

All the suffering of human beings are due to ego-self

1. All is sufferingThe nature of the univer is ever-changing and constantly flowing. Change is the true essence of the universe. Therefore, all phenomena of the universe originate from the interaction and synchronicity of preconditioned factors occurring at the same time and spaceHuman beings evaluate everything based on their own perspective of benefit. Anything that is beneficial to me is happiness, while anything that is not benefical to me is pain. Nevertheless, all living things follow the evolving rule of birth, existence, deviation and disappearnce. All things that are pretty and lovely in the present will definitely become different, become worse, and become ruined- thus cause the pain of separation from all events and objects that we long forToday's beauty, youth and strength will be the cause of pain when we are no longer beautiful, young and strong. Therefore, Buddha says, "All is suffering."2. Methods of cultivation to achieve the elimination of suffering The Essential Universal Truth is the method to terminate suffering and reach eternal joy.human beings suffer because of the ego-self - the inner feelings come from our values and expections in regard to the external world For human beings to terminate suffering, we first need to understand that the values of everthing in the external world (transient nature of every living things) and the feelings of our inner world, are both formed by our own mind. The mind is the guid of the body. The mind thinks, and the body follows in action. Humans need to conquertheir body and mind and be their own master. The first important thing is to discipline your mind. Once your own mind submits to control, the boy will naturally obey. Human beings should cleanse the consciousness of the ego-self. Do not allow greed,resentment and a vicious mind remain in the exitence of self-consciousness, this is how the mind automatically becomes pure. A human being has the concept of a separate "I" , therefore, when he faces a certaintime and space, he thinks about changing that particulartime and space and positioning himself against that time and space. If a human at any time and place can dissolve into that particular time and spce, then he will become one with essence of that time and spcae.To reach teh other shore of wisdom as well as eternal peace and joy, the sequence of learning is abiding by concepts, centring the mind through meditation and developing wisdom. Abidibg by the precepts and living a simple lifestyle, as well as staying away from evil deeds, will minimize any emotions. Centring the mind through medition-without any daydreaming - will keep desires and greed far way. By observing our own mind carefully, we wll come to the true understanding of the formation of suffering, as well as disapperance of suffering- the ultimate wisdom.3. Be the real master of one's own body and mindEvery person has the inner ability to evolve.We must depend upon our inner guidance to direct us to the right path; we must depend upon the proper method to march in the right direction. Each of us has to help ourselves to salvation; nobody else is capable of our salvation.ordinary people often only consider the short-term benefit of the ego=self of "I". They calculate those menial and short-lived benefits inch by inch, becoming ecstatic over them and worried sick over them. The wise ones choose to let go of small ego-self and orient themselves towrds the long-term goal of wholeness.Wise poeple dissolves himself without ego into all space, into all time, bacuse he can achieve this kind of state of mind- nirvana。Wit, with awareness, we should seek the secrets of our own spirits and enrich our inner content, we should march towards inner evolution and development in mental quality.Evemtually, we will fin that joy brought about by modifyingh our body and mind, and developing mental trasures in so suprisingly sweet and permanent...


我向所有真理实相的追求者致敬。开首之先,我们要知道,真理是如其所如的。你们无法改变真理,你们要如其所如的接受它。很可惜,以人类的知觉,我们不能知道真理。要有一些事情发生在我们身上,我们才可以知道真理。因此,在所有的经典,如法句经,圣经、印度的经典或古兰经都说,你们要通过得到自觉而有一种内在的改变。这便是"Buddha"(佛)这个字的意思。Buddha是梵文,"Bu"的意思是在你们的中枢神经知道真理。   在我们进化的过程中,我们现在成为人。还有一小步,我们便可以得到觉悟的境界,即佛的境界。佛陀,还有耆那教的大雄,他们生在大约相同的世代,他们都很热切希望人们得到他们的自觉。他们都不说神。因为如果他们说神的话,那些人便只会拜神,而不去追求自觉。但如果没有自觉,我们便不能吸收任何宗教原理在我们之中。   例如,你可以是佛教徒、基督徒、印度教徒或回教徒,却可以犯下任何罪恶。这有甚么分别呢?所有这些只是个招牌。我们要真正成为得到觉悟的人。   无论我向你们说甚么,你们都不要盲目接受。你们要好像科学家那样,保持开放的头脑,将我的话看成是一个假设。但如果这个假设被证实,那么作为诚实的人,你们便要接受它。   你们刚才已听过内在能量系统的介绍,那是内在于你们的。当灵量提升起来,穿过六个能量中心,最后穿越头顶,你便变成是个得到觉醒的人。你们不能有意去静坐,而是要在静坐之中。有两个关于你们的真理你们要知道。从基本来说,你不是这个身体、这个思维、这个自我和超我、这个情感、这个头脑,你们都是纯洁的灵。这是我们要去成为的,为此你们内在才有这个能量系统。 ——著名的霎哈嘉瑜伽创始人锡玛塔吉



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