


燃灯尼师于1964年5月9日的卫塞节出生在缅甸。很年轻的时候,每次只要有僧众从她附近经过,就会对他们充满着虔敬之心。25岁时,她毅然放弃了大学学位,寻求更高的佛法智慧,而在帕奥禅师(Pa Auk Sayadaw)座下出家。身为缅甸上座部佛教的尼师,至今仍然持守着十戒。透过教导禅修来分享佛法成为她一生的使命。1995年始,她离开缅甸陆续到新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、泰国、斯里兰卡、澳洲、德国、英国、美国、加拿大、台湾、香港、日本与韩国等地教学,并在她的祖国,缅甸举办长期的禅修营。展开了她觉醒有情之旅。燃灯尼师走遍不同文化的国家,坚持着为那些极度真诚想修行的人传播教法。由于她对居士们的慈心和悲悯,学生与日俱增。现在,许多世界各地的学生都邀请她到他们的家园和国家指导禅修。在燃灯尼师的构思、设计和监督之下,兴建了位于缅甸眉谬(Maymyo)的梵住禅院,并慷慨地提供此良好的环境给其他的修行者。禅修者受益于她深切的意欲,无形中如实地学习《清净之道》和巴利三藏。尼师奉献着精力于世界各地分享佛法,藉由供养资具使学生们能续住在梵住禅院从事较长时间的禅修。一整年里尼师遍游到有人想要学习的地方,仅留给自己不多自修和休息的时间。燃灯尼师除了指导修习止、观的四十种业处之外,也教示身为一名佛教徒所必须涵养和体现的人格品质……


This book is a collection of a series of dhammatalks by our meditation teacher, Venerable Sayalay Dīpaṅkara.
Over the years as we collected her Dhamma Teachings through audio recording, Sayalay has rarely allowed distribution of her voice recordings much less her image in the public domain.
Her humility in her teachings and spoken English, have been the main reasons for 'not sharing' although any student of hers know in their hearts, she gave her fullest in every talk and retreat.
In handling these talks, we try at our best to do a word-for-word transcription first. Sayalay's use of simple English relates the profound teachings effectively. It is this very style we hope we may retain, as well as the dhamma.
Most of the Pāli terms are not capitalized by its grammatical rule and have specific conjugation in its sentence use. We wish to maintain its integrity and succinct characteristic in its written expression. It is advisable for readers not to develop attachment to its English translations.
We hope all Buddhists may nd this a breathing-work of dhamma by the author- inspiring, compassionate, beautiful, and deeply personal.





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