《新世纪汉英大词典 第二版》书评



P236:没收“充气轮胎“;意外地收了”给轮胎充气“pump up a tyre;P237:终于收入了“充值卡”top-up card,这一点比陆谷孙《中华汉英大词典》强,因为后者P282没收top-up card; P397:“冬瓜”的译文收了wax gourd, white gourd,却没收winter melon。而winter melon其中一个意思就是冬瓜,见于AHD5的P1987。当然,winter melon还可以指honeydew melon和crenshaw。(2016年8月9日) AHD5原文:winter melon:A tendril-bearing, sprawling annual plant (Benincasa hispida) widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical Asia for its waxy-skinned edible fruit. b. The fruit of this plant, often cooked as a vegetable or boiled and sweetened as a confection. Also called【 wax gourd】。. P526:“钢筋”的译文漏收了最常用的rebarP641:漏收”海归“的译文overseas returnee;
P630: “国库”的译文漏收了state coffer。而这种说在国外很常见的,最近的例证就是关于冈比亚总统携款潜逃的新闻。他走之后,国库都空虚了。“The Gambia 'missing millions' after Jammeh flies into exile.State coffers are said to be empty as troops secure Banjul for the return of President Adama Barrow.来源:http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-38714007 P668:没收“黑材料”P742: “祸不单行”的译文可补充“bad moments tend to be grouped together”。 When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions

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