
作者:Sbelley Powers


插图:Using the object property approach, you don't have to add event handlers as attributesinto element tags, but instead can add them into the JavaScript itself. We'll get intomore details on event handlers and more advanced forms of event handling beginningin Chapter 7. In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the document object.The document Browser ObjectExample 1-2, as small as it is, used one of the most powerful objects available in yourbrowser: the document object. The document object is, for all intents and purposes, arepresentation of the page, including all of the elements within it. It's through thedocument that we can access the page contents, and as you've just seen, it's through thedocument that we can also modify the page contents.The document has collections mapped to page elements, such as all the images or formelements in the page. It also has methods that you can use to both access and alter theweb page, including the open, writein, and dose methods used in Example 1-2.The open method opens the document for writing. In Example 1-2, the documentopened was the same document with which the script is contained. The writein methodis a variation of the write method, which outputs a string of text to the document. Theonly difference between write and writeln is that writein also appends a newline char-acter following the text. The dose method closes the document, and also forces theimmediate rendering of the document contents.An unfortunate consequence of writing to the existing document after the page is loadedis that the existing contents of the document are erased. That's why when you openthe page you'll see the "Hello, World!" message but you won't see the "Hi" that'salready in the page.


JavaScript was originally intended to be a scripting interface between a web page loadedin the browser client (Netscape Navigator at the time) and the application on the server.Since its introduction in 1995, JavaScript has become a key component of web devel-opment, and has found uses elsewhere as well.This book covers the JavaScript language, from its most primitive data types that havebeen around since the beginning of the language, to its most complex features, includ-ing those that have to do with Ajax and dynamic page effects. After reading this book,you will have the basics you need to work with even the most sophisticated librariesand web applications.AudienceReaders of this book should be familiar with web page technology, including CascadingStyle Sheets (CSS) and HTML/XHTML. Previous programming experience isn'trequired, though some sections may require extra review if you have no previousexposure to programming.This book should help:Anyone who wants, or needs, to integrate JavaScript into his own personal websiteor sitesAnyone who uses a content-management tool, such as a weblogging tool, andwants to better understand the scripting components incorporated into her tooltemplatesWeb developers who seek to integrate JavaScript and some of the dynamic webpage/Ajax features into their websitesWeb service developers who want to develop for a new market of clientsTeachers who use web technologies as either the focus or a component of theircourses


作者:(美国)Sbelley Powers


Preface1. Hello JavaScript! Hello World! Hello World! Once Again  The script Tag  JavaScript Versus ECMAScript Versus JScript  Defining Functions in JavaScript  Event Handlers  The document Browser Object  The property Operator  The var Keyword and Scope  Statements  Comments  What You Didn't See: HTML Comments and CDATA Sections. JavaScript Files Accessibility and JavaScript Best Practices  Accessibility Guidelines  noscript2. JavaScript Data Types and Variables Identifying Variables  Naming Guidelines Primitive Types The String Data Type  String Escape Sequences  String Encoding  Converting to Strings The Boolean Data Type The Number Data Type The null and undefined Variables Constants: Named but Not Variables    Test Your Knowledge: Quiz    Test Your Knowledge: Answers3. Operat0rs and Statements  The Format of a JavaScript Statement  The Assignment Statement  The Arithmetic Operators   The Unary Operators   Operator Precedence   A Handy Shortcut: Assignment with Operation   The Bitwise Operators  Conditional Statements and Program Flow   The if...else Conditional Statement   The switch Conditional Statement  The Conditional Operators   The Equality and Identity (String Equality) Operators   Other Relational Operators   The One and Only JavaScript Ternary Operator  The Logical Operators  Advanced Statements: The Loops   The while Loop   The do...while Loop   The for Loops  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers4. The JavaScript Objects  Primitive Data Types As Objects  Boolean, Number, and String   The Boolean Object   The Number Object, Static Properties, and Instance Methods  The String Object  Regular Expressions and RegExp   The RegExp Methods: test and exec   Working with Regular Expressions  The Date Object  The Math Object   The Math Properties   The Math Methods  JavaScript Arrays   FIFO Queues  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers5. Functions  Declarative Functions   Function Naming Conventions and Size  Function Returns and Arguments  Anonymous Functions  Function Literals   Functions and Recursion   Nested Functions, Function Closure, and Memory Leaks   Callback Functions  Function Type Summary  Function Scope  Function As Object  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers6. Troubleshooting, Debugging, and Cross-Browser Issues  Simple Ways to Debug  Development and Debugging Tools by Browser   Firefox and Firebug   Using console.log   Firefox, the Web Developer Toolkit, and NoScript   Opera and Dragonfly   Safari/WebKit and the Web Inspector   Internet Explorer  Dealing with Cross-Browser Differences   Object Detection   Where Object Detection Fails   DOCTYPE, X-UA-Compatible, and Quirks Mode   Breaking Backward Compatibility: The IE8 http-equiv Meta Tag  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers7. Catching Events  The Events  Level 0 Event Handling  The Event Object  Event Bubbling  Event Handlers and this  The DOM Level 2 Event Model  Generating Events  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers8. Forms, Form Events, and Validation  Attaching Events to Forms: Different Approaches  Cross-Browser Event Handling  Canceling an Event  Selection  Dynamically Modifying the Selection  Selection and Auto-Selection  Radio Buttons and Checkboxes  The text, textarea, password, and hidden Input Elements  Text Validation  Input Fields and Regular Expression Validation  Forms, the Sandbox, and XSS  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers9. Browser As Puzzle Box  The Structure of the Browser at a Glance  The window Object  Creating and Controlling Windows  The Dialogs: alert, confirm, and prompt   Creating Custom Windows   Modifying a Window  Frames   The location Object   Remote Scripting with the iframe  Adding and Controlling Timers  The history, screen, and navigator Objects   The history Object   The screen Object   The navigator Object   The history, screen, and navigator Properties in Action  The Document Object   Links   Images  innerHTML  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers10. Cookies and Other Client-Side Storage Techniques  The JavaScript Sandbox and Cookie Security   The Same-Origin Security Policy   Using document.domain  All About Cookies  Storing and Reading Cookies  Flash Shared Objects, Google Gears, and HTML5 DOM Storage  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz  Test Your Knowledge: Answers11. The DOM, or Web Page As Tree  A Tale of Two Interfaces  The DOM HTML API  The DOM HTML Objects and Their Properties  DOM (HTML) Collections  Understanding the DOM: The Core API  The DOM Tree  Node Properties and Methods  The DOM Core Document Object Element and Access in Context Modifying the Tree Test Your Knowledge: Quiz Test Your Knowledge: Answers12. Dynamic Pages JavaScript, CSS, and the DOM  The Style Property/Attributes Fonts and Text  Font Style Properties  Text Properties Position and Movement  Dynamic Positioning  Drag-and-Drop Size and Clipping  Overflow and Dynamic Content  The Clipping Rectangle Display, Visibility, and Opacity  The Right Tool for the Right Effect  Just-in-Time Information Revisiting the DOM: Collapsing Forms, Query Selectors, and Class Names Test Your Knowledge: Quiz Test Your Knowledge: Answers13. Creating Custom lavaScript Objects The JavaScript Object and Prototyping  Prototyping Creating Your Own Custom JavaScript Objects  Enter the Function   Public and Private Properties and Where this Enters the Picture   Getters and Setters  Object Encapsulation  Chaining Constructors and JavaScript Inheritance  One-Off Objects Object Libraries: Packaging Your Objects for Reuse  Advanced Error Handling Techniques (try, throw, catch)  Test Your Knowledge: Quiz Test Your Knowledge: Answers14. Moving Outside the Page with Ajax How Ajax Works Hello Ajax World! The XMLHttpRequest Object and Preparing to Send the Request  Object, Object, Who Has the Object?  The XMLHttpRequest Methods Processing the Web Request Return  Checking the readyState and status of an Ajax Request  Processing the Web Request Result Ajax: It's Not Only Code  The Dynamic Nature of Ajax  Ajax Accessibility and Degrading Gracefully  Security and Workarounds JavaScript and Ajax Libraries Test Your Knowledge: Quiz Test Your Knowledge: Answers15. Ajax Data: XML oriSON? XML-Formatted Ajax Results  The Data's MIME Type  Generating the XML on the Server  Processing the XML on the Client JavaScript Object Notation  A Simple JSON Application  The JSON Object Test Your Knowledge: Quiz Test Your Knowledge: AnswersIndex









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