights into the GMAT exam that debunk test-taking myths. Plus, use the diagnostic section to pinpoint your skill level and focus on the areas where you need the most help.
Dear Future Business Leader,
By using this book to prepare for the GMAT® test, you are taking a very important step toward gaining admission to a high-quality business or management program and achieving a rewarding career in management. I applaud your decision.
Th e Graduate Management Admission Council® developed the GMAT test more than 50 years ago to help leading graduate schools of business and management choose the applicants who best suit their programs. Today, the test is used by more than 1,800 graduate programs and is given to test takers daily in more than 110 countries around the world. Programs that use GMAT scores in selective admissions have helped establish the MBA degree as a hallmark of excellence worldwide.
Why do GMAT scores matter so much? Other admissions factors—such as work experience, grades, admissions essays, and interviews—can say something about who you are and what you have done in your career, but only your GMAT scores can tell schools how you are likely to perform academically in the business school courses that are fundamental to the MBA degree. In fact, the test has been proven reliable as a predictor of academic performance for more than half a century.
In other words, business schools that require you to take the GMAT really care about the quality of their student body. And excellent MBA students mean a stronger MBA program, a more enriching learning environment, and a more valuable degree for you to take into the business world. By enrolling in a school that uses the GMAT test for your graduate business degree, you will maximize the value of your degree, and that value will pay off in many ways, throughout your career.
I wish you great success in preparing for this important next step in your professional education, and I wish you a very rewarding management career.
David A. Wilson
President and CEO
Graduate Management


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精彩书评 (总计3条)

  •     OG相对简单大家记得多看看GWD的题目比较有代表性做题的速度需要跟上可以在线考试玩玩
  •     这本书很适合喜欢学习和准备各种考试的人群,考GMAT上的学习的资料和题库都很好,老师们针对不同的人群都量身定做了不同的试题和阅读,不论学习者的水平在什么程度,都可以让自己在短的时间内水平有很大的提升,无论是阅读还是试题都让你做的得心应手.
  •     每次看到都很绝望,密密麻麻的字里面全都是晦涩的英文。它披着红衣主教的外衣,让我们这些信奉着梦想的人不断地去膜拜,然后我们不断吐出的鲜血又让它更加的鲜艳。不过终究有一天,它会成为我们手中那块最坚实的砖敲开另一种人生的大门。

精彩短评 (总计59条)

  •     官方的书,肯定不会差
  •     考试考完了,可以卖了。
  •     真是又爱又恨
  •     题蛮多 (忍住想爆粗的欲望
  •     GMAT的精华所在。。。多少遍都不为过。。。
  •     大厚书看了N遍~~
  •     搞定,波澜不惊
  •     鸡马特,大亮了一次!!我真心想说OG,你的答案解释的就是一坨屎!很想打一颗星啊有木有,但是我怕GMAC也只给我打一颗星啊,看在姐的五颗星不是乱打的份儿上,,,别在来印第安水权这种狗屁不通的东西好吗?
  •     sigh
  •     哈哈,学习GMAT的盟友无处不在,还能想着来豆瓣打个分~共勉!
  •     做完了还有电子版,prep和GWD。。。。。TAT......
  •     经典留学必备
  •     一机试才知道 OG上的题目简直弱爆了 不过语法和用词确实蛮正的
  •     变身复习G的状态
  •     generally speaking, it's awkward and wordy ╭(╯^╰)╮
  •     一系列丛书
  •     放弃刷分,就这样吧。
  •     又要开始刷题了!
  •     以此小红书纪念一下那段疯狂备考的日子。。。
  •     若有缘日后见
  •     没什么意外应该不会再考了吧
  •     GMATK考试必备
  •     书挺好的,只是贵了点
  •     现在做觉得已经没有很大难度了……不如做vebal的时候有意思 现在变成了苦逼
  •     拜了!!!
  •     kiss gmat goodbye~
  •     。。。。。。。这辈子不想再读了。
  •     这本我阴错阳差有三本 自己留了一本 都送人了
  •     书不错,快递烂
  •     THAT'S ALL.
  •     dt...
  •     阿弥陀佛。
  •     读了五六遍了,再也不想读了
  •     就特多遍
  •     OG就是最好的指南!
  •     为神马别人三天就可以干掉的书我足足看了一个月啊啊啊……
  •     暂时性地告别一下
  •     即使你虐我千百遍。。。。。。已经泣不成声歇斯底里说不下去了。。。。。唉。。。
  •     想起啃下来过就很有激情
  •     这个不是我在用
  •     The only thing I care at the moment...
  •     真正觉得自己有定力的就是读这本书语法的时候
  •     不错,还可以,朋友很喜欢
  •     加油↖(^ω^)↗
  •     Aug 15th, 2011 Amazon nikkiyang
  •     nightmare
  •     好贵。
  •     。。。!?* * *
  •     如果短时间内要考试的筒子我不建议读这本书 因为考试题普遍比这本书要难 管卫东的不错
  •     读多少遍都不为过
  •     虽然有些地方比10版而言不够细致,但还是不错的版本。
  •     totally shit!
  •     嚼烂它!!
  •     求720+
  •     OG 考试必备
  •     题比较简单的。被我扔了一本,巨贵的,虽然不是我的,但是想起来也心疼啊。
  •     做完了还是么感觉啊啊啊!
  •     快让我考完吧 我不想再考一次了><
  •     杀了你

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